How do u make a relationship last?

September 4, 2006 11:12am CST
i am sure each one of us has fallen in love at least once in his life,and also ended the question is,how can we prevent that?is there a way to improove a relationship,or maybe to realise from the start weather is gonna last or not?because love is blind,no matter how many compatibility tests u make or how many times a day u read ur horoscope..
5 responses
• India
13 Nov 06
Huh...first let me fall in love first...then will tell how to keep the relationship the way tell me how to make a new relation first...
• Denmark
13 Nov 06
lol i thought you already have a girlfriend
• Denmark
14 Dec 06
my mistake:)
• India
13 Nov 06
No..i dont have....
@ebberts (784)
• United States
4 Sep 06
Love and relationships have to be nurtured, As far as compatibility goes, my husband and I are quite the opposite a lot of times. You have to respect the other person and work at the relationship. Be thoughtful loving and available. Your time is worth alot to your partner.
• Denmark
13 Oct 06
yes but what about when the partner is not so willing to listen everytime,and when u have different opinions on the same subject..and different personalities?
@tvnaresh (1581)
• India
19 Oct 06
thats people say start loving when you become matured...
• Denmark
19 Oct 06
love comes at every age,that is why i believe there are different types of love...but the grown up one is the hardest:)
1 person likes this
• United States
22 Dec 06
You must be friends and then lovers. You must respect and comunicate always.
• India
13 Nov 06
Huh...first let me fall in love first...then will tell how to keep the relationship the way tell me how to make a new relation first...
@xtinelee (3371)
• Singapore
13 Nov 06
I def. don't believe in compatibility tests, because sometimes after reading those tests, we would psycho ourselves that we are actually like that.. but come on, thousands log on to the same website, with the same horoscope sign as you.. does it mean their relationships will all end up the same way? Of course.. no. I believe commitment is one of the most important factors in keeping a relationship together. Without commitment, a relationship is ditto. Without commitment, the relationship will soon lack of trust, care and concern, and the ability to stay faithful in a relationship. When you're in a relationship long enough, you'll realize that fairytales do not exist to some extent. Sure we all do love to read fairytales, but in reality, there are quarrels and indifferences. Cinderella merely ended their story when it was the happy stage, we had no idea what happened to Cinderella after she left with her Prince Charming. I think giving and taking is essential in the relationship. Have faith in love, in your love, in his/her love. :)
• Denmark
13 Nov 06
you are absolutely right,and i am more than aware that fairytales only exist in books,but i am also quite convinced that a man can live his dreams too if he finds the right person,and yes i believe in compatibility tests,and i also believe in astrology,and signs that define our personality
• Denmark
13 Nov 06
you are absolutely right,and i am more than aware that fairytales only exist in books,but i am also quite convinced that a man can live his dreams too if he finds the right person,and yes i believe in compatibility tests,and i also believe in astrology,and signs that define our personality