Two Sins That I Don't Understand

United States
June 30, 2012 5:47pm CST
The first one is that we are not to use the Lords name in vain. But I don't know what it really means. Does it mean saying God d***? Or saying "Jesus Christ!" when you're surprised or shocked. Or is it something else entirely. The second thing is pride. The fact that pride is a sin. That one I understand even less. If I complete a project for school, or my job and my boss is really happy with me, I might feel really proud of myself. Does the sin mean that I'm not giving credit to God? Or is it that I might feel that I don't need God anymore?
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22 responses
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
1 Jul 12
the sinful nature of pride is not when you are proud of what you were able to accomplish. Pride is a sin when you are unable or when you deliberately always think hihgly of yourself and you refuse to acknowledge that you also may have done something wrong... To others and to God. When you do know you were wrong and refuse to say sorrry... when you belittle peoplejust because you consider yourself the only good person then that is a sin.
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• United States
1 Jul 12
Interesting...what about taking the Lords name in vain?
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
1 Jul 12
There are a multitude of "sins" that are meaningless. Go ahead and swear if it makes you feel better. Everyone needs to be Proud of many things, including your work, your family, and your outlook on life. Sure its very Right to be proud of yourself. Pride is Not a sin! Pride is a Good attitude! Sin is all in your head!
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@verolop29 (1096)
• United States
2 Jul 12
u see, this is bad advise. DON'T SWEAR. if this guy barehugs wants to use the lords name in vain-thats his own thing. but dont heed this man and what he says. if u feel that saying those things is wrong then ur right. and pride is a sin. there are many things today that are wrong and ppl think its not wrong. what have u been listening to who have u been listening to? do not currupt this mans soul!
@apsara60 (6610)
• Israel
1 Jul 12
Hello rayf227.........Not to take God's name in vain means, not to treat his name as common slang, but to look at it with respect and utter it only when you have good intentions in mind and what you utter is more like prayer and less like words.In short, respect the one who is always there to help you when you are in need, and btw, we all need God, only some people realize this only when they are in trouble. Second one is very simple. To feel proud for what you have achieved with your hard work is not sin, but to look at others down because they could not be as successful as you, is sin that came out of your pride and that is wrong. AS long as your success is not hurting others, you are not committing any sin......
@apsara60 (6610)
• Israel
2 Jul 12
Thanks to you too
• United States
2 Jul 12
A great answer. You rock. Thanks
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
2 Jul 12
Good question! Actually your very question inspired me to write a column just a moment ago. Thanks. Well I wish I could be of help to you. I wanna answer the question one by one. I also would like to commend you for interest to know about the real meaning of those sinful actions. You must be really so concerned if your words or actions are offending God. Many people sin out of ignorance of the real application of the Word of God most especially on commandments such as these. In my humble capacity as a Christian I would like to help you understand the real meaning of those commandments and I hope my explanation will help you. Your first question is: What is the meaning of taking the name of God in vain,Does it mean saying "God" or "Jesus Christ!" when you're surprised or shocked.? The commandment of God on this matter is written in the Bible KJV version as: "Thou shalt not take The Name of The Lord thy God in vain; for The Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh His Name in vain." (Exodus 20:7) My explanation is hereunder:
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
2 Jul 12
Well dear many people think this commandment refers to using the name of God when you are shocked. But as you yourself were thinking, in a larger sense it is something more than just this. Although this is one way but there is actually much more ways we could take His name in vain. Grievous How could we use His name in vain when uttering His name in interjection? Doing this can mean lack of respect and regard on His holy name but not always. It depends on our intention. When you are shocked and really in distress and you really mean to call unto Him for help then you don’t take His name in vain at all. But if you just utter the name of God out of nothing and just for the purpose of releasing your emotion in the same way as when you utter any ordinary word of interjection then this is one way of taking the name of God in vain. Well not only when shocked but also when we swear and when use the name of God in many non-sense situation without due reverence we are actually taking the name of God in vain. But those kinds of non-sense usage of name of God is just one way of breaking the commandment there is actually much more ways we could do.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
