Is the Vegetables in the market organic or full of chemicals?

@riyauro (6421)
July 12, 2012 6:51am CST
The vegetable in the market today are full of chemicals. Tomatoes are picked when they still green, and many more like this many fruits are injected to make them ripe. all types of chemicals are used in growing vegetables. I started to grow some vegetables in my back yard as i dont trust the market vegetables. It has become money making business which ignores the effect of it on the consumers. everything is about money now. I hate it.
7 responses
@DoctorDidi (7018)
• India
12 Jul 12
I do not know which country you belong to. But in our country all the vegetables in the market have been grown with chemical manures. So they are not organic, they are full of chemicals and hence harmful for health.
1 person likes this
• India
16 Jul 12
This means that the same picture prevails all over the world, especially in the developing countries. Unless the government comes forward with a strong will to curb it, the health of common people would be at stake.
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@riyauro (6421)
• India
16 Jul 12
yes same story everywhere. The government should really do something about it and every common man will support. It should stop.
@riyauro (6421)
• India
16 Jul 12
everywhere in the world, farmers using chemicals to grow crops these days because they benefit a lot. Hence they are benefiting and we consumers are at loss. our health is in danger. what can we do about it, seems to have no solution for this since most of us depend on market vegetables. have a good day and thanks for sharing
@asdomencil (4265)
• Philippines
12 Jul 12
Injecting something to tomatoes to make them ripe is not the right procedure, instead they are using some ripening agent like calcium carbide to make the ripening faster. There are recommended withdrawal period for the pesticides in veggies. One of the thesis my friend conducted was the testing anf determination of pesticide residues in some veggies sold in the market. They really got positive results that there are still pesticides in the veggies but into a minimal amount only. What is alarming with the said results, it may be accumulated inside our body and will give us harmful effect in the future.
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• Philippines
16 Jul 12
But according to his study, high temperature can liberate the pesticides from the veggies and fruits. So better to cook vegies well rather than eating it raw.
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@riyauro (6421)
• India
16 Jul 12
OH is it true? I never heard of that before. this is like something new to me. thanks for sharing. It is good the share information like this because most people are not aware. I hope people will learn from here. Have a good day. take care
@riyauro (6421)
• India
16 Jul 12
yeah that is true. there are pesticides in the vegetables which is very bad for our helth. thanks for sharing. have a good day ahead.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
12 Jul 12
I totally agree with you. I hate that the world has become so money-hungry and will do anything to get more. I do not trust the vegetables or fruits from the stores. Around here, they do sell what they call "organic" but I still do not trust them. I would much rather grow my own so that I am 100% sure that they are all organic. I have a vegetable garden every year plus I grow fruit trees, berry bushes, strawberries and kiwis and I grow them all organically. I use natural methods of repelling garden pests and insects, never use chemicals around my produce. I know that we can buy organic foods but the cost would probably be more than most people can afford right now, the way the world's economy is. It's a shame that everyone cannot grow their own produce but not everyone has the room to grow everything they need. I like the old-fashioned way of getting what we need: the barter system, where one neighbor grows one thing, another neighbor grows something else, yet another one raises chickens, and everyone trades what they have for what they need. No money is exchanged and everyone gets organically grown food.
@riyauro (6421)
• India
16 Jul 12
wow you have some really good point here mentalward, the barter system sounds good for us. Even though they say organic in the market, i also don't trust them. Therefore i grow whatever i can. i hate it when i have to go and buy anything from the market. I really cant believe that people can go so money hungry that they can put many lives in danger like this.
@jadoixa (1166)
• Philippines
15 Jul 12
we can never be sure. yes, mostly vegetables and fruits on the market are grown with chemicals. the producers don't care too much they are only concern about the huge profits they can get. it is better to grow our own like what you did. that is good!
@riyauro (6421)
• India
16 Jul 12
this is the best solution jad. otherwise our lives are shortened because of these chemicals in the vegetables and fruits. people are become so money hungry.
• Bangladesh
12 Jul 12
Hi riya, They call the chemical preservative. And all kinds of food preservative creates hazaradous diseases like cancer, high and low blood pressure, renal failure, memory power, hormonal disfunctions, potency etc. So we should eat home grown food and vegetables. Presertatives are silent killep.
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@riyauro (6421)
• India
16 Jul 12
yes kash, we must try to produce some vegetables at home. that is best solution to this problem. thanks for sharing have a good day ahead.
@ravi770 (248)
• India
12 Jul 12
my mom like gardening and she have a roof garden ... where have many vegetables and flowers ... we use that vegetables because of chemicals make many disease and very harmful... from the last 3 years chemicals are use for every thing even in milk... in the market, profit is everything and humanity goes in the hole..
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@riyauro (6421)
• India
12 Jul 12
nice that your mum likes to do gardening and have roof top garden..great. thanx for sharing. good day to you
• India
12 Jul 12
Just for own sake some people are playing with the life of billion consumers. Using of Pesticides not only give them premature vegetables in a large number but also spreading many diseases. Use of chemicals is extremely harmful as they are carcinogenic ( cancer generating ). They reduces the response of nervous systems and also malfunction the body's organ's function. While on the other hand Organic farming is the best technique among all the farmings which aren't harmful.
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@riyauro (6421)
• India
12 Jul 12
yes this is so true. thanx for sharing..have a good day