Obama Care or (AHA) Is A Failed Law
By Fatcat44
@Fatcat44 (1141)
United States
July 2, 2012 5:06pm CST
Think about the way the healthcare law is set up.
No pre-existing conditions.
So every will not buy health insurance, and pay only the 1% penalty which is less that the health insurance cost.
Then when you need it, you buy the insurance and get covered for your major medical condition, and then you drop it.
Under this condition, Obama care cannot succeed. The people who wrote it are idiots. It already has failed, but in the mean while it is upsetting our current health insurance system.
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7 responses
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
4 Jul 12
Fat, you can always add in a clause that states you have to have coverage for X amount of time after you use the insurance, or have it for X amount of time before you can cancel your policy.
How can something fail when it hasn't even started?
Sounds like someone is worried that the program will work!!!
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
5 Jul 12
What will happen is since there is no more 'pre-existing conditions' allowed people will get diagnosed, buy insurance, get treated (costing insurance companies massive amounts of money) then drop the insurance once they do not need it anymore.
Insurance prices will naturally go up, because after all, the insurance companies cannot stay in business and support their families if they cannot make a profit. And if they are prevented from making a profit they will go out business and we will have the president's wish come true...a single payer plan. How wonderful for Mr. Obama. In the meantime, people will pay MORE for insurance, not be able to keep the doctor of their choice and have to wait longer for care because now we have the government setting the price allowed to be charged for services, doctors won't go without a sufficient income to pay off student loans and feed, house and educate and insure their families, so they will leave the profession.
[i]To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
•The Tyranny began during the Second World War, when the Government gave tax subsidies to Employers who offered Health Insurance Benefits, thus penalizing and disenfranchising individuals.
•The Government created and subsidized the Health Maintenance Organization---Entities designed to ration Health Care by Capitation; These incentives set Patient against Physician, thus destroying this Sacred Trust.
•The Government, in 1965, in its Infinite Wisdom and going far beyond its Powers as set out in the Constitution, decreed that the Poor and The Elderly should receive Health Care Benefits funded by the Taxpayer. Thus came into existence Medicaid and Medicare, massive Entitlements that are bankrupting the Federal and many State Governments.
•Alarmed by the rising Health Care Cost that it had engendered, the Government set out to restrain fees to Physicians. These Price Controls increased Health Care Spending, as Volume of Services went up, and Quality went down. No other Profession in the United States is denied the ability to raise fees to cover increasing costs of doing Business.
•The Government enacted HIPAA, forcing the spending of billions to comply, and with no positive impact on Patient Care.
•The Government passed Sustainable Growth Rate formula which lowers Medicare Physician Payment when total spending and volume increase, virtually assuring a downward spiral in Payments.
•The Government and HMOs now limit fees to Physicians by "Payment for Performance," based on "Practice Guidelines." Beyond insulting our Ethic, this destroys our Professional Autonomy.
•Congress and the President have conspired to completely take over all aspects of the Health Care System, with all patient encounters feeding into a National Database.[/i]
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
6 Jul 12
Deb, under GWB did insurance prices go down? In Texas where they have put all of the right wing republicans solution to health insurance in place has health care gone down?
I talked to my HR guy on Monday, and he said that we are getting quotes on our insurance lower than what we are paying now. That is the first time he has seen that in 10 years!!!! Private insurance companies will have to compete with state run exchanges. That means they will have to compete better, or they will be out of business. Has UPS and FEX-EX been put out of business by the USPS? Corporations can compete with the government.
@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
11 Jul 12
debater you forgot the biggest reason of all which is the present president; who has add more debt than all the other president in history combined with his spend spend spend behavior. No budget for four years straight now. That is a great way to run a nation! He and his democrat buddies should be put in jail for robbing us.

@MaxBan (14)
4 Jul 12
The Australian public health scheme known as Medicare, was set up about 40 years and works well. A group of American politicians came to Australia about ten years ago and studied it. They used it as a model, in setting up their own system. Most doctors here bulk bill which means the patient does not pay anything for the doctors services. Specialists require payment of a 'gap fee' (on top of the medicare payment) which most folk are able to afford. Our federal government is looking at extending Medicare to dental services because bacteria in rotten teeth create poisons that adversely affect all organs in the body. It has been suggested the vet bills for pensioners pets should be also covered by Medicare because studies have found an old person who cares for a pet is generally found to be in better health than a person who does not own a pet so it turns out the pet owner is less of a burden on the health system budget.
It sounds complicated but it is simply lateral thinking.
@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
4 Jul 12
Australia also has tighter government control over health insurance companies. It is a little different set-up. Your Government basically negotiates the prices. It is a power that the US Federal Government does not have not even with Obamacare. You see, we also have State Governments that have an "interest" in Health Insurance.
The State Governments actually have more power than the Federal Government. Not many people grasp this concept which is why what works in Australia, Canada, GB, Japan, etc. doesn't necessarily work in America.
@laglen (19759)
• United States
7 Jul 12
The people who wrote it, which nobody knows who wrote it, are exempt. The people who passed it I should say are exempt. I would feel much better about it if our politicians had to navigate this as well. There should be nothing that they are exempt from. How are they representing if they are above the law?
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
11 Jul 12
I am Canadian so not sure about the Obama Care. We have our form of socialized insurance up here and it is not that good, so wonder why Obama would want to copy a medical insurance plan that has many drawbacks.
That would be hard for someone who has a pre-existing condition. I do not know how that works, but if you went in to the hospital and said that you were diabetic, and it was for a knee injury, does that mean that because of the pre-existing condition, you would not eat insurance?
That would mean that you if it were you, would have to buy separate insurance for what you were already fighting for and the Obamacare would only cover anything not to do with it.
It would also be expensive, as if everyone drops it after treatment, that would mean the burden would go on those who still carry it.
@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
3 Jul 12
It is actually worse than a failure. It is an expensive failure. It is such a huge expense that the whole Federal Budget will eventually get soaked up by it. Forget the $16 TRILLION debt number to because that will become $100 TRILLION in a very short period of time.
@davidfindeis (46)
• Philippines
24 Jul 12
This is a great example of slow drip feeding communism its not just about healthcare its about what happened to freedom of choice what the USA needs is less government interference not more all the things that made the country great is slowly being eroded,god help the US if obama is reelected its a sure passport to economic doom with the deficit as high as it is it wont take too long and certainly before the end of his term,that unemployment will soar to twenty per cent and if this happens there will be no healthcare anyway because most people wont be able to pay the premiums, so wake up every american and elect the republicans and save your country they might not be the most perfect but at least they wont sink the great country to a worse result than 1929 America be warned.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
2 Jul 12
How can an insurance companies make a profit? Or is that against the law too? I mean, they have kids to feed too. And the scenario you describe sounds very plausible.
Oh NOVEMBER, you cannot come quick enough. And by golly if Romney turns out to be an idiot too, I'm going to walk to DC and knock on the White House door and speak my mind right there in the Oval Office. Lord knows other unsavory things have been said and done in there lately!