PB (Potassium Bromate) Scares the living --out of me...and only the USA eats it

July 1, 2012 8:49pm CST
PB (potassium bromate) is a category 2 B carcinogen by the IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer)! AND AMERICAN"s EAT IT!! IS ADDED TO YOUR BAKED GOODSDAILY! The rest of the world, European Union, Canada, Brazil, China, Nigeria, Japan, Peru, Sri Lanka have banned this product being allowed in consumptive foods! It's purpose is to allow you to eat the grain products normally FIT non-consumptive, to increase volume, reduce cooking time....and to POISON YOU! It is proven, highly proven, in order to get international banning to cause cancer! It strengthens the dough, oxidizes it..and the lack of baking (because of it's [propeties) means you are consuming it in all your baked goods! WHY AMERICA..when banned in the rest of the world...FDA came into act in 1958..before that the Delaney Act approved it...and the FDA refuses to change EVEN THO the rest of the world has banned it! California is the ONLY State where it must be posted on a label. YUK! For reference only; http:www.naturalnews.com/028443_foodadditives_dangers.html and if that link doesn't work, please just Google or Search the web for; Potassium Bromate! My friends, south of me, were you are of this...and does this not concern you! AND OR the rest of the world, whoms names I couldn't find on the banned list..like India?
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16 responses
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
2 Jul 12
Dear pergammano Unsure of this being used in India, but I am sure we do have this un-banned and they will never ban it here in India as you know we Indians love the baked stuff - tandoori... anything or even the baked cakes (okay I am not to talk of cakes until September) and we eat loads of them, get ill which does mean a brisk business for all.
• Canada
6 Jul 12
I truly do apologize for the LONG wait for a response from me! I think the "Chemical Gods" are punishing me! IF the power isn't out...myLot is down...it gets repaired and then another HUGE storm, and power out again for 3 days! We, Canadians love our baked goodies..too! Thank goodness, this PB is banned here, as in most of the world! I am truly surprised if it is NOT banned in India, as it's qualities are very toxic..and internationally recognized as a T2 toxin. Once again, I apologize, little Bro' for the delay....I am hoping summer actually comes to Western Canada soon..so miserable and cold!
• India
5 Jul 12
What ever is banned in all other countries sells in india, am i right Sid
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
7 Jul 12
That would be one of the reasons that I do a lot of my own baking with simple ingredients. I don't know why the FDA won't ban it but I have a suspicion that it's about money. Potassium Bromate isn't the only thing we have to worry about when it comes to food, though.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
19 Oct 12
Apparently it is in most flour. I don't know about cornmeal. Here's an article I found that might help: http://www.naturalnews.com/035542_potassium_bromate_baked_goods_cancer.html
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• Canada
10 Oct 12
I am truly sorry peavey for my late response.....I certainly do concur about your own baking...NOT my business but my other concern is that it may be in your flour, as the US refuses to ban this product....so your "flours" bought with names...like Robin Hood, etc., could have them in them! Of course, you are so right, it's about money, and this extends the product...for once, I am glad Canadians finally did something right....maybe????? The only good thing I can see for my benefit...everything must be labelled (so far) here! As you, (reading many of your responses) I truly care about environment and eating....LOL!
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
19 Oct 12
so i need to ask. its in flour also? is it in corn meal? now im a little afraid to eat anything with bread of any kind. and the problem is, I LOVVE BREAD now what? no wonder ive had cancer twice i just qiute smokeing after 50 yrs and bread is going to kill me.uuuggghhh!!
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@AmbiePam (96719)
• United States
4 Jul 12
I just recently heard of what you are talking about. It's scary that it's so easy to get by with putting in our food.
