Women Wearing Trousers??

United States
June 26, 2012 2:16pm CST
I have noticed that a lot of know women wear trousers or short-pants like men do now but when i was growing up women didn't do that. I have two grandmothers & I have never seen them cross wear trousers or short-pants. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with it but i still find it strange when i see women wear trousers or short-pants. I'm just saying-----------. Your opinions, please.
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25 responses
• United States
26 Jun 12
Huh? We have been wearing pants since at least as long as I've been alive. I know I was wearing pants in the late 1950s and even in the 1960s we were allowed to wear pants and shorts to school. My mother started wearing pants in the 70s on a regular basis except for work 'cause she had to wear a uniform. Here in the United States and I'm sure other places on the planet do pretty much the same things. I guess there still are cultures that are laid back to the old ways. They didn't like for a women's legs to be divided by cloth between their legs... that was told to me by a Pentecostal preacher.. I wonder why? Maybe they wanted easier access? I don't want to wear dresses and have some man trying to look up my skirt.
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• United States
26 Jun 12
Your discussion brought back old (bad) memories of when I lost my freedom to wear pants and watch TV and cut my hair... normal stuff. The "they" I'm referring to is the "fire baptized" religious community that demanded that women not wear pants. I was married in 1980 and after we married ... my husband decided we needed to get into church... his old church. It was then that my life changed and not for the better. I have always wondered why the church community demanded that we wear dresses and look almost like the women on Little House on the Prairie. It was an awful life... glad I broke free of it.
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• United States
26 Jun 12
I am sorry to have dredged up such horrid memories, PointlessQuestions, but glad that you were able to break free from such a terrible life. Thank you for sharing. I found it very interesting. Peace Be With You
• United States
26 Jun 12
I have never heard that 'they' didn't like for women's legs to be divided by cloth between their legs, PointlessQuestions. This is a new one for me. Who is the 'they'? The women or the men?
@choybel (5042)
• Philippines
26 Jun 12
I was actually more surprised the first time I saw men wear dress and other women clothes. On a serious note though, I believe time has changed so many things; new discoveries, inventions, technologies, and so much more and lifestyle and fashion didn't escape this. Everything continues to evolve, it seems, although I notice a pattern of history repeating itself, there are still some new renditions to most of it. Women wearing trousers, jeans, short pants, and other common men clothing is part of this evolving trend. I am just wondering when the trend will repeat back to stone age time, when everyone starts wearing nothing again.
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@choybel (5042)
• Philippines
26 Jun 12
I have never been to a lot of places, in fact, I have never been anywhere outside my country but I have heard of such places, and I have always wondered what it was like to live there.
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• United States
26 Jun 12
Wow, where are you if I may ask? Your profile says the United states? Women have been wearing pants a very very long time here. Since the industrial age. I wear all kinds, colored cotton, forty dollar ripped jeans, ten dollar straight leg. It's the year 2012. And when it's hot, short sweat shirt material shorts so short they are almost underwear ha ha.
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@choybel (5042)
• Philippines
26 Jun 12
Most probably, he is from a time when this was not common.
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@AmbiePam (96676)
• United States
27 Jun 12
Short pants - you mean capris?
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Jun 12
hi ambiepam oh I loved capris and would wear them mow but I have my left leg in one ugly brace so hard to wear pants for me.
2 people like this
• United States
27 Jun 12
Well, actually I was just meaning short-trousers. Shorts. But capris would qualify as well. I wore those in high school as a protest because the girls were allowed to wear them but the boys couldn't wear shorts. So I made my own capris. heehee
27 Jun 12
in dis cold weather we have no choice ba to wear them.
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@albto_568 (1268)
• Costa Rica
27 Jun 12
I think that this is merely an issue of fashion, maybe women want to trespass some limit or something, or, maybe is just something they find cool, the important thing is not in the clothes people wear, but inside of them.
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• United States
27 Jun 12
Hello albto_568 It is good to see you again. :) I agree one hundred percent that it is not the clothes that make a person. Well said!!
@suzzy3 (8341)
26 Jun 12
My mother started wearing trousers when we were teenagers before that she only wore skirts and dresses.I mostly wear trousers and shorts for most of the year,jeans in the winter to keep nice and warm.It is a matter of personal preference really.It is whatever you feel comfortable in.I cannot stand those tiny shorts where you can see someones bum cheeks,think that is sick.Depending on the age and the size what looks better sometimes some woman think they are katie price.
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• United States
26 Jun 12
I agree, suzzy3. It is a matter personal preference. I know that I would dress for comfort over fashion almost every time.
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@suzzy3 (8341)
26 Jun 12
I have to be comfortable.we are going to a christening and I will not be comfortable but you have to rise to the occasions sometimes.
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• United States
26 Jun 12
Yes, sometimes there are exceptions to the perfectly comfortable rule. Sometimes elegance and fashion has its price.
