How to overcome boredom while studying (that involves much reading)

June 29, 2012 9:41am CST
My answer: I walk on my feet. That's true. I was reading some sections on my organic chemistry textbook the other day and I couldn't move on. Then I stood up and walked around the room for a while and drifted back to the same passage to read it again. Everytime I learnt a new information I walked off again around the room thinking and digesting the new information and make sure I got it right. I kinda talked to myself(not loudly!). Plus, when I got back to digest more information from the book I stood up with my hands in my pocket. It gives me a sense of authority, like I'm in charge of my brain and no boredom can get my way. I didn't get sleepy easily because I was standing straight. Then when I didn't understand some of the materials I automatically sat down trying to sort things out. My body just pulled me down I didn't do it! People come up with lots of things to overcome boredom while studying. Note-taking actually helps, because you'll get sleepy and simply space out just reading the lines. I play fast-paced music for studying. I can't stand classical music as it lulls me to sleep. What about you? Do share.
6 responses
• Malaysia
30 Jun 12
Hi desiree, this is what I do, I always watch movies/drama while studying, I mean I just let the movie plays, while I'm trying to extract the important information from the textbook. I don't just put down the information as a long list, but in a 'mind map'. I think I understand the things I was studying better, and see it in a bigger picture. And the mind map also very useful especially for revision before the final exam. To avoid my concentration form distracted to the movies/drama, I just put on some movies/drama that I had watch like maybe thousand times. Some people use music, but I find my study still boring. With drama, whenever I felt tired, I just look up and watch the scene of the drama, then back to study.
• Malaysia
1 Jul 12
Hi de_angel97. Now those are interesting methods you employed there. Studying and reading the textbook while having the movie playing in the background? And to avoid distraction, play movies that you knew so well? I've never heard of anybody doing that. It works for you, but I'm not sure how it'll work on me. The mind map method is very useful. Usually others can't understand the mind map that you've drawn. And you have to keep reviewing it because over time, if you don't keep up with the revision, you'll forget what the mind map is babbling up, what with all the abbreviations etc.
• United States
29 Jun 12
I always study in increments. If I feel as if I'm catching a slight wave of boredom, I may go take a walk or attempt to workout but other than that there really is no other way for me to cope. If I turn on the TV, its game over and it is very improbable that I will return to the books. I will attending college in the fall so I will be attending seminars on how to study properly and efficiently because my studying habits are rather terrible. Either you should find a hobby or a release while you're studying, or take the advice of some insightful myLot users. I will be doing the same because reading can be dreadful!
• Malaysia
1 Jul 12
I think the bottom line is that we just have to study, regardless of whatever ways you could think of to do it. There is really no other way, no short cuts. Study. That one word. But of course we shouldn't push ourselves too hard. Good luck for college!
@Porcospino (31365)
• Denmark
29 Jun 12
I try to study in different places. I tend to get bored if I only study in my room. When the weather is sunny I like to study in a park or at the beach. I love to study outside, it gives me new energy when I have to study for many hours. When I study in my home I often listen to some of my favourite music. That also helps focus on my studies. When I have to study something that is especially complicated or something that I am not very interested in I take many small breaks. Sometimes a small break makes a lot of difference and when I return to the books after my break I have new energy and it is much easier to me to overcome my boredom.
• Malaysia
29 Jun 12
Small breaks are essential. I've been thinking, what about snacks to munch, will it help too? But then it'll be distracting too. I would want to keeping popping food into my mouth rather than focused on thinking.
• Bangladesh
29 Jun 12
Kind of distraction like getting online stil acts in you. I personally recomend no computer around you. Your examination wants to think you an expert in organic chemestry, you have to be in a specifit period of time. If you lose time, then no use being an expert after that period of time. Pleasure of study is that you would check yourself wether you are sharp picker of information. Real works are real life that must be done by real cool efforts. Dnt think it any fantastic. So which chapter you are running on at the moment? In my student life I would study dynamics with my classmate competetively. We would start at a time and I would ask him wether I can tell the lessons by heart quitely and perfectly. It helped me alot moving fast. Stay well
@rodnac (191)
• Australia
29 Jun 12
I can relate about walking after getting new information from studying even the part about talking to myself. I also do note taking while studying and it helps me learn better. I don't listen as much to music when I'm studying because i usually ended up distracted but a low volume music would be fine. I always have a computer nearby so that if i need to search about something fast then I can do it right away.
• Malaysia
29 Jun 12
Having the internet around would be a huge distraction. Sometimes when I want to look up for just a tiny piece of information I end up reading something else. I find myself seeking excuses for going online.
@ECH107 (108)
• Austria
29 Jun 12
it helps to study someplace without distraction, like a library and it totally motivates me when there are people studying around me. You could also try studying in a quiet area in a park or a coffee shop.
• Malaysia
29 Jun 12
Studying in a park or at a coffee shop, I have thought of these but I'd forgotten to reconsider. Thanks for the reminder.