What do you think of Triond's new Facebook comments system?

@Suzieqmom (2755)
United States
July 9, 2012 7:53am CST
Everyone who writes for Triond agrees that their payments have gone way down lately; I think their switch to facebook only comments has made this worse. I have less comments than I ever did, less views, and consequently, lower earnings. Plus, my Triond identity is now linked to my facebook identity, which I did not want. I think that having all comments go through facebook also inhibits people from leaving honest comments (or any at all). What do you all think about this new system?
3 responses
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
9 Jul 12
Hi Suzieqmom, I have not login to triond for a long, long time. Until the management of Triond starts to exercise control over the site, the page views will not improve. you cannot expect all the plagiarism and bad articles to bring up the page views for the whole site. I just hope that they stop doing all the unnecessary things, and just focus on quality.
@Suzieqmom (2755)
• United States
9 Jul 12
Sorry to hear that--you used to be a big writer at Triond. I agree 100% with what you say--some of the articles they publish--and even highlight--are barely readable. I am thinking about going elsewhere as well. Which writing sites do you currently use? I have heard many good things about expertscolumn, but haven't tried it yet.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
10 Jul 12
Hi Suzieqmom, actually you should focus on sites that accept US writers only. You can join About and Yahoo Voice. Both sites pay very well, since they do not accept international writers, and their readers come mainly from the US. You can earn ten times more money from both sites than from Triond or Expertscolumn. Never settle for less if you can have more.
@Suzieqmom (2755)
• United States
10 Jul 12
Thanks for the tips--I am going to check them out today.
@toyota4k (1208)
• Philippines
31 Aug 12
I agree with you. When i should comment negatively because that's how I see it, I better not if it appears on facebook
@Suzieqmom (2755)
• United States
1 Sep 12
I think Triond has received enough comments from the writers that they have switched back to the old comments system.
• India
9 Jul 12
I do not like this...Now I cannot see any new comment on my dashboard...And I have to got to the article to check whether I got comment or not...So,Its not a good thing to have fb comment in this site....Thanks..
@Suzieqmom (2755)
• United States
9 Jul 12
I completely agree. I hope Triond re-thinks this policy.