miracle on mylot

@roshigo58 (4859)
Pune, India
July 11, 2012 2:00am CST
Suppose if one zero is added to your earnings by mylot then what will be the reaction of the myloters? Will they be delighted, will they believe, will they digest this miracle change. Because this world is full of all the odd and even things and everybody believe that the miracles do happen.
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9 responses
@else22 (4317)
• India
18 Jul 12
May God make this miracle happen,but I know He will never do.By the way,if this happens,then it would be an ecstasy for me.At first I would feel as if I am having a hallucination.May be I forget myself for a moment.But most likely I would think my computer has gone out of order and then start planning to take it to my friend who is a hardware engineer.
@else22 (4317)
• India
18 Jul 12
Thanks.I will always remain in touch with nice friends like you.Thanks again.
@roshigo58 (4859)
• Pune, India
18 Jul 12
Thanks a lot for good response. Please be in touch and share.
@natliegleb (5175)
• India
19 Jul 12
i am also waiting for some kind of miracle like that to happen very soon.since we all expect surprises to happen everyday and assume if it happens in mylot,i would be the happiest person for real.and it will certainly take some time to digest for me.its all but not about the money.its about friendship,and discussing valuable topics and being a lifelong member of mylot that keeps me going.
• Philippines
27 Feb 13
yeah me too I don't even understand how to earn money from my lot..lol...just enjoying the topics and discussions here..
@suzzy3 (8341)
11 Jul 12
wouldn't that be nice no likely though,
@roshigo58 (4859)
• Pune, India
18 Jul 12
thanks for the response. Please be i touch and share.
• Indonesia
11 Jul 12
it will be awesome. may be have to started by more frequently quadrable earning first -of course without mylot getting error
@roshigo58 (4859)
• Pune, India
11 Jul 12
Thanks a lot for the response.
@LeeS0902 (67)
11 Jul 12
See that would be pretty amazing, but the likelyhood is that will never happen, But if it did it would make a lot of people very happy with mylot.
@roshigo58 (4859)
• Pune, India
11 Jul 12
thanks a lot for immediate response and let us prey for good.
• India
11 Jul 12
Should wait and see
@roshigo58 (4859)
• Pune, India
11 Jul 12
Thanks a lot for the response. That is the only thing in our hands.
@anuraa32 (2446)
• India
26 Feb 13
That will be no less than a miracle and miracles like these dont occur. And if it occurs I think most of will see it with disbelief, think it is some error, and wait for it to correct itself.
@Daisy_22 (1229)
• Philippines
19 Jul 12
It would be a blessing.I will take that as a very good start since i'm a beginner here. But i guess if that will going to happen then there will be reasons behind that. Everything happens for a reason
• Philippines
18 Jul 12
I would be happy since I am still new here and I think that would be an amazing thing. But I think it will never happen..Just I think..:)