Does It Matter Who You Vote For In the Upcoming Election?
@WumpyPPancakes (117)
United States
July 5, 2012 5:56pm CST
There are many people who have expressed to me that it doesn't matter if you vote in the upcoming election because Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are the same. Although one is Democratic and one is Republican, people have shared with me that they can really distinguish one from the other. Both elected officials, they argue, are in their own private, wealthy world. Both of them don't understand the needs of the majority of the people...and the country is gone so far down the tubes that neither one can help us get back to where we need to be.
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10 responses
@stealthy (8181)
• United States
6 Jul 12
I think it is very important. I really can't conceive of anyone being as bad for the country and the people as Obama has been. In so many presidential elections as others have said above, it is a matter of voting for the lesser of the evils. The last president who was really good for the country(and the world) was Ronald Reagan. Though there are probably many who will disagree, I think George W. Bush was much better than Obama. Obama likes to blame everything on Bush, but I would like to see just how Obama would have kept the country from going into a very deep recession just after 9/11. That didn't happen with Bush in office and few if any ever realize that is just how things could have gone.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
7 Jul 12
Well stealthy, that is a horrible, heart-wrenching thought.. .if Obama had been president on/after 9/11. I wonder if they would have been able to find the golf course he was on at the time. Obama simply had no experience in anything to qualify him for president. Only thing he ever ran was his mouth...that isn't enough to know how to run a country!
@choybel (5042)
• Philippines
6 Jul 12
When I say this, I only speak of my opinion, so let me say it now, choose the lesser of two evils. For me, I believe that politicians will never be clean and so the only measure to where to cast my vote will be on the lesser dirt they have on their name.
@WumpyPPancakes (117)
• United States
6 Jul 12
I so agree with you. If you are going to vote, pick the one you know that you can live with. I believe that I am still going to vote because it is my right. The way I see it is that there are many women of all ethnic groups and backgrounds in the past who have fought for our right to vote.
As for politician not being clean, we are on the SAME PAGE. I call them "professional liars," because that's what they are. They tell people what they want to hire so they can get votes. That's what campaigning is all about. But, it seems, once they get in...well, it is a different story. Of course, they aren't going to keep all their promises. And maybe, we get lucky if they decide to pass something that they promised when they campaigned during election year.
@WumpyPPancakes (117)
• United States
6 Jul 12
I agree. Politics is dirty business. It's a corrupt business. It's not about the politics of the people anymore. It's about the politicians politics within their circle. When you really examine it, we, the people, elect government officials, who are politicians, to serve the needs of us as individuals--as a nation. Yet, when you look right down to it, it appears that they are serving the needs of themselves. They get the best healthcare. They get a guarantee salary...and all of that comes from our taxes. What about US getting the same benefits? Well, we don't because we are the little people. I hate to say it...but it's true. With great power, comes great corruption, and we, as the citizens of this country, are right in the middle of it. I don't expect government officials to work miracles like Jesus, but I do expect them to always strive to protect and serve us. And I haven't seen much of that recently at all.

@peavey (16936)
• United States
6 Jul 12
I think there is some difference, but how much will actually be evident after the campaign is over, I don't know. I think we need someone with some business experience, but only if that person will use it for the benefit of the nation.
I wouldn't go so far as to say it doesn't matter if we vote. If everyone thought that way, where would we be?

@WumpyPPancakes (117)
• United States
6 Jul 12
I think that there are some slight differences but not enough to make a difference.
I understanding being any government official, especially President, is difficult work. It's a highly, highly stressful job. However, our nation is as strong as our leader. For some people, they don't think that it matters if they vote because they believe, either way, Obama or Romney aren't going to make any significant changes to help our economy. Yet, I always believe that whoever is in office...I think that you still should exercise your right to vote. There are many brave civil rights activists (I am not just talking about African Americans...anyone who was activist that fought for our right to vote) who fought gallantly through many ways for us all to vote in this country.