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@AmbiePam (96719)
• United States
7 Jul 12
It does get depressing when we can't log on to mylot, I agree. I'm hanging in there with the heat. At least my air conditioner works. : )
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• Canada
6 Jul 12
My dearheart Ambie...I so apologize for being late in recognizing your response...AND not responding to your discussions (which are saved and ready for reply!) We have had atrocious weather with nothing but power outs and if that isn't the problem...myLot is down. Felt a little isolated here for almost a week..LOL! With my recent "C" scare, I have been very diligent about the foods I eat..and have almost (LOL) become obsessive when I read a name that sounds chemical! I just could not believe...ONLY in the USA, and it is such a HIGH level toxin! Are you surviving your heat wave, dearheart?
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• United States
2 Jul 12
I don't have the slighest idea what it is, i know DUH!I'm not as smart as u are or not as health conscious as i should be it seems.
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• Canada
6 Jul 12
My dear friend...It is surely NOT about me EVER being smarter than you...it's cause my brush with the BIG "C" has me very concerned about food and food products, and to truly be aware of what I am eating! I know it sounds I am obsessive..BUT if I can avoid knowingly eating toxins...I am sure going to! I apologize for this late reply...like the States, we are having WEIRD weather...scary weather...COLD, wet, windy..and days of power outs! DANG, did summer forget us this year??? LUV & HUGZ
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• United States
7 Jul 12
I know u are one smart lady & i admire u for being that way.
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@much2say (57374)
• Los Angeles, California
2 Jul 12
Oh pergammano!! I've heard of potassium bromate - in fact I most likely have read it on those ingredient labels as it does sounds very familiar - but in fact, I know nothing about PB - and now feel I MUST look into this!!! YIKES (to say the least). And why didn't I know about this before?????????????? I suppose "they" don't want us to know! In recent times, I've known too many people who've gotten cancer . . . very scary . . . and one has to wonder WHY there is such a rise in numbers for people getting cancer. All kinds of cancer. And could it be that it's from the very stuff we put in our own stomachs every single day?? So why isn't the US doing something about this when the rest of the world has already done so? I don't understand. Should I feel "fortunate" that at least in this state it must be labeled? As they say, WTH? Now I'm going to go through the fridge to read the labels. I am sickened. I am supposed to go buy bread today - so I am going to scrutinize the labels on this errand. Ugh - I'm going to get my own bread machine now! Argh! But then where else is this PB in . . . other baked goods I assume? Argh!!
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• Canada
6 Jul 12
SOOOOO SORRY...muchkin, for taking so long to respond! Murphy's law is in full play....Power out few hours after I started this discussion...then myLot down....then the power out for another nearly three days...What a whirlwind of weather we have had..and of course, being a small Island, we are one of the last to get back on the power grid! Honestly, dearheart, with my 'bout of "mucousal cancer" for the last year, I have been extremely cautious of processed foods, and do a lot of research! Potassium Bromate blew me out of the water...WHAT a TOXIN, recognized as one internationally, and your FDA won't do anything about it..as it was approved pre; 1958........YET, just recently after Jamie Oliver's exposure of "pink slime" every meat processor buckled under! Some-one in the U.S. has to make a lot of noise over this! Heck, China whom still allows lead in so many products, has banned this! The link that "owlwings" gives earlier is very informative...a really GOOD read, and the link I gave you in the discussion is where I do a lot of food research! A bread machine is my "staff" of life, and I only purchase Durham grains, as for some reason they are protected from GMing! Hopefully our weather here will settle down soon...as I SO have missed talking with you!
@much2say (57374)
• Los Angeles, California
2 Jul 12
Ok, so I checked the breads that we had . . . and the breads that we got a bit earlier. No PB . . . but now I'm wondering if it exists under other names (just like MSG). When I have a chance in the afternoon, I am definitely going to look this up!! Thanks for this info pergammano . . . another one to add to my health list!!
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@jjzone44 (917)
• United States
2 Jul 12
No actually it does not concern me at all. Life is hazardous to your health and we all have to die sometime. The air we breathe and the water we drink contain substances that are considered carcinogenic, you simply can't escape them. Besides that is just the study of the day that says a certain substance is carcinogenic, tomorrow it will be something else; even standing in the sun can harm you. The thing is, for all this presumed knowledge of what causes cancer, people still have cancer! People who never smoked a day in their lives get lung cancer. Babies are born with medulloblastomas and astrocytomas, and they have not been alive long enough to consume any significant amount of potassium bromide.
