If a guy friend starts ignoring you...what does that mean?

July 8, 2012 1:02pm CST
Okay, I have this friend that is close to me. A very happy guy to be with. We joke around and stuff much like really close friends then one day, he started ignoring me. It's a bummer! I want to ask him but something's holding me back. What if I'm just assuming he's avoiding me?! What if he said that? I get kinda envious with the people he talks to when before, he talks with me but now...all I get is a simple "hi" and "thanks" if there's a need for him to say it. .
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16 responses
@choybel (5042)
• Philippines
8 Jul 12
To me, there are only two things I can think of as a possible reason for his new behavior. One, you did something that might have offended him, with or without your knowledge, and two he did or feel something for you that makes him feel guilty. Either way, it's best that you approach him and confront about this situation. Tell him that you notice this sudden change of behavior and it's starting to bother you. That's probably the only way to find out. Good luck and I hope it's nothing bad.
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@choybel (5042)
• Philippines
9 Jul 12
I think you really should, because if it's bothering you that much then you won't be able to have peace.
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• Philippines
9 Jul 12
thank you...haha!! i just hope i get to summon the courage to ask.
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• Philippines
10 Jul 12
I've tried talking to him but he still ignores me...zzzzzzzzz
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• India
8 Jul 12
If a guy friend starts to ignore you, in most cases it means that they are not interested anymore but this depends on what relationship you two have. If he likes you as a friend, and then ignores you then it means he fancies you but rather not get into a relationship which will ruin your friendship, especially if he is a hit and run type, so he would rather avoid you to save your friendship. But if you had some sort of relationship or have been dating and all of a sudden he withdraws then it means he is just not interested anymore, he spotted something about you that he doesn't like , or realized that he is not getting into relationship at the time or probably sensed that you are looking for a relationship and he's not yet ready .. or feel pressured, that's why he became mean to you. Try contacting him and find out the problems or have a talk with him about this behavior and sort out . Good Luck !
1 person likes this
• Philippines
8 Jul 12
he's my friend. well...sometimes he jokes about liking me but I only laugh it out since he says it in a joke...sorry...im really dense. It somewhat pains me that he deliberately ignores me and chooses to talk to other people like im not there.
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• Philippines
8 Jul 12
wew...he can always tell me seriously!! whether I'll like him or not remains to be seen! I just dont like feeling like i've been hanged!
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• India
8 Jul 12
May be he really likes you but he might think that you are not into him so now he is just getting away from you!
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@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
9 Jul 12
I think there is something wrong. There must be something that makes him do such thing. If a person acts differently, there is always a reason behind. I suggest that you talk to him and ask for the reason and see how it can be resolved. If there is no reason at all, then perhaps that person is not interested anymore to be close to you anymore.
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• Philippines
10 Jul 12
==' its really bothering me. if he's not a friend, i wouldnt be bothered this much.
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@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
9 Jul 12
I wish I could know for sure but sometimes mixed feelings could be that, but if he really just ignored, stopped talking to you then he might be angry about something or a new girlfriend is jealous and might have hinted to him to cut the ties... Or...he could be thinking you are in love with him and he don't think something is going to happen so he gives you time...really hard to say.
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• Philippines
10 Jul 12
i tried talking to him but he changes the subject and/or he keeps on ignoring me. so i decided to go with what he intends. ignore.
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@jricky1 (6800)
• China
9 Jul 12
Well,i think you should really start to ask your friend what's going on? Is that some problems between you guys or what had happened to him.I think understanding really matters,just say it out,other people may know what you are thinking and become closer.
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• Philippines
14 Jul 12
I tried...but he wont say anything. He just ignores me. So i decided to ignore him too...for the time being.
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@dobsyto (298)
• Bulgaria
8 Jul 12
Well first you can try remember something you have done. Or maybe something bad happened to him. I think the best way is just to ask him something like-are you ok, why I feel you different these and all that sort. The trust is really important so if he don't make the first step don't wait and you make it.
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• Philippines
8 Jul 12
I've been trying to remember what I did wrong. I was just absent for 2 days then when I came back...I noticed that he ignores me and it went on...so I got bothered. I keep on saying "hi" or "welcome back" and he just nonchalantly says "thanks" then goes silent or talks happily to other people. .
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@dobsyto (298)
• Bulgaria
8 Jul 12
Than maybe just the problem is not from you but from him. As I said maybe something happened to him.
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• Philippines
8 Jul 12
maybe...but I hope he's gonna be alright..I'm just here anyway if he feels talking...
