Kids and Work

@marie2052 (3691)
United States
July 9, 2012 11:21pm CST
Not sure how many of my friends knew I ran a very successful ceramic business for 25 years. Every piece was hand made and finished completely by me. One day in Summer my two youngest came and said MOM we want to go to Six Flags (its a theme park) So I told them if they made 50.00 I would match it and take them. All of a sudden my 4 and 10 year old became entreprenuers. They walked around my working shop and got them a flat soda box and would come and say do you need this? Well they got a soda box full, and also snuck out a old AVON ticket book to write orders in that I used to use when I sold Avon. Off they went. Pretty soon I hear them running in the door and come flying down the stairs. They empty their pockets and counted the money and those two kids had made their 50.00 and then some. I looked at them and said Where did you get all this? they said you told us to do something so we sold all your old samples. Next thing was do you have anymore? I looked at them and asked them HOW did you sell all this? My son the youngest piped up saying We walked to the door, rang the doorbell and someone would come to the door. So we just said We need you to buy something out of this box so we can go to Six Flags. I guess since they were genuine in what they wanted the people probably had a chuckle and gave them a couple bucks and a piece out of the box. But what they did not tellme for several minutes was that they had taken orders of people that wanted more of one item or another. They had another 75.00 in orders. Guess who had to stop work and take my darling childen to six flags the next day? Your kids ever do something like that?
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7 responses
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
10 Jul 12
More parents should challenge their kids to earn some money. It seems too often the kids just think they are entitled to everything with no effort on their part. Your kids learned some responsiblity and you got a cute story out of it.
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@marie2052 (3691)
• United States
10 Jul 12
Yep and have tons more of cute stories to tell LOL Your right I see parents handing over large ticket items to children without them even realizing what is in their hands.
• Sweden
10 Jul 12
Fantastic. Love this strategy from parents, to challenge the kids in entreprenuership. I've seen it in my own neighborhood too. Two young boys rang the doorbell one day, asking if we wanted to buy fresh breakfast bread for Saturday. They would go around taking up orders during the week, and on Saturday morning they got up at the break of dawn, went to the local bakery to buy breakfast bread and then delivered to the door before the people started waking up. We asked the boys what they were going to do with the money they earned. "Buy cell phones" they said. Clearly they had told their parents that they wanted cell phones, and gotten challenged to earn the money to buy them. I'm definately going to use this strategy when my own kids grow up and start asking for expensive things.
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@marie2052 (3691)
• United States
10 Jul 12
It worked I had 5 children. One was in ballet for 16 years. so that got expensive. I finally told her as she was taking 9 different dance classes that if she paid for her classes I would pay for her outfits for her recitals at the end of the year. She wound up teaching the younger girls and got her classes at 50% off. We have always been that way I guess. I got the short end of the stick those costumes for dance are QUITE expensive LOL But it was ok she was doing something she loved knew where she was and what she was doing.
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
10 Jul 12
Mine were like that too, my daughter often wants some stuff so i said in order for you to have that mine i would offer her to sell bracelets that i make.. and yes she would often come back with some profit! what kind of ceramics do you do marie?
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@marie2052 (3691)
• United States
10 Jul 12
No longer make them jazel. Craft shows , and florists loved me. At one time I was working for 9 florists. I had no idea how many different types of containers they used until working with them. it was very profitable while raising my children.
@suzzy3 (8341)
10 Jul 12
That is so sweet your darling little children.It looks like you will be starting up your Avon round again.They are sure a chip of the old block.You should be very proud of them.They will go far.
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@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
10 Jul 12
It is great for children to learn things like this. My daughter isn't old enough yet to do something like that but I'm sure she will always want to think of ways to earn some money. That is great that they did that. They not only were able to go to six flags but they were also I'm sure proud that they were able to earn that money to go. Work is good for everyone.
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@kkaria309 (297)
• United States
10 Jul 12
I am not married yet, but I definitely hope my kids are somewhat like yours. That was so ingenious, you must be so proud. But I think maybe they get this from you.
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@marie2052 (3691)
• United States
10 Jul 12
Yes I think children learn by teaching. Unfortunately now, stupid city laws are keeping todays children from even selling koolaide in their front yard. What a world has changed since my children were allowed to be children.
@unicornz (24)
• India
10 Jul 12
i hate this business.. i have loss my everything by this business.