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• Canada
2 Jul 12
I,truly thank you, for chiming in....and respect what you have to relate...BUT am heart sorry, when there is a choice, to NOT respect your lovely body and spirit, to give it the benefit of BETTER! And if you, realistically would analize the ailments you talk to me about, you might understand, for what I say..... Welcome to myLot...
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
2 Jul 12
Thank you for this information. I did not know about Potassium Bromate. It appears that it may also be used in many other products besides bread (according to this article: http://www.iodine-resource.com/potassium-bromate.html ), including infant cough syrup! It also appears, from that article, that some bakers (but not all) do NOT use it in bread products and that California has ruled that flour with this additive must be labelled when it is used. It is not just a proven carcinogen. It also prevents the body from using iodine (which is a vital component in cell chemistry). I also had to look up WHY we use 'improvers' in bread at all - what is wrong with using just flour, yeast, salt, sugar and water? It appears that breadmaking is a complex chemical process which would normally take up to 24 hours. Using 'improvers', however, speeds up this process by adding some of the enzymes which the yeast would produce ... and some things which have no right to be there in the first place! All done to make the process shorter so that the bakers can make more bread more quickly. I have long known that adding a little Vitamin C powder (ascorbic acid) will produce a better dough and I sometimes use this when I make bread. I also knew that malt contains amylase which converts some of the starch to sugars and helps the yeast to work well and produce more gas. I generally add about a teaspoon of sugar when I make bread for just this reason.
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• Canada
6 Jul 12
Thank you so much for this informative response...you have taught me a whole lot more about this misuse of a chemical! I apologize for the late response, but here in the Pacific Northwest we are experiencing some fierce weather with long power outs! The use of the "improvers" is all about the mighty dollar and rendering a normally unpalated product eatable. But I also find it reprehensible that the FDA will NOT revisit this chemical. I truly appreciate your little gem of advice about Vitamin C powder, and shall introduce it into my bread-making! Impressive...thank you!
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
2 Jul 12
that is very interesting thank you, I am in Canada so I guess I am not at risk, at least for that cancer but we can get cancer from almost anything these days.
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• Canada
6 Jul 12
Finally, winterose...we can applaud Canada for something REALLY good! Not just Canada, as PB is banned in MANY countries of the world! Just really shocked me that "Uncle Sam"s" country is freely using a product (chemical) that has one of the higher poison ratings internationally! Egads! West Coast weather has been very miserable..coldest, wettest on record..so looking forward to your sunshine!
@ladybug565 (2216)
• United States
2 Jul 12
Don't even get me started on the "FDA" I learned alot about the corruption and failures of the FDA from natural cures by Kevin Treaudue. Very informative book. I was not aware of this PB though so I will read the information that you provided. thanks for the information. It is very scary what goes on with our food and how corrupt the FDA is.
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• Canada
2 Jul 12
Welcome, I severally start discussions, but this so "offed" me that the (and please, I do not mean this at any deference, 3rd world countries) are banning a product of this level...T2 (toxic2) it would be so wildly used in the USA! WE CAN stop some of the toxins we ingest, and dear "ladybug565" I make every effort, as even ladybugs are the best barometer I use in my home and land! Please, please don't just accept my post...do read about this product...You are special to Mother Nature when you care for her!
• United States
2 Jul 12
I must admitt Kevin Treaudue's books have contributed to my lack of faith in cancer treatments in this country.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
2 Jul 12
Wow, it's a good thing I decided to give up wheat! I'm doing pretty good on it although I do have some horrid cravings. So I won't be eating baked goods except those I make myself from rice flour or other non-wheat stuff. Our FDA is a joke and so is our department of health. Recommending we eat 8-12 or whatever servings of "healthy whole grains" is making the nation fat. Especially since the wheat we have now is no longer anything like natural wheat, it's been so genetically changed. And their reluctance to ban PB--could it be they want us to die? Well, I doubt it but it makes a great conspiracy theory. I think they're just disorganized, disengaged and lack any type of common sense. Thanks for bringing this to our attention, you're a good neighbor!
