Critters trying to eat my dog lately

@saundyl (9783)
June 25, 2012 12:08pm CST
Living on a farm i see alot of deer around. From time to time in the summer theres a bear that comes for apples. about 2 months ago was a new one for me...a Eagle tried to steal my little dog right out of my yard...fortunately for me she's a little chunky and the eagle dropped her. Poor little dog was scared to be out in the open for weeks! She had some nasty nasty gouges where the eagle's talons got her. But she healed up VERY nicely. Yesterday i was making supper and my little dog starts to yip and bark and comes flying across the yard from the apple trees (she was within the house fenceline) and up onto the deck...something moving FAST across the cattle pasture towards the fence catches my eye. It slows downs...and its a coyote...which proceeds to lay down about 15 feet from my deck and slink on its belly closer and closer to where my pup is. Well at this point i got mad. i opened the door and grabbed the old frying pan i use to feed the cats in...and i threw it at the creep. Well it howled and took off when i nailed it in the head. Hopefully its learnt its lesson! Do you have wildlife come close to your house? Has it ever tried to eat your pets??
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17 responses
• United States
25 Jun 12
Good gracious! Your poor little dog! lol I can't imagine an eagle trying to scoop up my cat, I would probably be scared out of my wits that one was going to eat my poor baby. I'm glad the area that I live in is pretty suburban. There are coyotes around though, which is one of the main reasons I chose to keep my cat an indoor cat. The coyotes have been known to pick up little kitties like mine and little dogs and eat them. Oh, and nice aim with the frying pan there! Hope that critter learned its lesson.
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@GardenGerty (162783)
• United States
27 Jun 12 This is the link to my coyote story.
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
27 Jun 12
Oh your have been quite shocked to have all the emergency vehicles arriving!
• United States
27 Jun 12
Well, it was a good lucky shot in that case! I'm surprised it came back, maybe it's a glutton for punishment?
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@echoforever (5180)
• United States
25 Jun 12
Wow! Your poor little dog and you have bad luck recently! I apologize if this offends at all but the description of you tossing a frying pan and nailing a coyote in the head, made me laugh. Good aim! I am surprised at the eagle, so glad your pup was not taken farther away by the predatory bird. It brought to mind though a Sandra Bullock movie where that same thing was happening! I thought to myself, no way, that would never happen! But as it is, I suppose it does happen! Well be sure to watch out for your dog with wildlife that around and in broad daylight! That's a little crazy, for sure.
@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
25 Jun 12
It doesnt offend me... LOL i was shocked i even hit him/her. I saw that movie on friday on tv...went omg thats what happened to dragon! I think it was called the proposal? And the bird ends up taking her phone! Today my pup has come to work with me. She's VERY happy sleeping under my desk. So glad my building allows her to be here.
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
25 Jun 12
I will probably be investing in one...however i'm also in the process of deciding on a big move so if the move happens i shouldnt need one.
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• United States
25 Jun 12
Well that's good news also. Either way keeping your pup safe is what matters.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Jun 12
hi saundyl where have you been, havent see you post in ages. anyhway I lived on the tustin city limits a few years ago and the coyotes'would come down from the tustin hills. they carried off several kittens and hurt one small dog. Its a catch 22 situation as we built up into the hills and took away a lot of their forest'land so now they come down looking for food and take small pet instead. the coyotes here do not seem a bit afraid of us either, or they' are so hungry their minds are only on their prey . sad situation 'really.
2 people like this
• United States
25 Jun 12
Your situation you describe does sound a little sad and that people have caused and forced that to happen. Hopefully more will learn to keep their pets safe in these areas with fence or otherwise. So sorry you lost some kitties!
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
25 Jun 12
Hi Hatley. I lurk alot and respond to things alot, rarely make my own discussions :) It is definitely a catch 22...we took their they stay around. Its sad to loose pets and have them be hurt. They sure are brave. I was actually out on the deck when it was slinking up...didnt even pay me any attention til i threw things at it.
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• United States
25 Jun 12
Woah that is brave, and scary. So glad that you were home and aware of the situation.
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@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
26 Jun 12
Interesting lifestyle! I live in the suburbs so I don't have to worry about wild animals, but my past dog (yorkshire terrier) was killed by the neighbor's great dane. This happened many many years ago, but I was very devastated.
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
1 Aug 12
Yes i grew up on a farm. Love it! hated living in the city for school.
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
30 Jun 12
did you grow up in a farm? I think I'd like to still live in a city city as in metropolis for maybe one year.. but after that i'd run back to the suburbs.. I am interested in living in the countryside or a farm.. but I'm afraid i may not be used to it....
