My day wouldn't be complete if..

@acey76 (1276)
June 28, 2012 12:54pm CST
My day wouldn't be complete if I don't open my computer, as if there's something missing if I don't browse in a day .How about you what is that thing hat you do that completes your day?
7 responses
• Malaysia
28 Jun 12
My day wouldn't be complete without hugging my dog, surf the net, working out, meet up with my buddies for a cup of coffee. That's practically what i do on most day. If one or two of those didn't happen, something don't feel right. Kinda like an addiction.
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@acey76 (1276)
• Philippines
2 Jul 12
ohhh.. I love dogs, my day also starts with me beside my dog and sleeping with them hahahaha..
@Bhebelen14 (5194)
• Philippines
28 Jun 12
My day can still be complete even without browsing the internet as long as I can talk and see my husband. There are days that I dont open my computer because I just want to spend my time with my husband. But I admit that my week cant be complete if I dont browse because I will missed lots of discussion here in mylot and I missed to play tetris with my niece.
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@GemmaR (8517)
2 Jul 12
I know how you feel about this, and I can't go through the whole day without going on my computer either. However, for me this is because I work on the internet and I know that I wouldn't be able to earn any money if I didn't put my computer on that day. Because I use my laptop so much, it means that I can afford to buy lots of things for my family that there is no way I would have been able to afford otherwise. I don't think that I would ever give up the internet, because it has given me so much joy that I would not want to be without it now.
@alottodo (3056)
• Australia
29 Jun 12
My day would not be completed if I have not been truth to my self, my family, my friends,my computer is just a machine!people are more important!
@jricky1 (6800)
• China
29 Jun 12
I think so.I feel also like that.Computer becomes one of my life and what i do using it is of course,i really have lots of fun here everyday.And then i try to finish my job.I have to say that computer has helped me a lot through my day.
@STOUTjodee (3573)
• United States
5 Nov 12
My day would not be complete if I didn't get my morning hug and kiss from my husband! Also, spending quality time with our dog.
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
29 Jun 12
Computer is part of our daily life especially in the city as well as the cellphone.Maybe I could end a day without computer as long as I have my cellphone with me.My cellphone serves as my computer sometimes cause I can also surf the net on it.