Money and Relationships

@Suebee (2013)
July 2, 2012 3:24pm CST
Do you have a joint bank account with your partner/spouse? Some people just tend to be bigger spenders than others while others are more frugal. It is rare that in a relationship both partners will have the same spending habits. Do you keep your finances separate even though you are married and/or living together or do you go with the concept of "yours, mine and ours" for your finances? I have been in both types of relationships. In my first marriage everything was just one big joint account. We had it this way for many reasons but mostly because of the fact that my ex was in the military. He would be gone for long stretches at a time and I was responsible for handling the money and paying all the bills while he was gone. This was before the days of the internet and online banking so he just couldn't do it and had to "relinquish financial control" to me (which I am sure pained him a great deal as he was a control freak). My current husband and I, although we share the bills, mortgage etc, maintain our separate bank accounts and finances. Which way do prefer or find works best for you?
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19 responses
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
5 Jul 12
we have our own separate account and then we have one joint account. I needed it, and it is easier to transfer money from one account to the other that way.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
10 Jul 12
it is not needed in our case. He takes care of his finances and I take care of mine. The joint account is just mine.
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
31 Jul 12
We do the same thing winterose. We each have our own separate accounts and then one joint account where we both put money in for the bills, mortgage etc. I find it works well.
• India
10 Jul 12
Do you create a written budget and analyze the spending everymonth? I think if not, someday the income will be not fair between the people. Correct me if i wrong :)
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@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
4 Jul 12
I know in some relationships the wife controls all the money. The couple will have joint savings and checking! It doesn't make sense when one is in control of the money wether if it bills and anything else! Some guys don't mind this but some guys regret it! I know one friend who does! He hates it and sometimes his wife buys things without talking to him first! That is not how a relationship and money should be handled! I believe couples should share paying the bills and both should know what is going on. I have heard so many times of a spouse letting the other spouse take control of the money and don't even know where all the money is going! Then a divorce happens are something else and the other spouse finds out the big finance mess the other spouse got them into! I think before people get married or are even living together should work out their finances before they do anything else!
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
1 Aug 12
Yes, random spending could cause resentment between a couple.
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
4 Jul 12
Exactly. That's sorta what prompted me to start the discussion. So many couples either have separate bank accounts and don't know what the other person is doing as long as they are paying their share of the bills. At other times, when one person is in control, the other person doesn't have a clue what is going on financially. They could be in debt up to their ears and not know it. Marriage is considered a partnership and, under the law, your finances are considered as one when you're married (assuming you don't have a pre-nup). It is to your advantage to know ALL the finances in your relationship, both yours and your spouses. Nobody wants a spouse to die and then, along with all the grief of losing a loved one, find out that they left you over your head in debt. That's just ONE example of how it could negatively affect you.
• India
10 Jul 12
How about limiting how much to spend for each person depends on the income, so it would be fair. And then limiting how much to spend for both of them. And also limiting how much to spend on personal shopping. I think limiting will be useful for both of husband and wife, right? At leas it would be better than just random spending, which maybe someday make one person envy or disappointed with the other.
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
2 Jul 12
During my first marriage my ex and I had a joint bank account. That got me in big trouble when he took off and left me holding the bag. So the second time around we have maintained separate bank accounts. However, I do not have a job and therefore no income so we should probably have a joint account. My husband got a line of credit because he was always living in the overdraft. Then he wanted to extend the line of credit which meant using the house as collateral. Because of that, my name is on the line of credit for which we have a cheque book. I should close my own account except for the automatic deposit of my Child Tax Credit. Maybe when that ends (my youngest will be 16 this year) I will close the account and join with his... if he lets me.
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
2 Jul 12
Having been in both situations, do you actually prefer one over the other?
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
2 Jul 12
It's kind of like comparing apples and oranges. In my first marriage I had a steady well-paying job and my husband couldn't keep a job. So I guess you could say I was the main income earner. So I sadly handed my money over to my now EX. Now, I am unable to work and my husband is in a very steady job (26 years) and I have to ask him for money. I have to say, I liked being independent, working, having my own money and hate that I became ill, unable to work and became dependent on my husband. I would prefer my own money in my own account.
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
4 Jul 12
I can fully understand that. I think most of us are the same way. I don't like depending on someone else for money either.