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@PageTurner (2825)
• United States
25 Jun 12
Hello saundyl You and your pup are fortunate that the eagle was not able to take it away. This happened to one of my friends with his dachsund, and like you, the eagle dropped him, but there were deep wounds from the talons. I have had little dogs and I have feared this happening as well. Once, a big hawk came very close to taking away my Scottie when he was a pup, but I was out with him and saw what was happening and shooed it away before it was too late. Thereafter, I did not let my pup outside unattended. I also had the misfortunte of having an alligator climb the fence in an attempt to get my dog. I had heard that the gators had climbed into neighbors yards and gotten their dogs. Fortunately, my dog was barking like crazy and I was able to put a stop to such shenanigans. I have had coyotes eat my chickens when I failed to put them in the coop. I am glad that your pup is okay. Peace. I love the world!!
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
25 Jun 12
I was very impressed with my pup how well she handled me cleaning the wounds..and the vet visit and the soakings every day afterwards. Never a growl or a bite just laid there and shook. I was never worried about it before (silly me!) Now i worry. You had an alligator in your yard??? OMG thats scary! how'd you stop it? We lost chickens with dogs or coyotes getting them. We also had a skunk get into our chicken coop.
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
27 Jun 12
That would be scary!
• United States
25 Jun 12
First, I got my dog to safety. Then I thought about shooing the gator away, but I knew that wouldn' be a good idea. So I considered calling animal control to come get it, but I was worried about it getting under the house. I destroyed it myself. I don't like doing these things, but it was what I determined to be for the best considering that there were children and other pets in the neighborhood.
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@BabyCheetah (1911)
• Australia
26 Jun 12
OMG what the hell? I read on another comment they come under the fence. You might need to redo your fence and make it go into the ground several feet deep so they can't dig under it and make it high so they can't jump over. Problems with eagles I can't really help you with that one but hopefully the fence will keep those pests out. I love animals so don't get me wrong but I laughed reading that you clocked that coyote with a frying pan. I'm just imagining Wile E Coyote :D
@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
27 Jun 12
Its a farm yard...barbed wire fence to keep the cattle out. Not really ever designed to keep dogs in and coyotes out.
• Australia
28 Jun 12
I assume it might be a pretty big farm but if someone could do that with the fence it may help if the coyotes are really causing a huge issue :(
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@ladybug565 (2216)
• United States
27 Jun 12
I used to live on a farm and once a hawk tried to steal a kitten but I scooped the little one up just in time. there were alot of wild animals there. but the hawk was the only one I ever had trouble with.
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
28 Jun 12
Thats lucky! I dont know if im just not home enoough that when me and my pup are home the wild animals are brave and consider my yard free game or what!
@allknowing (142804)
• India
26 Jun 12
Living in the wild has plus and minus points and I do feel for you little puppy. You better keep it indoors for a while till it is able to fight on its own and take it on a leash for a walk regularly. I have rather a wild garden with a lot of greenery which does attract reptiles sometimes. But my pet dog Preiti alerts us no sooner she spots one. She will not go hear it but give out a typical bark which we can recognise.
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
27 Jun 12
Shes doing very well. I've had her for 6 years its just the last few months things have decided she'd make a good lunch. I think we not having cattle on the quarter as much...and my neighbour now has sled dogs on his quarter about half a mile away the coyotes are moving closer to my place.
@garson (884)
• United States
16 Jul 12
What kind of dog is it? Why not keep the puppy indoor so it can stay safe?
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
18 Jul 12
Bischon shihtzu (sorry if that is spelt wrong). She is generally indoors but...she does have to go out to go to the bathroom sometimes. Also...she likes it outside sometimes for longer than just in and out to pee or for a walk. I have a yard...and its kinda mean to keep her trapped indoors all day.
@Octav1 (1419)
• Romania
26 Jun 12
Poor little dog, it's so scary for her out there! You have to be careful not to let her alone for too long. She seems to be in danger with all that wildlife around. I never heard anything similar in my country. It usually happens the opposite. The dogs scare and chase the wild animal that could come near the houses.
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
27 Jun 12
I think if she was a bigger dog like a German Shepard or a lab or a golden retriever...they wouldn't bother her as much as being a little bischon shiatsu
@Octav1 (1419)
• Romania
2 Jul 12
What if you bring a bigger dog to keep her company? She would not be alone and scared and no critters would dare to come close to her? You could adopt an adult dog from a shelter, because if you bring home a puppy from a large dog, he will be in danger, too.
• United States
25 Jun 12
Gosh! With so much wildlife around, doesn’t your dog live in the house? I know he will have to go out to use the bathroom, but I would be afraid to have him outside. I don’t know what else to say. I’m just feeling worried for that pup.
