Why computer get hacked

July 11, 2012 3:34am CST
What is the need of computer hacking.To show only their effeciency to world by the way of hacking the system or wants to know the personal details of a person. If the person going to hack a computer in that case definitely he should have knowledege otherwise he never able to do this.If he had the knowledge in that sense he will get good job then why he is activing in these illegal activities.
1 response
• Philippines
11 Jul 12
Not everybody who uses the internet has the honorable intentions. You mentioned that a a hacker has skills to do what he does and that is true. however, it depends on the incentive o why he has to do a certain thing. I guess most times hackers do the illegal thing because it gives them a different kind of thrill like doing something and getting away from it. Its taking advantage of someone and still be able to enjoy the fruits of the labour as well as t to the burden of being punished. Many hackers have different reasons why they do their stuff but being nto caught is one of the reason why they continue doing what they are doing.
• India
11 Jul 12
They know one day they will caught.No one can stop them until they realise the truth and will come back to normal life.