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@emdjay23 (1575)
• Philippines
8 Jul 12
First, you have to think of every possible things that you've said or done before he ignores you. There are really a lot of reason why he does that, and upon thinking that there is nothing that you've done, then maybe it would be best to ask him, and he continues to ignore you. then I guess you'll just have to quit bugging him again.. If you're really his friend, he'll miss you and he'll realize that you are important.
• Philippines
9 Jul 12
T^T i've done that...all i could come up with is that..he must've taken it to heart when i said to a friend that a "title is just a title. it wont help me." I dont know...
@clocks123 (1225)
• United States
12 Jul 12
i would tell him how you are feeling about this situation. you are friends so you are suppose to be able to communicate with each other. if it dosen't go as you planned, then realize he isn't a good friend for you to have. i just know you will find other friends who will really want to be your friend. the best to you.
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@hestylim (1210)
• Indonesia
8 Jul 12
Hi there, I think there is nothing wrong for you to start saying hi to him. Try to say hi to him at first, ask him why he ignores you.. if you have asked him for several times and he still doesn't answer, then leave.. Maybe you just have to accept the fact that he ignores you..
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• Philippines
8 Jul 12
T^T the thing is, I'm scared of asking him why he ignores me. It might sound assuming and I'm afraid that he'll just ignore it. I know...I think I'm hopeless with onfrontation when it comes to such things huhuhuhu.
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@visavis (5934)
• Philippines
8 Jul 12
Actually all of our observation are based on your information only, We don't know him very well. I assume he did not feel something to you that may cause of that ignoring - because he don't want to show you his feeling. He decided to ignore you so that he may control his feelings. Or may be he have something bad you done to him.. so better to ask him and talk to him about the situation.
@visavis (5934)
• Philippines
8 Jul 12
As you said he is your best friend, so it is easy to do that if you are concern of being friend to him - because you don't want to lose it.
• Philippines
8 Jul 12
yeah...well...maybe I really have to talk to him...i just to learn how...
@Paper_Doll (2373)
• Philippines
8 Jul 12
Hi, there can be many reasons why your friend suddenly just ignore you. He maybe have found some other friends that he likes their company better than you. Or you might have done or said something that he doesn't like so he started to keep a distance. Or maybe it can the same thing that happened to me and my friend few years back. We were very close back then until I felt that he is crossing the boundaries of friendship. He would really call me every morning to wake me and he does the same thing in the evening. He would insist in inviting me to go out and eat out even on my birthday even if he knew the fact that I am in a relationship that time. Though he wouldn't tell me his feeling, I can see and feel it. It is an ordinary thing that a friend would fall in love for you and that thing happened to us. I started to keep a distance to avoid hurting him and myself as well and to make things clear and straight. But in your case, it would be better if you would ask him. Just tell him in a nice way that you really think that things have changed between the two of you and as a friend who value your friendship, you want to know if there are reasons that you are not aware of.
• Philippines
8 Jul 12
*sigh* im bad at asking those kinds of questions. I'm afraid of what i might hear. I dont know...but I'll try. I need a lot of courage in order for me to do that. but thanks for the advise. really appreciate it.
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@ravi770 (248)
• India
8 Jul 12
i thing you do something wrong who don't expected from you... so just think about your mistake and say him sorry for that... i hope he will forgive you and stop ignoring..... best of luck
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• Philippines
8 Jul 12
the thing is...I havent done anything to offend him...I dont know what to do anymore...
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@kelzbelz (36)
• United States
9 Jul 12
ok here are three things that could be it one it could be that he has alot on his mind two he may like you like you and is afraid to tell but if hes married or has a girlfriend then roll that one out but if not keep it in mind and last but not least three could be he is busy but whatever it is im sure you'll get him back as or friend or something he's probably got a lot going on
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• China
24 Jul 12
Maybe he has a girlfriend and his girlfriend doesn't like that he is too close to other girls.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Jul 12
hi CeresAnyah sometimes when a guy feels pressured for some reason they will start to cool it so to speak. It really could be that he has figured out he really is not into you and is too cowardly to tell you that.I really think that you should just ask what is wrong between you and get an honest answer.so do not be hurt if he says he just is not in to you anymore.Guys can be so odd.
• United States
25 Jul 12
I think you just got to depended on him so you think he's ignoring you like is he was a boyfriend of something so you see it as a problem , He probably just has more friends and is talking to them now or just made a friend