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
25 Jun 12
She spends most of her time inside. Summertime i tend to have a hard time convincing her that inside is nicer to be in than outside so i let her hang out til she asks to come in. Winter time shes out to pee and back in within minutes. If i'm outside she tends to be out with me too.
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• United States
25 Jun 12
I was thinking something similar. Either this or that the lil pup would be too scared to go outside at all soon!
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@Bhebelen14 (5194)
• Philippines
27 Jun 12
OMG! After reading your discussion I called my sister and asked about my dogs doing. I have 2 dogs but they living with my sister right now in the farm because I asked her to take care of them while I am here in the city working. Good thing that she only allowed my dogs to go out when her son accompained them. We dont have a big eagle in the farm but I am afraid that might some big snake will eat them.
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
27 Jun 12
I'm glad you checked on them! I worry about my pup. she stayed home in the house today while i'm at work.She likes coming with me but today she was all wet and stinky.
@Ciel08 (29)
26 Jun 12
we don't have any wildlife close to our home but once a crazy dog came to our yard and tried to eat the new born pups had long time ago what i did was i put the new born pups to a big cage mother with the just to be safe and every morning we let the mother out for a while and puts her back in so she can guard her pups.... coz the crazy dog keeps on coming back one time i saw it tried to eat the puppy that got out of the owners yard i had no choice but throw a small rock to stop the dogs... a big cage can help protect them till they are big enough to run in the yard with any one watching for a while..
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
27 Jun 12
OMG that would be upsetting! Poor puppies. I hope the big dog doesnt get to them again. We had a momma dog that tried to eat her pups when they were born. We had to supervise her every litter she had (we raised cocker spaniels when i was a kid)
@maxzo11 (24)
• Bulgaria
26 Jun 12
Hello Saundyl, we have a villa, there my grandma has animals, have chicken, dugs, dog, 2-3 cats, but to tell our neighbor. So he has a cow and horse. One night I heard what a wolf growl and went to drink the rever, wich is very close to the house.After 2 minutes came a few wolves. Neighbor forgot to collect the horse and the cow in the meadow near the house. Our dog start barking. Wolves attacked the cow, but the horse began to run around and jump and they fled. It was very scary to whatch.
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
27 Jun 12
That would be scary! I've seen our horses rear and kick at coyotes and chase them off. We used to keep them with the cattle as the horses are alone and no cattle as we stopped ranching.
@finlander60 (1804)
• United States
26 Jun 12
Many years ago when our family lived in Upper Michigan we were doing a water ski show at a resort island and I decided to go for a walk on the beach while I was not actively engaged. As I was walking along I happened to see a "dog" walking parallel to me but up near the trees, and I whistled to him. He came to me in a cautious manner but he did come to me. I petted him and scratched him behind the ears, and seemed to enjoy the attention. After a while several other "dogs" came around for some of the attention. Soon I had several of these "dogs" around me, and I was enjoying it when my Mom let out with a blood-curdling scream that made all the "dogs" scatter. I told her that she scared the dogs away. She said that those were not dogs, but wolves. We found out afterwards that they had been there for a long time and were seriously domesticated. I was never in any danger from them. They did come out to me again, later. I enjoyed their attention as much as they enjoyed mine.
@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
27 Jun 12
That is so cool! I love seeing wildlife up close. You have "Dogs" in quotes...were they really dogs or something else?
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
26 Jun 12
Oh no, and good thing you have a good throwing arm, I'd probably miss the coyote, but would be close enough to hopefully scare it away. Sounds like you need to keep a very close eye on your dog, because I think with man developing so much land, it is taking food away from such animals and why they are now attacking our pets. We have coyotes here, and about 2-3 months ago, someone who lives in the community, had lost his dog to an attack. I have a 10 y/o boy, plus 2 beagle/border collie dogs, so a coyote would have to be extremely brave or in a pack to attack them, so I am not too worried. But if I had smaller dogs, I would be very cautious about letting him or her outside all alone.
@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
27 Jun 12
I generally have really really bad aim. I was shocked i hit it when i was expecting to fall short or even 4 feet one way or the other. I find that coyotes these days are very brave...especially when they are hungry.
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@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
27 Jun 12
Wow your poor pup! We don't have that sort of problems with wild life. We have the deer and the rabbits that love our garden. When we had chickens we had hawks that like to try to carry the chickens off but that is all. Our dog is a retriever mix and she is big. We do have several dogs that come around and try to bother her at night. I have had to get up and run them off several times. I really wish that I could have gotten my hands on that group at least once. They were all small dogs but there were always at least 5 of them in the group and they would surround her and attack her from all sides at once. I would be very careful of that coyote, I doubt that you have discouraged it at all.