2 Jul 12
Now on your second question about Pride. There are actually 2 kinds of pride in a person. One is sinful and the other is not. If you complete a project in school, or in your job and your teacher and your boss are really happy with you, so you would be more than happy and proud. I found nothing really sinful in it just as when you you take pride on any achievement for as long as you don't believe you are the best and the greatest of all but rather only proud that your humble self was able to achieve something not all people could do. When does pride become a sin? Yes indeed when because of your abilities and achievements you feel you don't need God anymore. You become so consumed of the thought that you are really great and you deserve all the credit instead of thanking God for giving you all the knowledge and ability. Pride comes before destruction and that happens to Mohammad Ali when he declared to the world "I am the greatest!" Who could be greater than God? God proved this to Mohammad Ali. Look what happened to him now.I hope he has already found in his heart the humility to ask God for forgiveness. All that we have, all that we are are nothing but God's grace. Without grace we can't possibly achieve anything so when we esteem ourselves highly for all these talents and achievements we have and forget to thank God who gave all these to us and acknowledge that without Him we can do nothing then we sin. There is nothing that we have that we did not receive from God so if we fail to put that in our mind and forget to give God the credit first and foremost for whatever accomplishment then that is pride that brings forth destruction.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
2 Jul 12
Full of pride is what exactly is Lucifer. As written in Isaiah 14:12-15: [i]"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.[/i] Indeed those who have sinful pride are just like Lucifer who believes they are like God or even greater than God and can usurp the place of God but sadly they all likewise will perish and will sit side by side with Lucifer/Satan down there in hell. Thanks for your discussion and have a lovely day!
@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
1 Jul 12
You aren't supposed to use the Lords name in vain. That is either and all names. Pride is more of a vain thing. It is good to feel good about yourself but some go over board about it and becomes more of a vain thing. And all in moderation. WHen we start going over board about anything it can become a problem.
• United States
2 Jul 12
good points. Thanks.
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@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
20 Jul 12
I thought so. You're welcome!
@ajk111 (2495)
1 Jul 12
Im not even sure what gods name is? surely "god" is a title rather than a name? so i don't know where to start with this discussion!
• United States
5 Jul 12
I heard that God goes by many names, such as Jehovah for instance. I'm sure he won't mind just "God".
@marcmm (1804)
• Malaysia
6 Jul 12
For the first sin. When we look at the Bible using New International Version which is easily to understand, it said in the ten commandment Exodus 20:7 "You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name." A lot of people misuse the Lord name for their own benefits and causing hurt to others. That is what the LORD not want. Be sincere in what you doing. Second sins that is pride. It is not the feeling that is the sin but the action we're doing when we are full of pride. GOD want us to be humble and people who are full of pride will be too proud and in the end the surpress others. Like the pharisees, they are full of pride because of what they are and in the end they didn't acknowledge Jesus as the messiah.
@Labrat (210)
2 Jul 12
With the first sin I think it just means that Gods or Jesus's name should not be linked with the negative, I dont know why seeing as both do good and bad in the bible. With the second sin I too dont understand this properly, I think it may be to do with not letting pride go to your head and take over you.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
1 Jul 12
sometimes you also someone accidentally say "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!" or... "Hesus, Maria, Hosep!"
• United States
1 Jul 12
Si, lo creo.
1 Jul 12
Firstly, uttering the name of God in a disrespectful way like making it as our expression is a sin. Secondly, pride is a sin if our motives are wrong but if we are proud of the things which are good in the eyes of God like good works, it is not a sin. If you have good abilities, there is nothing wrong if you appreciate yourself but overdoing it and thinking that you don't need God anymore because you are great is wrong.
• United States
1 Jul 12
OK, I agree with both your explanations. They both make sense. Thanks.
@roshigo58 (4856)
• Pune, India
11 Jul 12
Always be honest with your work and don't get disturbed of these small small things.I don't think that the pride is a sin but others should not be hurt because of it and if you do not give proper respect to others because of the pride then it is a sin. Always keep it in the mind that hurting others feelings is a sin.
