Are you good at public speaking?
By preethaanju
@preethaanju (3000)
July 4, 2012 3:38am CST
One of the most difficult things to do. Speaking in public is perhaps one of the most dreaded things for most of us. The very thought of having to speak in front of 100's of people makes one sweat and tense. I have had the experiecnce of speaking in public a couple of times. I was not fully satsified though. Atleast i made a beginning. How about you. Have you ever spoken in a public forum? are u scared to speak before many people?
14 responses
@kenshin2143 (1880)
• Philippines
4 Jul 12
Well we have the same problem. I can manage speaking in front of a crowd but not as effective and efficient compared to others. I shake, my hands turns cold, excessive sweating, trembling heartbeats and others. I am just glad that during this semester, we had a public speaking class that will hopefully provide me with decent skills in order to be an effective speaker.
@preethaanju (3000)
• India
5 Jul 12
Yes like me you too have all the sysmtoms of nervouness before a crowd. But its not impossible to speak on public. Only that people like you and me take a bit longer to get used to it and master it
@kenshin2143 (1880)
• Philippines
5 Jul 12
I can easily construct decent sentences composed of good words by means of writing. But talking in public is a different thing. I get very nervous in constructing sentences and becomes very stupid when it comes to my diction.
@anachroniSaM (191)
• Philippines
4 Jul 12
I've had my share of speaking in front of the public, whether in delivering speeches or when being an emcee for programs, or in impromptu speaking contests. It's not really much hard, as long as you have a good command of the language to be spoken, and a sufficient amount of confidence to conquer the stage fright that never goes away. I must say that when it comes to impromptu competitions, I tend to falter in speaking. I don't know, maybe I have gotten a bit of rusty in public speaking when I have begun joining these contests. Sometimes I am also not that confident in speaking in straight English, maybe because it will always be a second language for me.
@preethaanju (3000)
• India
5 Jul 12
Yes for some public speaking is easy but most find it very difficult. Even i belong to that category. i have tried to master this art but...
I regularly watch great speakers and learn from them.
@anachroniSaM (191)
• Philippines
6 Jul 12
But of course, we could always learn from observing and watching. Sometimes it seems to be a bit intimidating, while we also couldn't help to admire and even envy the people who are great in public speaking. But watching them could help. At the end of the day, it would also help to do a bit of practicing. It's the best way to equip yourself in this area, as well as in other skills/
@preethaanju (3000)
• India
5 Jul 12
The problem with most people is the fear and inferiro feelings that sets in when they fail the first time. We all say its easy to master it after the first few times. But most dont go beyond the 1st effort and give up
@ryanong (9664)
• Vietnam
5 Jul 12
I am not really but not bad at public speaking. If i present in English, i may get 5 minutes after that to keep my presentation being fluently, but it is no problem if i present by my native language.
@preethaanju (3000)
• India
5 Jul 12
Yes some people find it easy to speak in their mother tongue. But when they are asked to speak in english is when most faulter.Here the speaker is required to tackle two things at the same time-counter nervousness of standing before the crowd and the pressure of speaking a language which does not come naturally to him/her
@Manasha (2863)
• Pondicherry, India
4 Jul 12
yes, earlier I had fear about those things in my life but after gaining some experience I was able to do things in good way
@preethaanju (3000)
• India
5 Jul 12
yes you are one of the lucky few who managed to get over the intial period which is always dreaded by new speakers.Congrats
@sensigem (37)
4 Jul 12
When I was back in primary school I used to be great in front of crowds and audiences. Strangely by the time I went to secondary school I had developed a sway whenever reading off a sheet and not looking at the audience. I didn't even realise I was swaying and I sway more and more until I am interrupted. Fortunately I am not required to talk in front of people anymore but I reckon I could handle it now. I have a mild form of SAD (social anxiety) although if I had a set speech to make it would be fine. If I had to wing it I wouldn't do very well, I feel a lot of pressure making a pitch or going for a job interview.
As with everything in life, practice will make it easier.
@preethaanju (3000)
• India
5 Jul 12
Yes public speaking is not merely delivering a few sentences. there is a lot of body language and gestures that goes with it to make it appear natural. Otherwise the whole thing looks dramtic and foolish.
@smacksman (6053)
4 Jul 12
Public speaking is a skill that can be learnt like any other skill.
When in my late 20's a friend invited me to join a group called Toastmasters International. They meet once a month and have a set agenda for the evening. The first part is fun! Each member in turn has to speak for a minute on a subject sprung on them. For instance, the chairman says 'Fred. Please tells us why Father Christmas dresses in red' or something obtuse like that. Fred has to immediatly stand and talk for a minute keeping on the subject and speaking with a beginning, middle and conclusion. He needs to project his voice so all can hear; he must make eye contact with the listeners; he must be dressed for the occasion and button his jacket; he must take care with humour; no pauses, ums, errs, you know's, like,...; and so on.
