Making a will is important !

@kiran8 (15348)
Mangalore, India
July 8, 2012 6:41am CST
A will is, in fact, the simplest way to ensure that your funds, property and personal effects will be distributed according to your wishes after your death ! By making a Will you not only ensure that your children are secure, you also reduce the likelihood of future feuds in the family which seems to be the norm in many families where an individul has died without making a will or any other legal arrangement for the disposal of his property and other belongings.So making a will is important !
6 responses
@anil02 (24688)
• India
9 Jul 12
Hello Kiran ji, In my opinion one must be execute will in his/her life to avoid conflicts and legal cases in family in future. In India making a will is easy job. here it is not necessary to register it any where.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
9 Jul 12
Hi anil, that's true, why put people into unnecessary complications and conflicts when there is an easy solution ! Yes there is no need to register a will, but it is better if one can do it...Thanks a lot for the response anil, how have you been and how is the weather there at Ganga nagar ? raining yet ?
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@anil02 (24688)
• India
10 Jul 12
Hello Kiran ji, weather is not much good here. We had little rain here. Although mercury is came down. We are waiting for good rain.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
11 Jul 12
According to weather reports the rains would spread all over India by another day or two....I saw news reports where they said that Jaipur and Bikaner had received rains and the temperature had come down drastically ..
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@lampar (7584)
• United States
9 Jul 12
I can agree with that, a wills is an important legally binding document for most people especially if you are a wealthy or very rich person with many assets laying around at the same time having many off springs produced by your spouse/ lover / mistress etc... Without a wills in place before you depart forever from this world, you can actually create much animosity among your off-springs and also between your spouse/lover/ mistress, not even mention the long legal battle for your own family. So if you are rich and don't like to see your immediate family members living in harmony after you are gone for good from this world, then just forget about this thing call 'wills' and move on.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
8 Jul 12
Hullo Kiran! There is no doubt about it at all.Whether there are multiple children or one child one must write a will.There must be no room for doubt and all aspects must be covered .This would not only avoid feuds but also ensure that the person's intent is carried forth.There is another important thing and that is the ease in the heir's operation when there is a will.Even for transferring a bank account[in case there is no nominee stipulated] a will would come in handy.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
9 Jul 12
Hi kala, Nice to see you around, I too hardly get time these days, and when I do there is the power cut which is the norm here during monsoons..I agree with your views , making will is such a simple procedure, but surprisingly in our country , apparently more than 75% die without making one !
@sanjay91422 (2725)
• India
8 Jul 12
I agree with you madam I think it is really important. It may become a reason of war among the brothers or sisters if there is no legal will to solve the matter. I am just curious to know that how you come up with this topic here. Is there something you are dealing with in your real life? I remember the last time you told me you are a teacher.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
9 Jul 12
Hi sanjay, war is what it can lead if there is no will and a huge amount of money and property to be settled !LOL, a will is something that concerns every one sanjay and since I wrote an article on it, I decided to start a discussion as well - you are trying to analyse the motive and association etc etc ...LOL, good thinking though !
@Mashnn (4501)
8 Jul 12
I totally agree with you. It is good to have a will. A will prevent so many problems/disagreement happening in the future and your children are more secure.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
9 Jul 12
Hi Mashnn, thanks a lot for your response , making a will is very essential especially when you have a lot of wealth and assets.It can lead to misery and misunderstanding for many later on ..all the best and happy mylotting
@suni51 (3429)
• India
8 Jul 12
True,the will is the ultimate in settling the issue because that ends any dispute before it arises. Therefore one must be very particular about it. Although there is not a chance of dispute in my case having just one child but I have not only prepared a will but also made an electronic will also. That would enable my wife or daughter to access my electronic documents and my online accounts. I have posted all my passwords to access my different money processors, banks, demat etc through that.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
9 Jul 12
That is a very wise decision sunil which is what each one of us do.It saves a lot of headaches and misunderstandings later on.I am reminded of an amusing incident in our family when my gran uncle who had no family of his own, signed on at least 5 wills prepared by various nieces and nephews, until now they are battling it out in the court...