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• Canada
6 Jul 12
Doesn't it just shake you to your very core...knowing the toxicity of this chemical, and it is still being used....for the ALMIGHTY Dollar! Isn't it bad enough that the basic DNA of a very (normally)healthy product is manipulated and genetically modified...then they have to throw in a chemical that is recgnized internationally as a T2 toxin, just so they can render it eatable! The STAFF OF LIFE..your daily bread, filled with poisons! How sad, as many a last dollar is spent on a loaf of bread to fill that empty hole, with the belief that it is sustenance! I am proud of you...you must tell us more about living a wheat free diet! Very interested! And thank you,
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
6 Jul 12
I read the book Wheat Belly, recommended by a radio talk show host I listen to. It was very shocking to learn what they've done to our wheat and how toxic it is to us now. Did you know that a slice of bread will spike your blood sugar more than a Snickers bar?! I slip sometimes because wheat is also manipulated to make us addicted to it. But overall, I feel better. Here is a blog with interesting stories and information: http://www.wheatbellyblog.com/ (NOT a referral!) Even if you cut out half the wheat you eat, you'll be healthier and feel better. Yes, it's a CRIME to poison people for profit. It began, I think, as a way to increase yields in order to feed starving nations but the monetary benefits were quickly realized. Check out that site and borrow Wheat Belly from your local library if you can. It's a fascinating, scary and very empowering book written by a cardiologist, Dr. William Davis.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
2 Jul 12
Hello my dear dear friend! I have missed you soooo much! It is a shame the things that our government allows us. The findings that come up are very scary. My recent most taxing concern has been the drinking water. Unfiltered medication, uncontrolled bottling companies...just stressing to say the least. There is noway to get away. I was not aware of this particular situation. I will have to research it for sure. The only way we can avoid these things is to be aware.
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• Canada
2 Jul 12
My precious rainbow girl.....OK...now "meme!" Jealous as ALL get out! Congrats..precious! Angry...you damn right, and you people...I think (oh,oh) have/had/ a good man in Obama (if you took world wide opimion) I really he would listen and revamp your FDA.... Jen, I realllllllllly do luv ya...and you have to read this$hit..it's scary! LUV & HUGZ
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
2 Jul 12
The good old FDA hey! They are one of the most corrupt and useless organisations out there! They are not at all interested in the health and well being of the people, only lining the pockets of their own and the companies who they are tied in with. California seem to be on the right track with labelling, but they are still far from perfect when it comes to promoting health. But the rest of the country is worse and could definitely take some advice from the state.
• Canada
2 Jul 12
YOU..............TADA! I have MISSED so much! You are like my anchor in the hinterland! Bill...ALL scares me ...BUT when I search, and search and read this kinda $hit...I come unwound....Government, and then we have/and or implement Health Care,....BUT we are paying you (FDA---same in Canada) to acknowledge "Safe Foods"..what is this B.$.????? ARE we glad we eat OUR stuff....you betcha! HUGE HUGZ!
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
4 Jul 12
Thank you for such kind words! It is very scary stuff, the control that these private institutions have over the world. I do understand how thinking about it too much can bring us down. This awareness has caused us in our house to become depressed at times. But we just need to keep soldiering on and supporting those organic farmers who are producing the real food and keep growing as much as we can ourselves. Educating myself to become more self sufficient is always going to be high on my list of things to do. I am always learning new ways to look after myself now and for the future. I am never going to rely on others (corporations or government) to do it for me.