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
8 Jul 12
It would make more sense to elect Libertarians to Congress rather than the Presidency. After all, they make the laws.
Americans don't fully understand their own government and how it works, the President actually does NOT have the power that we're accustomed to seeing them use. We've gotten so used to the over reach of the executive branch for the last 100 years we think that is how it is supposed to be. We believe that if we can just get the right guy in there all will be well. While the president does set the policies that will be pursued, it is Congress that makes or breaks those policies, or at least it should be. Under Obama, executive order has been used almost 1000 times to circumvent the law. To me and many others, this a very dangerous precedent and needs to be reigned in.
What the president's office does do is set policy, and as leader of his political party he 'rallies the troops' so to speak. But unless he has support in Congress to carry out his policies according to the Constitution, he has only veto power to carry them out. What Obama has done is divided not just the Congress, making it near impossible to work together but he has divided the American people along race, gender and economic classes. And he's done it deliberately. His role as 'leader' has been to by his policies and rhetoric and executrive order has been abused. He is unwilling to compromise. And that is the biggest difference between him and Romney as far as I can see. Romney has proven he can compromise, and yet we call this 'flip flopping'? We accept Obama's 'evolution' on the gay marriage issue, as good and right, but wasn't that just a political flip flop?
I agree with the Libertarians much more so than the Republicans. And I recognize that the RNC leaves much to be desired in the way of policies proposals. But I do not see the American people electing a Libertarian president under the current mood of the country. There are way to many of us that depend on the Federal Government to meet our needs, we like having them there to regulate us and regulate us. Consider the different agencies of the Federal government that we've come to depend on. The EPA, Dept. of Ed., etc. Despite the fervency of the Ron Paul camp, many Americans are fearful of 'going it on their own' without oversite and rulings fromt the Federal Government. I find it sad, but very true that the majority of Americans are 'spoiled' in this way.
IF those people (like me) really want smaller Federal Government, we should place people like Ron Paul and Gary Johnson in Congress so they could VOTE for the programs that reduce government.
I believe this election is the most important election to be held since the election of Abraham Lincoln. The president's role is as a leader as I said earlier. If we do not get the Democrats out of positions of power, we will continue down the path of big government and ruling by executrive fiat rather than by will of the people as expressed in the Constitution. It is not JUST Obama that has brought us to the point we are at today. It has been the ideological push towards big government of the progressive Democrat party at ALL levels of our government. I also find it VERY DANGEROUS that our leaders are ignoring the basic tenents of the Constitution. And that has accelerated under Obama at very alarming rates for those who understand just what Constitutional governing is, like the Libertarian candidates.
I find it very sad that Ron Paul and Gary Johnson do not see this. Of all people, being Libertarians, they should realize just how important it is to remove Barack Obama from office if we are to return to a Federal Government that actually follows the tenents of the Constitution. For that reason, I do not feel they have the best interests of the country at heart and are merely trying to be part of the 'power structure' that our Federal Government has become. Surely we all understand that a vote for Gary Johnson or Ron Paul UNLESS there are the majority of 310,000,000 voting for one of them, is just in effect a vote away from Romney and a vote FOR Obama. I've said over and over on this and other forums, the imperitive is to get Obama out of office if we want big government to stop growning. Once we turn around the drive towards this, we can concentrate on reducing the big government we already have IN CONGRESS.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
8 Jul 12
Sometimes it is much better to get 75% of what one wants than to vet 10% or zero as I believe we get with Obama...Bill Sullivan on FB group Polite People Do Not Discuss Politics or Religion.
What a second term for Obama will mean;
[i]The 2012 election has often been described as the most pivotal since 1860. This statement is not hyperbole. If Barack Obama is re-elected the United States will never be the same, nor will it be able to re-capture its once lofty status as the most dominant nation in the history of mankind.
The overwhelming majority of Americans do not understand that Obama's first term was dedicated to putting in place executive power to enable him and the administration to fulfill the campaign promise of "transforming America" in his second term regardless of which political party controls Congress. That is why his re-election team is virtually ignoring the plight of incumbent or prospective Democratic Party office holders.
The most significant accomplishment of Obama's first term is to make Congress irrelevant. Under the myopic and blindly loyal leadership of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, the Democrats have succeeded in creating an imperial and, in a second term, a potential dictatorial presidency.
During the first two years of the Obama administration when the Democrats overwhelming controlled both Houses of Congress and the media was in an Obama worshipping stupor, a myriad of laws were passed and actions taken which transferred virtually unlimited power to the executive branch.
The birth of multi-thousand page laws was not an aberration. This tactic was adopted so the bureaucracy controlled by Obama appointees would have sole discretion in interpreting vaguely written laws and enforcing thousands of pages of regulations they and not Congress would subsequently write. [/i]
There's more at the link provided. The healthcare law contains many instances where at the descretion of the president appointments can be made for oversite that reports and takes orders directly from the president. IF allowed to stand and not repealed, Obamacare will change the face of the whole Federal Government from three branches with equal power and checks and balances to one of almost complete dictatorial powers within the executive branch. The same with Dodd-Frank.
And fighting amongst ourselves about 'who' sits in the oval office is just one such tactic being used AGAINST us winning. We are being manipulated TO DISAGEE. If you all can't see this, you are going to wind up giving a second term and that will be the end of WE THE PEOPLE...
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
2 Sep 12
I was away from myLot for some time and am just now getting around to this, so very sorry it took me so long, but THANK YOU for best response! 

