Supreme Court rules ObamaCare Constitutional

@dark_joev (3034)
United States
June 28, 2012 12:01pm CST
Well it has come down the Government has the power to force you through Government Mandate as long as they make it a tax they can force you to purchase whatever they want. This has most certainly fired up the Republicans now and November will be quite an interesting fight. I think that the Individual Mandate will go as soon as we get some people in Congress who are Constitutionalist and not bought and paid for politicians the only way to do that however is to vote third party which I know isn't going to happen. Maybe the Republicans will keep their promise of repealing Obamacare but I doubt it. What are your thoughts on the Supreme Court Decision?
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8 responses
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
28 Jun 12
Now the gov't has the power to make us buy anything or be fined. They can use this decision to tax people for buying products they don't want them to and make them buy anything they want. What if they want all corn to go for ethanol? Just tax the hell out of corn and corn products--corn, cornmeal, taco shells, you name it if it's made of corn they can make it very expensive. Or throw in a big penalty at tax time. This is fast becoming a very unfriendly country for everyone but the politicians. No longer the land of the free.
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@burrito88 (2774)
• United States
29 Jun 12
The government, including mid-western state governments, subsidize ethanol production otherwise it would not be commercially viable to use to make gasoline. Using corn to make ethanol is stupid because it is a feed stock for humans and animals and also it takes a lot out of the soil which needs to be made up with fertilizer. Since you make ethanol from sugar there has got to be better sources for sugar than corn.
@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
29 Jun 12
My son did an summer internship with a local ethanol plant, and I am good friends with the plant manager. It turns out that the waste (DDSG) that is left over, after distilled, actually more that the corn that goes into the system. This DDSG is sold as hog and cattle feed. The livestock industry like the waste better than the corn, because the protein level is high and the sugar level is down. So I was stunned to find out, that with the enzynes and bacteria that is grown, there is an actual increase of feed produced for livestock. He claims it is a 1:1.1 to 1:1.2 gain in volume. This totally takes away the statement that we are taking food and making it into gasoline. We are actually increasing food as we make the gasoline. How interesting.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
29 Jun 12
That's great to know, Fatcat! I wonder why they don't publicize these facts? It would make the public feel a lot better about ethanol.
• United States
28 Jun 12
These people don't think about people who don't have the money to afford healthcare sure they'll say, "We'll help you pay for it!" but not everyone can afford it. A lot of people live paycheck to paycheck, what if they just don't have money to pay or it and then they're fined a big amount of money?
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@burrito88 (2774)
• United States
29 Jun 12
The fine is supposed to be 1% of their income.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
28 Jun 12
They will have a hard time repealing it because once a law is in, its in - sort of like the law of the Medes and Persians. When Haman persuaded the King to allow him to massacre all the Jews, when Esther revealed the true purpose, all the King could do was to pass another law letting the Jews arm themselves and fight. It is a bad law, ObamaCare, because you now have to pay for the illegals and there are things on it that would not normally be covered, but are now. I guess when someone in Canada wants an operation that is only available in U.S. hospitals they had better stay home. I see rationing done by bureaucrats not by the doctors.
• United States
29 Jun 12
Dark, one of the most conservative justices voted for this. A Bush appointee, who has voted along party lines on just about every vote. The people that should be most upset are the Ron Paul supporters who could have used this ruling to show that neither party is conservative enough for the far right. I personally think that health care should be like grade school in this country: Everyone pays for it, but if you want a better program it will cost you money. But, the government HAS to create a program for young doctors coming right out of school to forgive the cost of their schooling in exchange for a certain term of time at hospitals that accept government health care patients. Much like the military academies.
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
29 Jun 12
Both the Liberals and the Conservatives that make up the Democrats and Republicans care only about one thing and that is expanding the power of Government to the point of where it rules over you and has the power to control you on every possible level. They don't care about you or any of us. Obama doesn't care ObamaCare is what the Insurance Companies wanted. The Public Option was the best course of Action and yet they wouldn't even look at it. If you think the Democrats or Republicans care about you then you are living in a dream world. Single Payer systems have more problems than they are worth.
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
2 Jul 12
I don't think the Public Option would of gotten rid of Insurance companies as many people do get there insurance from a company. Also if that where the case then USPS wouldn't be in the trouble that it is in and UPS and FedEx would of never came into existence. They did though because well in UPSes case USPS wasn't what companies needed and UPS filled in that gap later on FedEx would come in to the picture to fill in some gaps that UPS left open.
• United States
30 Jun 12
If you created a public option than you would have eliminated insurance companies, the that would have eliminated many jobs. I do agree that a public option would have made more sense, but there are a lot of things that make sense to me that doesn't to many on here.
@nonersays (3335)
• United States
28 Jun 12
I think they need to put a little effort into finding or creating more or better paying jobs if they are going to keep taking more and more and more of our money. The reason I don't have health care coverage is because I can't pay for it. Forcing me to pay for it and calling it a tax isn't going to suddenly make me be able to pay for it. And if I can't afford to pay this extra "tax" then I'm not going to be able to afford the "fine" for not paying it either. I've been looking for a 2nd job for 5 months, ever since they cut my hours AND my pay at the job I've been with for nearly 7 years. I think as long as the gvt continues to be run by the rich and the powerful who have never suffered the same way us little people do currently then things are only going to get worse. Specially since they have the power to pass laws that help them line their pockets with more and more of our money.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
29 Jun 12
The problem for you is that you have no choice the government has the power to arrest you and put you in jail if you don't comply.
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@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
2 Jul 12
Actually Bobmnu you have to have enough money to get taxed in the first place then in order for them to get money from you for not having insurance and thus owing money for the ObamaCare Tax. The IRS will have to take you to court to sue you. They aren't allowed to charge you or anything like that.
• United States
29 Jun 12
This is absolutely ridiculous. So what if many Americans need healthcare. The reason most of them don't have stems from one of two reasons: either A) they're in their 20's and only see a doctor once or twice a year for general health visits, or B) they can't afford it because they lost their job when Obama started his rallying cry of Tax the rich and big corporations. It's their fault you don't have money! What an idiotic notion. This country makes its money off the fact tht rich people want to get richer, You want people to get healthcare insurance? Then lower taxes on corporations so they spend money and put the rest of us back to work.
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@lazerm (478)
• United States
28 Jun 12
Better not get sick if Obama care is fully implemented or your done! And you women,in London,England women sometimes have to give birth in the parking lots of England on the concrete!-(Cause of the rotten conditions in the government run hospitals).Don't think that can happen here? Think again.
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
30 Jun 12
I don't even care; but I wonder How they're going to 'force' this on us? I can guess they'll do it by spending our tax-dollars on all these programs and then giving them to us for free. By only making employment legal if the employer bows to the condition that each employee must pay x% of their paycheck to health-care. I heard it'll be like in Canada & other foreign countries, where health-care is 'free' (though the taxes are higher). It's a step toward Socialism, if you wanna see it that way. Socialism, as opposed to what? Capitalism? Rather than 'help your brother,' you want to 'let your brother rot away if he probably won't help you get ahead'?... and other such things I'd say in such a conflict. I just hope to God they don't bring this up in church this Sabbath