How much do you spend a week?

June 29, 2012 2:49am CST
How much would you spend on an áverage week on Food/tolietries/general items/Petrol/going out? I ask because my mother went on holiday for 2 weeks and left me only £80 for the whole 14 days ( nothing in the house when she left at all, so had to buy from scratch). This also includes paying for food for the 2 cats i have and petrol to get around (i spent about £15 on petrol in those 2 weeks). Well i over spent very quickly and had to call her up and say i had spent it all and ask for more. I ended up spending about £150 over the 2 weeks, she was not very happy. I asked my friends aobut this and they said that sounds about right, considering i had to buy Everything for 2 weeks, pets, petrol, went out 2 nights with my friends, payed to play tennis one of those days. Anyway, how much do you spend and do you think my spending was unreasonable? just FYI im 18 Male London.
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6 responses
@Bhebelen14 (5194)
• Philippines
29 Jun 12
Since I am married,my husband and I were both working we spend almost $35.70 a week for food and daily allowance, so it shows that we only spend $17.85 each. As much as possible I dont eat in a fast food restaurant I preferred to cook and bring food in my work. Also instead of riding a jeepney to reach my working placed I decided to walk since it's little bit near to my house, my husband do the same too.
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@choybel (5042)
• Philippines
29 Jun 12
I don't really know if it was unreasonable considering that I don't have an idea of the cost of living in your place, but if it was in my terms I would say that's too much. I believe if I was in a tight budget I would say I spend like $20 a week.
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@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
29 Jun 12
i think i spend about a hundred pesos everyday at work... and that includes my lunch and my fare going and from work. so basically about 500 a week in pesos. i try to keep my expenses at a minimum of $20 and it should not go beyond that. =)
• United States
7 Jul 12
I have a family of 5 to take care of and I spend when money is good for us probably $150 including gas and groceries. Of course pricing is different here vs there so I can't give you a fair answer. But I will say going out with your friends and playing tennis if any of those cost money then you should have skipped it. You were given a budget and you had choices to make. You also did not mention going to work during these two weeks.
@GemmaR (8517)
2 Jul 12
When I was a student, I spent around £30 per week on food and anything extra that I needed. Having said that, the bills were included in our rent which we had to pay before we started, so there was never the worry of overspending on anything like that. I don't think that your spending was unreasonable as such, but I also don't think that you should be asking for money from your parents to go on nights out with your friends. You should probably have used the money that your parents left you for your food and your pets, and then paid for the nights out yourself.
@PageTurner (2825)
• United States
30 Jun 12
Greetings Mypalzadin If I were in your place, I would have foregone paying to play tennis as well as two nights out with friends. If I was so worried about having enough money for necessities, why spend money on these things? I wouldn't be able to justify these expenses. Peace