@WumpyPPancakes (117)
• United States
8 Jul 12
Debra, that's an excellent post.
You're right. This isn't all just about the president. This is about the entire body of the government and what parties are in office...and what everyone's agenda is--collectively, individually, and both.
I also agree with you on how many Americans are dependent on big government. People are dependent on all the social programs and such. Many of our older citizens are dependent on social security; many of our poor are dependent on social services like TANF, food stamps, etc. However, if you look throughout history and what former presidents have instilled these programs in the past, particularly F. Roosevelt who created the Social Security Act under the New Deal while the Great Depression was going on to help Americans. During that time, Americans needed those programs because we were in a Great Depression in the 30s...people had a lot of trouble feeding their families or taking care of themselves.
However, those programs weren't supposed to become a part of our economical system, but they have. Before the Crash of the Stock Market in '29, churches and such took care of the poor and needy...and might have been way prior to that. Now, our government takes care of the poor and needy with our hardworking taxes. I know that we have to pay taxes, and I do not mind paying them for their intent is to keep the roads updated and other such public governmental buildings or transits or any other public things that are used by the collective American systems. However, my taxes are going to people who stay unemployed...some of them living on assistance and hustling by other means. I can even the understand the psyche of a individual recipient; however, I don't like that our government continues to support that kind of program because for some recipients it becomes an excuse for them not to find work or gain educational training and/or learning to become a hardworking American system. You have people out there working two minimum wage jobs who are barely able to pay their rent and take care of their families.
And because we have these social programs in place, they aren't going away any time soon. This is where I tax dollars have been going out traditionally, and it seems difficult for any of the government elected officials to try to wean us off from these programs. Yet, this one of the many problems that our country is affected by.

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
8 Jul 12
thank you Wumpy for the BR. I am very concerned that these difference in opinion amongst those of us we wish to see a return to Constitutional governance will be the doom of America. It is so very important that we be united, and Obama is playing us, he is aware, very aware of how to divide and conquer. And I don't doubt for a minute that by pointing to Romney's 'faults' as a conservative that he knows he is dividing us and assuring his win in Novemeber.
I lean towards agreement with the libertarian platform. We WILL NEVER see anything close to the libertarian's desires for America IF WE LET THE PROGRESSIVES WIN IN NOVEMBER.
@AidaLily (1450)
• United States
9 Jul 12
By agreeing (or leaning towards agreement) with the libertarian platform, does that mean you agree that neither Romney nor Obama deserve to be president of the united states?
I mean you are right Obama is dividing, but so are the republicans if not Romney himself.
Obama, however, isn't lying about the taxes. Romney, speaks ideals but gives no concrete plan or proof of how to do it. I won't say too much right here because I am making a post about it.
However both parties know how to separate and they know how to push and divide to their fan-bases. That is why they have all their paid media sites and such. Fox News, CNN, and the list goes on.