• Philippines
1 Jul 12
the commandment not to use the name of the Lord in vain, means we should use his name with respect and with responsibility, He's name is not an ordinary name it has a deeper meaning like our creator,our father, savior etc. His name is powerful, it can heal and can destroy, So we should be careful in using it because you don't know what would be the consequences of using it.
• United States
1 Jul 12
Thanks esparagoza. A very good explanation.
• United States
2 Jul 12
These things are not that big of a deal. 90% of people do this on a daily basis. Just keep living your life the way you do, if you love God and aren't just a horrible sinning person you're going to heaven.
22 Aug 12
It is good to be proud for yourself because of what you have done.God also give us emotion to be happy or to be proud. But we must also give the glory to God in all out success because it is the Lord's works that you have succeed in you project in school.As christian we should stay humble in all things that we acquired.
@pumpkinjam (8860)
• United Kingdom
2 Jul 12
I have always thought that using the Lord's name in vain was such things as using "God" or "Jesus" as an expletive. As for Pride. I didn't understand that either but someone explained it. It's not about being proud of an achievement but, for example, being too proud to accept help when it is needed, letting yourself get into a bad situation because you are unwilling to ask for help. That's how I see it anyway. Being proud of your own achievements is, I think, perfectly valid.
@bulastika (5966)
• Philippines
2 Jul 12
I guess you know very will what its means. You just want to make it complicated. Those expressions are just simple bad mouth. If you have manners I don't think its appropriate to say it. For example if you say "Sh@t". Theirs so many way to express feeling why you want to say "sh@t" right? What cool about saying that? About pride. I guess you don't understand the meaning of pride. If you feel proud does it mean pride? Being proud is different thing. Being proud does not mean pride at all. Pride become wrong when you know deep in your heart you were wrong but you will not going to admin it. You will not going to say sorry simply because of your pride.
@kukueye (1759)
• Malaysia
2 Jul 12
Religion and relationship. - Give god his due credit.
I guess it more of the intention of usage.If u speak the name of god in bad faith is not nice. Actually u can program or train yourself if u r angry just My god is enought no need to mention the name.Yes , pride of life is a sin.I mean in my limited knowledge is u r thinking able to live without the grace of god and no need god in your life. Feeling proud of youself is ok.But no need to boost in pride , but in humility.To be humble.U can give credit to god in many ways , but giving testmonies in church or in your christian friends?
@beenice2 (2967)
• Sackville, New Brunswick
2 Jul 12
Those two things that you mentioned yes they are vein words to say because they don't gain you anything to say it, it is a habit to break. But it takes time, ask God to bring your in His truth so you can understand more of what he means, it is a life long process,but GOd said to be courageous and do not faint, put HIm in all your ways and He will help you. Never give up.
@riempie9 (1021)
• South Africa
2 Jul 12
As far as using the Lord's name in vain, that means do not use God's name in the same sentence with anger and insincerity. Do not use God's name to swear at someone. Do not use God's name when you are angry. You can use God's name if it is not partnered with profanity, and if you are praising God. Regarding pride, it is the opposite of humility and is not something to be proud of. It does not mean proud in the same sense that one would praise a child for doing good. Pride is a cousin of envy and greed.
@rodnac (191)
• Australia
2 Jul 12
About the commandment that we should not use the Lords name in vain is not a very complicated. If you use God's name with the intention in swearing or cursing someone or for bad jokes then it is a sin. You ask if saying Jesus Christ when your shock or surprise is using the Lord's name in vain. It is not because your not doing anything bad your just surprise. So to make things simple, it depends on how you use God's name, if it is for bad intentions then it is a sin. About pride, Pride is not really a sin in itself but is a source of sin. You can be proud but just don't let it go to your head, practice humility and you will be fine. Also make sure when you are feeling proud, just on the righteous things. You always need God no matter whats happening in your life.