Timelined caught me already...

@deodavid (4150)
July 2, 2012 7:45am CST
Hey there lotters, Well timeline has already taken me, after awhile not being in timeline now i am one of the many, well i think change is good and a lot of people have said that timeline is better than the old format well i havent really looked into it but i think i will enjoy when i do learn its system.
5 responses
• Ireland
2 Jul 12
I don't even think I accepted or set mine to timeline, I remember it saying it was a preview and now it seems to be stuck that way.. I am not sure if I prefer it or not.. It seems to be okay.. A bit more complicated that the old format I guess..
@deodavid (4150)
• Philippines
4 Jul 12
Hey there peachy, Most of us are clueless to how it got to be on timeline but why fight a battle we cant we right, yeah like you i guess I'll just let it be and just understand it to enjoy it's services.
• Philippines
2 Jul 12
I got my timeline to. I don't know how, I didn't even try to get a timeline it just happened. Oh well, it doesn't matter I'm getting used to it. What I just don't like is the 2 columns in my profile. Sometimes I'm confused but its already there.
@deodavid (4150)
• Philippines
4 Jul 12
Hi there joanpauline, Well i hope that it works for all of us those who were kinda like forced to the Facebook format, anyway I'll just try to enjoy it since it is already there and it kinda have it's own perks .
@stanley777 (9402)
• Philippines
2 Jul 12
Oh, so you just got it now.. I think i still don't have it. I don't really care much if they change the layout or not, since i don't use it often. Many people complain about it though.. i hope it woks well for you..
@deodavid (4150)
• Philippines
4 Jul 12
Hey there stan, Well good for you that you are still on the old format and yeah, i do hope it works out well. Maybe I'll just have to learn more about it and try to just enjoy the new format, thanks for the comment. Happy lotting.
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
2 Jul 12
Oh, so you just got timeline now? I think i have had it for month, it just happened, i didn't even agree to it.. it doesn't work well for me though.. but for some of my friends it does.. I don't now why, is it the browser or the net connection? Pictures are too big and the page loads so slow.
@deodavid (4150)
• Philippines
4 Jul 12
Hey there lady, Well i don't have those kinda of issues but i do hope you get to resolve them if it is a system issue or your browser. For me it is the format of the timeline that sucks and i wished that Facebook kinda gave us a choice between the new and the old format well, can't do anything about it now right. Thanks for the3 comment.
@rodnac (191)
• Australia
2 Jul 12
Well i would say it is good but i do like the option of going back to the old format. Some people do hate the timeline, it looks more complicated. I got mine accidentally then its stuck there for good. The timeline looks nicer than the old one but it looks rather complicated.
@deodavid (4150)
• Philippines
4 Jul 12
Hey there, Well i think that yeah it is easier to stay in the old format and Ive tried to get back into it but i guess Facebook will just keep on forcing the issue so i guess I'll just have to deal with it well anyway i guess we will just have to learn to work it so that we can enjoy it.