Sinus infection

United States
July 5, 2012 8:05pm CST
I am 28 years old. I had sinus infection for first time few weeks ago. It was horrible as it used to cause severe toothache and I couldn't sleep for 2 -3 days . I visited my physician and took antibiotics for 10 days and then got relief. But I get slight pain sometime and that remains for few mins and go. Is anyone aware of any natural way like exercise etc to avoid sinus infection?
1 response
@DoctorDidi (7018)
• India
7 Jul 12
Sinus infection has actually no ideal treatment in allopathy. What is available in allopathy is antibiotics along with anti-inflammatory analgesics. It would cure for the time being but if the precipitating factors prevail, there would be fresh attacks.The natural way of preventing it is avoidance of cold and during the attack you may take steam inhalation. If there is recurrent attacks, surgery may ultimately be advised by allopathic doctors. So my suggestion is always try to avoid cold and take steam inhalation regularly and if you believe in homeopathy, try it.