
June 6, 2006 5:57pm CST
My x husband has not paid child support in or given any money or gifts to the kids in 2 months how long do I have to wait to file charges?
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26 responses
@sarah22 (3979)
• United States
19 Nov 06
You can make charges right now. because i have seen moms let it alone for along time and then cannot get back alot of the money owed to them. go and see a case worker and ask him/her what you should do. he has to pay for they are his kids and they need all that they can to be healthy. let him know that if he keeps it up, that what your going to do so he does not neglect his responibilits. good luck
• Canada
14 Nov 06
Okay to actually answer your question--You don't have to wait any longer. After one month of missed payments, you should file a report. Call immediately and launch a file for the last two months. If your child support is court mandated, they will contact him and let him know he has "x" time to catch up payments (usually before the next payment is due). Your kids deserve better than that. Good luck to you! From another single mom...
@ladygator (3465)
• United States
19 Nov 06
now I am wondering is he a bad father? I mean abusive or something, cuz that very hard on your children when you do that. Its a very touchy subject I know but in reality its a hard choice I would think
2 people like this
• United States
6 Jan 07
It is not wrong to go after a ex husband for non payment of child suport in fact it is having the childrens interest at heart .It has nothing to do with them being abusive they are his kids he is required by law to pay 50 % of thier up keep till they are 21 .
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@heat2502 (764)
• United States
19 Nov 06
It depends from state to state. In Michigan if he don't pay within 30 days you can call the friend of the court. It has to be a year before you can get them for abandoment last i knew.
@msqtech (15074)
• United States
20 Nov 06
get em danno
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@nhtpscd (1416)
• Australia
17 Dec 06
We dont have that here in Australia. They can go for years without child support being paid. I get a payment only once in a while. He physically hasn't even seen the kids by his choice since 1999. You would have to check within your own area
2 people like this
• United States
6 Jan 07
That really stinks I would hope one day they get better laws in place
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@luvgold (264)
• Indonesia
5 Jan 07
Sorry I still single so I dunno must do what was best, maybe any suggestion in another people
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@ahmar2 (682)
• Pakistan
20 Nov 06
You can charge now.
@infohome (1219)
• India
20 Nov 06
You can get help of an attorney right now.
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@msqtech (15074)
• United States
20 Nov 06
yesterday file as soon as possible your children are suffering and make the payments through the state
• United States
21 Nov 06
anytime. If he is not paying, or refusing to pay, then you can file.
2 people like this
• United States
26 Nov 06
Do you have a court order for child support. If so, I would contact the local Child Support Enforcement Division in your area and open a case. The fee is usually nominal or free depending on your state. They can help enforce your court order. Good Luck
2 people like this
• United States
26 Nov 06
Do you have a court order for child support. If so, I would contact the local Child Support Enforcement Division in your area and open a case. The fee is usually nominal or free dependind on your state. They can help enforce your court order.
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@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
16 Dec 06
Start the paper work now. Get a hold of your state DHS Office and have them mail you the paper work for child support. It's best to start now.
@missjackie (1357)
• Ypsilanti, Michigan
16 Dec 06
You should of done it right after his first missed payment.
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@moneymind (10510)
• Philippines
19 Nov 06
better talk to a lwayer or your lawyer for that, am sure they know the best things for you to take. greetings. : )
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@pusiket (1756)
• Philippines
19 Nov 06
you should by now.
@krysy1982 (1041)
• United States
19 Nov 06
You should be able to do something about it by now.
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@nana1944 (1364)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I hope by the time you read this that you have already filed. Talk to a lawyer, a case worker or the judge if it is court ordered. And lots of luck.
@rainyl (671)
• United States
19 Nov 06
It all depends what state you live in, do you have a support order? does he have a job? Also your ex does not have to buy your children anything as long as he pays child support... The Courts cannot make him buy clothing or gifts... The only thing the courts can do is order a fair amount for him to pay for the support of the children. Call your local Child Support Office
• India
5 Jan 07
Speak to him and explain the situation.Also intimate him about the actions you are going to take and if he fails again then go ahead.
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