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• United States
2 Jul 12
No, I had not heard of this, and it really is terrifying, especially since I highly suspect that I am more prone to cancer than the average person ... I know that I am definitely in a higher risk group and suspect that I probably also carry the "cancer gene", although I will not get tested for it. Now I find out that I am ingesting a known carcinogen, and the US government will not do anything about it - that is just wrong on so many levels!
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• Canada
6 Jul 12
OH DEAR...possibly this was the wrong discussion for you to read, dearheart...I am so sorry! I truly, was not aware that you are prone...BUT my biggest reason was that I have been VERY, very conscious of what I ingest after my Cancer scare, and all the testing (just finished the 3 month treatments)...and doing a lot of research on foods we rely upon...AS OUR DAILY BREAD! The shocker was learning this is NOT banned in the USA, when internationally it basically is...and it's toxin rating! "owlwings" link on this page is an excellent read, too! Get that bathing suit out, m'girl...this has been one of the coldest, wettest springs/early summer...but now turning...and there must be a kazillion grapes formed...THINKIN' BOUT YA!
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• United States
6 Jul 12
I am glad that I read this, even though it is extremely scary, because everybody should be aware of things like this. In fact, I feel that I should be even more aware and try to take as many precautions as possible ... without living my life in a "bubble" and being too paranoid, that is ... especially since I know that I am at a higher risk and that makes my children also at a higher risk. I did read the article in Owl's comment, and I have been checking the labels on all of our bread and flour-based food products now. Fortunately, I have found that many specifically state "unbromated" or "non-bromated" when they list "enriched flour" in the ingredients. I am sure that I will not be able to eliminate all of it from our food, but now I can be more aware and eliminate as much of it as possible. As for the bikini, that has been out and used quite a few times already this year, because temperatures here have been in the high 90s to 100s and that is without the heat index. I also noticed some grapes growing on our vines, and I thought of you as well. We might have to combine our grapes this year as I know that I will not have enough to make anything but they might add just a hint of flavor to yours.
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• United States
2 Jul 12
First of all I would lime to that you for creating this post. I have never before heard of potassium bromate or it's dangers. I'm am outraged to learn that this country would allow such a product to be put food. But at the same time, I am not a bit surprised. I am convinced that Cancer is certainly one of the biggest money-making scams in this country. Of course I can never prove or know this as a fact but I have read many books and articles. I even read that an Italian doctor actually cured some 2000 people in this country with a simple baking soda compound before he was banned from the country.
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• Canada
2 Jul 12
First, let me give you a very hearty WELCOME to this community! Secondly, I hope you took, and or will take the time to look at Potassim Bromate, a very, very scary chemical....that is mostly used to extend the profits from Flour. I am sad, as it is such a staple of life....to so many in this world! Welcome....and
@RitterSport (2451)
• Lippstadt, Germany
2 Jul 12
hi dear pergammano never heard about this gross stuff before........ banning certain ingrediences is a hot topic for sure and its more than appropriate this substance you mention here is banned and should be banned in the US too of course. But even good helpful healthy stuff is banned sometimes. Here in Germany the harmless powder of Stevia, a plant, sweeter than sugar and very suitable for diabetics was banned for decades..... and I never understood why as its a natural and herbal ingredient, but now they have stopped banning it and I could try it out in strawberry jam and in mints and its such a great addition.........
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• Canada
2 Jul 12
OMGSomeone I think about so much...and truly miss! My dearest.....I hear you LOUD and CLEAR...BUT the crux of this is about, the world has known since 1958 that this is a T2 carcinogen...that is a long, long time.....the rest of the WORLD denies this chemical ..... WHY????? I only ask that you appraise yourself of it! I truly do miss you...you are special to me...last Cancer treatment Wedenesday..and so far good. Luv ya!
@ltpotter (177)
• United States
11 Dec 12
Now that is scary. I wish I knew about this sooner then later but as long as I know. The FDA is a very corrupt place. A lot of people don't know that there is a cure to diabetes. There is a urb that can cure it. Crazy that the FDA can hide it.