@suzzy3 (8341)
25 Jul 12
we have always had a joint account and never had a problem .We are both careful with money and only take money when we need to,All the bills go by direct debit on certain days of the month.No problem at all.Not everyone is like us,some of my friends do have seperate bank accounts no problem whatever suits you
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
31 Jul 12
That's the key...whatever suits you both. You have to come up with an arrangement that is agreeable to both of you.
@natliegleb (5173)
• India
4 Jul 12
of course i do prefer separate bank accounts since no one can see my transactions and the integrity will be finally maintained,that is the best way i feel
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
4 Jul 12
Do you share the expenses then?
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
1 Aug 12
That's something I have never done rahmabaegood, is sit down and write out a budget. I don't think I could ever stick to one. I always just pay my bills first and then spend whatever I have left on whatever I want. Thankfully, I am not what one would call a big spender!
• India
10 Jul 12
Maybe to make everything more balance between both of husband and wife, they can write a budget together, stick to that budget together, and talk to each about making purchases. But maybe not always works in real life, right, especially when one of them want to buy special things for theirself, in urgent moment.
@czhey21 (55)
• Philippines
21 Jul 12
Once you become a committed couple, it is important to work together to come up with general spending rules or limits. Couples can pick from a number of possibilities.
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
31 Jul 12
That's very true. The secret is to find a system that works for both of you.
@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
6 Jul 12
With my first marriage we had a joint account. I was also married to the military. Unfortunately even with my husband going overseas and on deployments he would always drain the bank accounts by taking advance pays. We lived on post... I am sure you are familiar with this. No rent, no electric, water or garbage bills. We were always so broke that I had to go on Food stamps and eventually me and the kids had to move in with my parents because we did not have money to put fuel in the car to even go get groceries. Most of my neighbors were not very helpful either. I was at a loss. I had to actually borrow a stamp from my neighbor to mail a letter to my Mama telling her how desperate we were and how we needed to come stay with them. Since that time I have NEVER shared an account with anyone. My current husband has a separate account from me and even though I have a card for his account he does not have one for mine. I don't make much money but what I do make I keep tabs on it myself. With his money I take x amount out for what we need and pay the bills. I doubt very seriously if I will ever have a joint account again.
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
31 Jul 12
I was the same as you. With my first marriage to the military we had a joint account. It worked ok as we moved a lot and I was between jobs a lot of the time. We had rent and all the bills to pay but always seemed to be short of money. I remember rolling pennies to buy diapers for my kids. Now, on my second marriage we have separate accounts and a joint account to pay the joint bills like the mortgage etc. I find it necessary to have separate accounts, especially on a 2nd or subsequent marriage as I like to be able to send birthday gifts, Christmas gifts etc to my kids from my first marriage and would feel very uncomfortable if I didn't have my own money to do that with.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
5 Jul 12
My late husband was not the best with finances. We had a joint bank account together and it was quite a chllenge to keep it under control.Money does have its way of creeping into our relarionships snd turning them upseide down. It may be fine to have a joint account with your spouse but i have had morefinancial happiness when I do it on my own.
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
5 Jul 12
I tend to agree with you sender. I've had it both ways and I like the separate bank accounts better.
@hestylim (1209)
• Indonesia
15 Jul 12
I prefer personal accounts. It is okay to share bills. However, sharing bank accounts is not good for me at all. I just dont like people mess with my bank account even though he is my own partner. I just want full control of my own earnings. :)
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
31 Jul 12
I don't blame you. It used to drive me crazy when my first husband would take money out of our account and not tell me. Then I'd go thinking I had money for something and I didn't. Now, on my 2nd marriage we have separate accounts and I like it that way.
@06MLam (620)
10 Jul 12
I think if you are in love with each other and you trust your partner, you should have a joint account as both contribute to the bills. However, you must have very good communication and compromise between yourselves how the money should be spent so that you will not end up having conflicts about finance issues.
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
31 Jul 12
And so many couples have conflicts over money. I've had it both ways. My first marriage we had just a joint account. It worked for us then, paying the bills out of the one account, buying stuff for the kids etc. However, now that I am on my second marriage I find things different than they were the first time around. We both have grown children and I find that this somehow warrants separate accounts. I like to be able to help my kids out financially or send them money gifts for birthdays, holidays etc and feel so much better doing it with my own money. Likewise, he can do the same with his kids/grandkids. We share the bills and the mortgage and it works out well for us.