• United States
26 Jun 12
Well, while I was growing up it was the norm. I was actually pretty shocked when I met with my grandmothers and they would shake their heads at my short pants! Times have definitely changed. I wouldn't say I'm overly fond of pants, I actually prefer long dresses but I don't find it practical to wear them all the time so I usually wear pants. If I had grown up not seeing women in trousers, then I do believe I would also find it strange to see how things have changed now but I didn't.
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• United States
26 Jun 12
I've never worn a kilt before myself, but seeing men in kilts doesn't really surprise me. I've been to a few Scottish and Irish festivals, and it seems almost like the most natural thing in the world. lol
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• United States
26 Jun 12
Hello allyoftherain Mrs. Turner is always trying to get me to wear a kilt as she has a thing for my legs. I have thought that wearing such a thing would be comfortable. When I was in college, I often saw Michael Stipe walking downtown in a dress. He looked very comfortable and I admired his fashion sense. Peace
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• United States
26 Jun 12
Yes, it does. I have a feeling I'll be wearing one soon. Especially now that I have moved to an area that has zero Scottish influence and I need to do my part.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
7 Jul 12
My mother never had on a pair of pants until my sister and I talked her into it. She must have been around 50 or so. It just was not the normal thing to do. Women were not supposed to wear "men's" clothing and at that time, if you were a woman and wanted to wear pants, you had to wear men's pants because they didn't make them for women. Now, they make all kinds of pants, jeans, walking shorts and so on, just for women. Times change and things are different in different parts of the country. "Down home" I know that women wear dresses a lot more often than they do up here. I kind of wish it would come back in style. Dresses can be very pretty without looking fussy and they're comfortable for every day wear.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
7 Jul 12
It's true that they're not very practical for some things, but for the most part, they're fine. Yes, she got quite comfortable wearing pants, but it took awhile!
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• United States
7 Jul 12
I have always thought that dresses could be quite comfortable, peavey, although perhaps not always practical. Did your mom enjoy wearing trousers once she gave it a go?
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
26 Jun 12
well i am guessing you don't live in North American then. mostly every woman wears pants of some sort; whether it be jeans, dress pants, leggings, etc. its pretty normal here. i wear them when it is cold out.
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• United States
26 Jun 12
Well like I said page turner here in North America is has been that way since the Industrial age when women started wearing pants to work in factories. It really took off after the 1940's during the war. Many women worked in factories. I have a lot of pictures of my mother in the 1920s and in only a few of them she is wearing pants. Mostly Capri's.
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• United States
26 Jun 12
Yes, this is exactly what I said, cher913 -- that I had noticed that it was fairly common today, but that it used to not be.
@ShepherdSpy (8544)
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
27 Jun 12
Jeans were workwear since before the 20th Century came around,and in the 1970's,everybody was wearing them..Also an era of Trouser suits for Women,IIRC.. Though like You I don't recall seeing My Grandmother in anything but Dresses.. At this stage now in the 21st Century,how can you still be finding it strange to see Women wearing Trousers,Jeans,or Shorts?
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
28 Jun 12
Crossing the legs is a part of our posture and body language as adults..it shouldn't be considered to be strange at all.. and thanks for clarifying that you weren't being serious about it being strange for Women to be wearing trousers!
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• United States
27 Jun 12
Hello ShepherdSpy Fair question. In fact, I was being tongue-in-cheek when I said I found it strange. This was in response to a Discussion I saw in which the Original Poster said they thought it strange that men crossed their legs, since they believe only women should do this. I thought that notion as ridiculous as this discussion and my other discussion about men's hands on hips. Peace
• United States
28 Jun 12
Thanks for asking. Glad I could clarify. Peace
@youless (112921)
• Guangzhou, China
27 Jun 12
Here I find it is quite common for women to wear trousers or short pants. People will not look at you strangely. Even some school uniforms are designed as trousers for girls. I love China
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• United States
27 Jun 12
This is great, youless! Peace :)
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Jun 12
Pageturner where do you live? here in the U S and in California most all women wear pants now.I and a few others here in Gold C rest do wear skirts but we are elderly all the younger women all wear pants or shorts depending on the summer weather. this has been going on for years here.I am sure other countries have different customs and cultures . It will be interesting to see the answerd here.
@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
27 Jun 12
my country is also westernized..so most of us do really wear pants and shorts..except for some sect/religion here that only wear long skirt..and have long hair.. but i also grew up wearing mostly pants and shorts too.. but lately the trend is back and dresses is now common.
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• United States
27 Jun 12
I grew up in the USA, Hatley. I still live in the USA. As jazel_juan says, I have seen some religious sects whose women are not allowed to wear trousers. I thought it would be interesting to see how this topic is handled worldwide.