@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
7 Jul 12
Yes it matters and if you vote for one of the two main clowns our whole country will lose. We the people need to stand up and make it known to both of the main parties that their lies and deceit will no longer be tolerated. Research a bit and vote for someone who is not affiliated with either the democrats or republicans. Nothing will change unless we change it. If you see someone you like but your communist state refuses to put them on the ballot remember you can aways write their name in.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
7 Jul 12
I understand what you are saying opinionatedlady, but really... do you think that is going to help.. to write in the name of a person (place or thing) that isn't on the ballot? You know that person (place or thing) isn't going to win, so why waste your time going to the polls and voting? What it all boils down to vote for one is a sure vote for the other. If you don't vote for one on the ballot, your vote isn't going to count and your vote won't matter and your vote won't change anything. So in the end, you have just wasted your time. Do some research and as others have put it... choose the better of two evils and vote for that one.Or simply ask yourself.. am I happy with the way things are now? Then vote for Obama. If you answer that question, no, you are not happy with the way things are now.. vote for Romney... at least that way you have a chance of some change, hopefully for the better. but Obama has demonstrated how he intends to run the country and what he can do...and if that isn't what you want...better vote him out or you will just get more of the same. At least with Romney, we have a little hope of some better times.
But to make your vote not is that standing up for change?
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
8 Jul 12
Like it or not, right NOW the majority of America will vote for either Republicans or Democrats. I don't like it either. The system we have will not change overnight with ONE election. There are just to many Americans who do not understand how government works under our Constitution to realize the importance of protecting our Republic. IF obama wins because we are divided on this, we will NEVER have the chance to return to Constitutional governance again. It is that critical. What needs to be focused on is electing libertarians and constitutional conservatives to Congress. That is where the power of the people lay anyway.
Obama is using our differences in opinion on this to divide and conquer. And I'm very disappointed in the libertarian candidates in not seeing this. Of all people, Gary Johnson and Ron Paul ought to see how important this election is and how we MUST remove Obama NOW or we will never be able to stop the progressive push towards socialism again. To continue on as they do, knowing they will not have the popular support in my mind is just another move by another politician for power and prestige on their part.
The polls show an almost even split between Obama and Romney. It is an uphill battle and a very close one at that. IF conservative libertarians split the vote 3rd party, it will assure a win for Obama, and Obama KNOWS this. It is why he is pointing out and actually making up the faults of Romney, painting him as just another 'big government' republican. Why are people falling for it? Romney may not be the 'perfect' candidate, but he is worlds away from being the radical socialist progressive out to destroy the Constitution that Obama is.
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
8 Jul 12
If you go to :
you will find the other people who will be on ballots all over the country and are NOT write ins unless you want to vote for them in States that suppress other candidates. (something I find dishonorable by the way) If we all spread the word to people who are sick of these liars that there are other candidates that our socially biased media hides in the background we can make a difference and it's all the people rolling over and using the "does it really matter" as an excuse
that cause change not to happen. I do not want to sound mean but it really irks me that so many are willing to let the same old crap happen over and over again because they just don't think it matters enough to actually try to change it.

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
22 Jul 12
I know I'm very late with this but when I came across it I had to respond just the same. To answer your title question, yes, yes, YES it matters! To say the two candidates are indistinguishable is probably the most absurd things I've ever heard, with all due respect. Going just by the reason you cited, that both men are wealthy, there is still no comparison; in President Obama we have a man who came from humble roots while in Romney we have someone who was born with a silver, gold and diamond spoon in his mouth. However, that's really not the issue here, in my humble opinion.
Seriously, no matter which side of the many issues facing us as a nation one comes down on, this is no doubt one of the most important Presidential elections in my lifetime at least and one in which there is probably the BIGGEST differences in ideologies and overall philosophies. One will definitely sign a repeal of the ACA, effectively taking health care coverage away from millions of Americans while the other will veto it. Of course, this repeal can't happen without a change in the make-up of the Senate and a continuation of the GOP majority in the House, so these races are also very important.
On other issues, one will resume the practice of tax cuts, especially for the wealthiest amongst us, and spending cuts which will harm the least fortunate amongst us while the other realizes it's middle class Americans who are truly the "job creators". One will protect Medicare for our seniors, current and future, while the other will turn it into a voucher program which by some estimates will cost the average senior citizen an addition $6000+ per year.
Then there's the Supreme Court...if you like the Citizens' United ruling you'll absolutely LOVE Romney's future nominees. There will possibly be up to 3 opeigs in the court in the next Presidential term so you can see how much THIS alone matters.
Regardless of your views please believe me when I say it matters greatly who you vote for in November. PLEASE make sure you exercise your right to vote, unless you end up being one of those whose right will be taken away this year.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
6 Jul 12
The differences are basically in what parts of your life they want the federal government sticking it's nose in to, what aspect of the welfare state they push and what country they plan on going to war with next. Either way, we will still wind up with a federal government that sticks it's nose in to your life, continues the welfare state and goes to war with someone.
The problem is people look at only a small portion of the larger picture. In doing so, they see a canyon of difference between the two. when in reality, there is not much daylight between the two big box parties. I have pretty much made up my mind. Unless Ron Paul pulls off a miracle at the republican convention, I will be supporting, campaigning for and voting for Gary Johnson (Libertarian party).
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
8 Jul 12
And by doing that, knowing the majority of Americans will not do so along with you, you are assuring Obama another term.
Instead, concentrate on where we really do have a chance to put small government libertarians, constitutional conservative in power, CONGRESS!
Like I've said over and over, If Obama wins we will never be able to undo the damage to the Republic and the Constitutional liberties we are trying to protect.
It took decades for the damage to be done, and it will take decades to undo it. IF Obama wins, we will not have the chance to ever undo it again.
Obama knows this, and I don't doubt that he is using the differences of opinion within the ranks of 'small government' proponents to divide and conquer once again.
@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
7 Jul 12
Yes, it matters even if all you are doing is exercising your right to vote and write in Mickey Mouse as a candidate.
Popular vote counts and very rarely has the Electoral College gone against the Popular vote. Most of those cases were because the Presidential candidate wasn't exactly alive at the time.
As far as the differences between Romney and Obama, well Obama has pretty much used up all of his political capital left and has absolutely no negotiating power left. So, it makes sense to put in a new President, along with new members of Congress in order to get momentum moving again.