After the session the chairman gives his constructive criticism from which we all learn.
The rest of the evening is spent with members making set speeches of varying length and difficulty and the performance is again discussed.
There are definite techniques and skills to be mastered to speak well in public and I am now automatically 'giving points' to politicians when I hear them speak! 

@preethaanju (3000)
• India
5 Jul 12
Yes its not an impossible art to learn.But it needs constant effort to master this wonderful art. I have seen people scared and hiding just to escape from being asked to speak a few sentences in public
@mensab (4200)
• Philippines
4 Jul 12
when i was in high school, we were told that public speaking is part of our life. it is difficult to always avoid public speaking especially if one decides to rise in positions in any sectors, be it private or public. our teachers made us believe that we all have stories and ideas to share. and that is the basic requirement for any speaker - to have something to say. i like public speaking.
@preethaanju (3000)
• India
5 Jul 12
Yes you are right. In some profession it becomes and absoulute necessity to speak in public. While i type this the PDO or panchayath development officer sitting next room is busy giving a lecuture on the water problem faced by the villagers. She has to do this act regularly. But in a way its a blessing in disguise because they get to work and at the same time learn an art
@blebchel (249)
• Philippines
4 Jul 12
this is only difficult for those introverts, who get an anxiety when speaking infront of the crowd but for those with an extrovert personality, this is just too easy for them because they like to be at the stage. I am an introvert , so this is just so hard for me. I just thank God that I finished college and I am over with it.hehe
@preethaanju (3000)
• India
5 Jul 12
Yes introverts find it difficult to speak. They find their tongue too heavy and hence faulter to speak. But this is a wonderful art which everyone an master provided we put the desired sincereity in learning
@llooll519 (108)
• Portugal
4 Jul 12
In my opinion it isn't hard as well... If you are going to do some kind of presentation to your school friends, its easy. But if you are going to do a speech to people that you don't know at all, you've got some kind of afraid to say something wrong and to make some mistakes during the speech.
In my case, it depends from each person. If you are too shy, of course it'll be hard to do a speech. If you aren't shy and you socialize everywhere, I think that it would be easy for you to do some kind of presentation or speech.
@preethaanju (3000)
• India
5 Jul 12
Speaking in public comes naturally to some and it seems you are one such.But by and large people find it very hard to stand before a crowd to deliver a speech. Even i have had only a minimumm experience at speaking in public.
@Inderjeetkaur (944)
• India
4 Jul 12
Certainly it isn't very easy to talk before 100's of people all of a sudden, but it is rightly said that, "Practice makes a man perfect". I personally think that good listeners and good readers often turn out to be good speakers. I haven't got many opportunities to speak in public forums, but never I was given a chance I did fairly well.
@preethaanju (3000)
• India
5 Jul 12
when one is not naturally talented then it surely will take some time to master this tricky art. But once master this is a wonderful art that gives us immense confindence in doing anything. After all it takes man to convey his feelings to another to live and survive. So effective communication is always handly
@taura2p (349)
• Romania
4 Jul 12
I had such experience before, too. I feel quite tense, but still I can control my emotions quite well. If I just have to speak free, it is very difficult to me, but if I can read my speech, it is ok, because I feel I have more control. I guess there are people who are born to speak in front of masses, but I am definitely not one of them.
@preethaanju (3000)
• India
5 Jul 12
yes its always the beginning that is tough. Once we are on the stage and start to speak all the nervousness disappears.But for a subsequent fluency one must be thorough with the topic we are speaking about
@jobfindonline (1744)
4 Jul 12
I guess all of us may feel that way sometimes. It depends on the situation and the listeners we have.
But I am not too afraid to speak in front of many people. I just think that whatever you see is the real me and I have nothing to change. It also helpful to think that we cannot please everyone.
So we just need to be ourselves and have confidence but not too much. If we are to speak in public people can easily determine if we are nervous or not confident enough for what we say..
@preethaanju (3000)
• India
5 Jul 12
Some find it easy to speak. Most people start stammering in the presence of a crowd. Even winstston churchill who was one of the greatest orators used to practice his speech every day, sometimes in the bath room
@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
4 Jul 12
I'm slowly improving, but no, I'm not. It has been about 10 years' hard work to make my legs stand still and not shake throughout and to try to speak fluently. I have stage fright. I have to pay attention not to play with my hair and my pen and the frill on my blouse and practically anything I can touch :D, to have eye contact and to stand in the middle, not to hide (accidentally) behind the laptop. I've improved a lot, at least when it comes to comparing to my self-conscious, anxious self, but I'm not a good orator at all.
@preethaanju (3000)
• India
5 Jul 12
haha its taken you only 10 years? i have been trying to gain some control on my speaking ability for the last 20 years. So far i have improved or have i?