@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
27 Jun 12
Well i was born in the generation were most women i see already wear pants - short pants to jeans to tiny short pants lol..so i am used to it, it is comfy and i like it. But nowadays i also see a lot of ladies are also wearing dresses again and i like it too.
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• United States
27 Jun 12
Hello jazel_juan You are lucky that you have so many options to wear. :)
@kkaria309 (297)
• United States
27 Jun 12
Hmm, I do not think there is anything wrong with it. Times change, I guess, and women need to emphasize their equality with men by wearing trousers. Hence, the saying 'who wears the trousers in the house?' does not count. But for me, I prefer more feminine clothes. Equality can be shown in other ways, I don't have to become masculine or manly to do it, right?
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• United States
27 Jun 12
Yes, I think that you're absolutely correct, kkaria309! Peace
• India
27 Jun 12
Hi friend, now we are living in the modern trend and lot of things are changed now. Women's are prefer to wear men's clothes and men prefer to wear women clothes. It is based on the individual wish, but i am also in your sort, not like this new changes a lot
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• United States
27 Jun 12
Hello vidhyaprakash Some changes are more difficult for some than others. Peace :)
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
1 Jul 12
We just want to be comfortable too. If it was all that I had known to wear dresses, I would probably be comfortable with that. I just like the idea of not worrying about that dress getting in the way when I work or go out. They can be quite high maintenance in certain occasions. I do wear them..just not all the time. I have known most women here to wear trousers and short pants so it is not odd to me.
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• United States
2 Jul 12
In hot weather, a dress looks very comfortable to me. I am surprised that more men don't wear dresses so as to be comfortable. When I was in college I used to see Michael Stipe walking through down in a dress and I thought he looked mighty comfortable. Perhaps it is time for men to be comfortable, too. Peace
@allknowing (142888)
• India
28 Jun 12
I too am comfortable wearing trousers but not shorts. I got into them when I was in my teens and find them to be the most comfortable wear. There are pant suits for formal occasions. I do wear sarees but very rarely. Sarees need handling specially when getting in and out of vehicles be they cars or buses. In the rains sarees are most uncomfortable. Dresses have come back into fashion here but since I gave up wearing dresses for a while now I will not get back to them.
• United States
28 Jun 12
Why are sarees most uncomfortable to wear in the rain, allknowing?
@allknowing (142888)
• India
29 Jun 12
A saree is ankle length and obviously one needs to lift it up while walking in the rain and then there is the skirt on which the saree rests which is also ankle length. This whole process is very clumsy.
• United States
29 Jun 12
I see. That makes sense. I feel the same way about wearing a dress suit in the snow.
@RitterSport (2451)
• Lippstadt, Germany
6 Jul 12
hi dear PageTurner I have hated wearing skirts and dresses all my life and you will rarely see me in anything else than a blue or black jeans. I even used a black jeans which didnt really look like jeans for formal occasions with a nice blouse and good shoes and it was also neat enough for the occasion.
• United States
7 Jul 12
Hello RitterSport It is great to know what it is you like to wear and to be able to wear it. I remember when I was very young I went through a phase where I worried about wearing the 'popular' thing and I found that it was very uncomfortable for me to dress like that. At that point, I vowed that I would always dress for comfort instead. Peace
• Philippines
27 Jun 12
When I was growing up, women already wear pants and shorts. My mom would always let me wear dresses though, not because she didn't like pants, but because most of the presents I got were dresses. I envied other kids who wore pants. Now that I've grown up, I still prefer wearing pants. I do think that women look fabulous in skirts and dresses. But times have changed. Men and women are becoming more equal. Women go to work now and some of them even do men's work. Pants allow them to move more freely. Honestly, I feel vulnerable when I wear skirts. No one seem to wear skirts on the streets in my area. But I do love to wear skirts during special occasions.:) People are so used to seeing women in pants that it makes women look more beautiful and special once they wear skirts.:)
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• United States
27 Jun 12
Hello cheerfulnuts Women are fortunate to have so many fashion options, for comfort, style, and function. Peace :)
• India
27 Jun 12
The world has developed a lot and the change in the dressing style and the life style is due to this reason. It is a persons wish to wear what he love and i do not find any mistakes who wear short trousers or pants. As i said, it's ones wish to wear what he need and we people can't do anything to it.
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• United States
27 Jun 12
I agree with you wholeheartedly, thewonderboy. :)
@taura2p (349)
• Romania
28 Jun 12
Nowadays, more and more women wear trousers instead of skirts. I think we lose some of the feminity, and that is a pity. On the other hand, trousers are more comfortable, and in the pace we live our lives today, they are much more practical. I am not very strict on what people should wear. I think that each should choose what they feel good in.
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• United States
28 Jun 12
I agree with you that it's a personal choice, taura2p. Why do you think that trousers are more comfortable than a dress? I would think that a dress would be very comfortable.