@Bhebelen14 (5194)
• Philippines
4 Jul 12
I am married for almost 7 years now we have a joint bank account and we have each other different account for our own savings, so far we dont ahve any problem aboout it. My husband is a very good in handling our finances so I just let him to do it for me and just asked for our weekly food budget. He paid all the bills and I just do the marketing. Good thing we both working and my salary is for my own use only and we only use his salary for everything we need.
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
4 Jul 12
That sounds like a good set-up. I think working together is the key. As long as you find a system that works for the two of you things should go smoothly.
@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
4 Jul 12
I perfer our own accounts as I'm rather cheap and like to save. I'm very paranoid and a_nal with my money. Every guy I've dated well irresponsible and just couldn't just hand my money over. Usually I suggest splitting the bills down the middle and you pay your share most guys I've dated just want to be in control and well that's usually why our relationships don't work. I'm very independent and control of myself no man can get in the middle of that or they are gone.
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
4 Jul 12
Yes, I agree that for a lot of people it's a matter of control. I like to have my independence as well, as I think most of us do.
@SJ112760 (132)
• United States
10 Jul 12
Suebee I'm like you I've been in both. My 1st relationship we had a joint account but that was the wrong thing to do. He went through the money like it was water he wiped the account out. So this time we have a joint account for the bills but we still have our own accounts. I like it that way.
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
31 Jul 12
That's the way we do it as well and I couldn't imagine it any other way.
• India
10 Jul 12
Actually, you can pick and choose which things that you want to share as a couple and which things not to share. I think you must be handling money as a team, something like that. Beside that, handling money is extremely important in a marriage. And just like everything else important in a marriage, communication is key to keeping your money handling healthy. Communication will make a good "bridge" to smooth one bank account life. And last, On the other side, it should be simpler because you are dealing with less bank accounts. In example when dinner, you can just say, "let we pay this", and not "let me pay this".
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
31 Jul 12
You are right, communication is absolutely necessary. So many couples fight about money. I find the one bank account worked ok but not great for my 1st marriage. I'm quite happy with my current husband and I each having our own accounts. It works well for us.
@Porcospino (31365)
• Denmark
2 Jul 12
In my previous relationship my partner and I had separate bank accounts. Every month I trasfered part of my salary to his bank account and then he paid the rent and bills out of the money that he got from me and his own salary. That worked pretty well. Every month there was some money left in my account and in his account and each of us were able to spend that money in any way that we chose. My husband I have 3 bank accounts. I have a personal bank acoount, he has a personal bank account and we have one joint back account. Every month we both transfer most of our salaries to the joint back account and most of that money is spent on the mortgage and the bills. Sometimes my husband spends the money from the joint account on things than we didn't agree about, and I try to save as much money as possible.
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
2 Jul 12
That sounds very similar to the arrangement I have now. We each have our own bank accounts and then one joint account that we both put money in to each month to pay the mortgage, condo fees and shared expenses. So far, it works well for us.
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• India
3 Aug 12
Hi friend, i have one join account with my wife, she is not a spender, so i don't worry about having a joint account with her. Having separate bank account is good for both of you. We also have separate bank accounts as well as one joint account
@maxzo11 (24)
• Bulgaria
4 Jul 12
Hi Suebee, I'm married and our money are in one bank account! My husband spends more than me, but when we need to make more cost always solve together... I always have some money for me personally, for coffee, for somethink for a child when we are out, my husband does not control this money.
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
4 Jul 12
It sounds like you have a situation that works for the two of you then. That's what couples need.
@ECH107 (108)
• Austria
2 Jul 12
I like to keep money out of my relationship by keeping my money separate from his, unless we agree to buy something together, but never a joint account. I think this would avoid conflict in the future.
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
2 Jul 12
Do you have a system then where you share the bills and living expenses?
• Philippines
3 Aug 12
money and relationship, when you are husband and wife or married couple the root of your augrement is about money, bec. your husband earning is not enough for the whole family, and there is sometimes other woman. so the budget is getting smaller. but some relationship is not always fright for money, they just talk about it and go to a goal or pak about money. and sometime money is the reason for living some mother or father go aboard to give them enough education, and good financial. so most of the time it go together that money and relations. sometimes also money is the reason for a couple to spit up. it doest not give the financial support of the family.