@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
7 Jul 12
You are right sierras236.. he has used up what little he Hannity always says... can we afford 4 more? My husband is in construction and has never worked a day in Obamas reign. I dont know for sure that Romney will bring in the work, but I do know from first hand experience sure that Obama can't, didn't, won't so if for no other reason, I will vote him out. At least there is a chance that Romney will get some work going.. we know already that Obama wont'.
@WumpyPPancakes (117)
• United States
7 Jul 12
I am with you about exercising your right to vote--even if you write in someone else you rather for to be president! As I've said in an above post, our civil liberties are important, and I like to honor the people who fought for me to have the right/privilege to vote!

@Kenorv (343)
• United States
6 Jul 12
It really doesn't matter who wins in November, America loses. Both parties have failed. Think about it. If either party was any good that party would always be in power and the other party would be extinct. The reason that both parties continue to exist is because neither has proven to be able to govern well.
Unfortunately the voters are content with going back and forth between these same two parties and their failed ideologies. When the republicans fail the voters kick them out of power and vote the democrats into power. When the democrats fail, the voters kick them out of power and vote the republicans back into power. Back and forth, back and forth. And somehow the voters think that going back and forth between the same two parties and the same two sets of failed ideologies is real change. It's not.
America would be better off if there weren't any political parties at all. Right now the two parties have all of the power when it's the people that are supposed to have the power. The people can't have power if our "choices" are the same two parties and the same two sets of failed ideologies every single election. Unfortunately, anything short of a revolution probably won't bring about the end of political parties and with that, the kind of real change that this country needs to get back on track.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
8 Jul 12
The American people do not understand, and haven't for a couple of generations, that it is in Congress that their power lies. We concentrate so hard on who to elect to the Oval Office, thinking that that will give us a 'voice' in DC, but elect progressives (to a majority) in Congress. And it seems we choose one over the other back and forth like you said, hoping to make a difference. What we MUST do is remove the radical progressives from BOTH branches AT THE SAME time. The progressives within the Democrat party (which right now are the majority of Democrats) is imparative, absolutely necessary. We have to stem the tide of big government, our best chance of doing this lies in removing Obama, who in my mind has set us on a course towards socialism, and rule by the executive branch, with the goal being to ultimately do away with Congress's power entirely. What does that mean for America? Well, with Congress being OUR VOICE in DC, it means we loose government by respresentation. We will be ruled rather than governed by people of our choosing.
If we continue to allow this radical element to divide us and raise doubts about the ONLY candidate (Romney) who CAN defeat Obama in the popular election, splitting the vote with a 3rd party, Obama's win is assured. And if you think Obama doesn't know this and isn't using this to win, then Obama has won already.