Milk : our friend for life ?
By topffer
@topffer (42155)
July 13, 2012 12:05pm CST
There is a bit of irony in this title. I was reading on a vegan site today a page about "the dangers of milk" -- --. If I was a big milk drinker, I would stop immediately, as milk is said to cause allergies, diabetes, various cancers, etc. Indeed, milk drinkers can find several sites telling them how milk is good for health. Who is wrong
? I don't know and I will probably never knew : there is an industry powerful enough around milk to pay experts to tell whatever is good to sell milk. Milk is perhaps not a source of diseases, though I would be careful about the vegan assertions : in the past, I had a wise caretaker who was liking to say : "there is no smoke without fire
." Anyways, I don't drink milk, or so little that I don't care : I think that any food can be dangerous if you take too much of it, but a small quantity is alright... even a small quantity of poisonous milk -- have you never heard about mithridatization
? --. What is your opinion about milk ?

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14 responses
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
14 Jul 12
Hi topffer
Well, in today's world everything is unhealthy except the doctors and their prescriptions. The researches are on - not for any good for common consumers - but for the medical industry- and it is good for all of us specially society.
Again, in almost everything we consume today, there are chemicals - I have my doubts on the so-called organic food too.
about mithridatization - How about, breathing too much of that natural air then

@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
14 Jul 12

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@topffer (42155)
• France
14 Jul 12
It is true that you don't walk, but for perspiring and feeling tired... you should have seen me last month when I came back from my first ride -- I had not had a bike since I was a kid --
. I did a few kms along a flat towpath reserved to "green tourism", and I was so tired that I asked myself if it was a good idea to have bought a bike at my old age
. A few weeks later I enjoy it, and I do two 20 to 30 kms rides on dirt tracks every week without feeling tired
. It has replaced jogging for me now, and the places where I go are more varied -- there are about 30 tours destined to bikes to do around, and I am far to have done all of them : for the moment, I do only the "very easy" and "easy" ones --. I don't know if it will last this winter, but for the moment it is my new way to stay healthy.

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@topffer (42155)
• France
14 Jul 12
Organic food has indeed chemicals in it, but they are "traditional" chemicals, by example organic producers can use sulfur for their fruits and vegetables, but not chemical herbicides. There is a lot of controls on the quality of organic food, the problem is that it needs more human time to be produced, and it is impossible to feed the planet only with organic food. I thought that the milk was something more safe than said in the link : it is possible here to buy milk produced in mountain areas where herbicides have never been used. There is no guarantee that it is organic, but I think it is better than a milk produced intensively elsewhere. I may be wrong.
[i]about mithridatization - How about, breathing too much of that natural air then
I bought recently a mountain bike to do some rides in the countryside, and I am reading a lot of things about biking actually. I have read that people using a bike in cities -- it is a new fashion here since about 10 years, and many cities are now offering bikes to rent : ecological, respectful of environment, good for the health, etc. -- are breathing twice more carbon monoxide than pedestrians
. But they are healthier : a side effect of mithridatization

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@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
14 Jul 12
In this article, they keep referring to the dangers of milk, and a lot of them go back to cow's milk being given to a baby less than a year old. This is generally viewed as not safe ... at least in the US ... and it can cause babies to develop allergies. In fact, there are a lot of foods that if given to children under a year old can cause the child to develop allergies, because their immune system is not developed enough to handle it. I believe that in many cultures the mother's milk is given to the children up to a certain age (this age varies depending upon the culture, the number of children, and how close in age the children are), and that is the best thing for children not only because that is what they were "intended" to drink but also because the mother's milk naturally has antibodies in it that help protect the child from some diseases.
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@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
14 Jul 12
It is extremely rare that a baby will have an allergy to the mother's milk but it is not as rare that a baby will have an allergy to milk produced from another animal ... not just cows but goats, sheep, etc. I do know that some babies will have a reaction to things that the mother eats, though, and the mothers sometimes have to change and carefully monitor their dietary consumption while the baby is nursing to avoid an allergic reaction.
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@topffer (42155)
• France
14 Jul 12
You are telling me that if I am allergic to milk it is my mother's fault
? Well, it is possible, the medicine has made progress since I am born, and it could have not be seen at this moment. I remember that my mother had a lot of allergies ; I have only a few allergies, but all different from my mother's allergies, so I don't know what to think here

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@topffer (42155)
• France
14 Jul 12
I would not contest that mother's milk is the best thing you can give to a baby, though I am a living exception : I had an allergy to milk when I was a child, included to my mother's milk, and I was the only one at kindergarten not authorized to have a glass of milk for the 4 o'clock snack
. I drink milk today but moderately. I think that there are some good points in this article. After reading several articles like this one, I think that it is difficult to reject all assertions in block. By example, milk is said to bring calcium, but there are more osteoporosis and hip fractures in countries where people are drinking a lot of milk. It is weird, and I would like to see some serious studies started about milk drinking.

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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
13 Jul 12
At this point scientist have proven that just about EVERYTHING we eat is bad for us somehow.
I wouldn't believe ANYTHING a vegan said about milk. They're fanatics & nothing a fanatic says ( besides "I'm going to blow you up " ) should be taken seriously. Humans are omnivores & are supposed to eat a wide variety of foods including milk & meats.
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
14 Jul 12
Top, we are the only animals that drink it all our lives because we're about the only animals that can get it after our mothers cut us off. I'll bet if you offer a bowl to your cat or dog they won't turn it down.
Lottery- permission??? seriously? Show me the line & verse in that heavily edited book that your going by. I'm sure the people of the time were confused as heck when those new canines suddenly poped into their mouths.

@topffer (42155)
• France
13 Jul 12
LOL, uath, you are good at making enemies
. Indeed we are omnivores, but vegans are saying something true here about milk : 1) we are the only animal to drink milk during all our life, and it is recent as 2) we drink other animals milk only since a few thousand years. Alright, we are drinking coca cola since less than this...

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@anil02 (24688)
• India
14 Jul 12
These are all nonsense talks. In India from ancient time milk and milk product is main source of food. But now pure milk is not available so it may be not healthy and useful like earlier. But milk was good for health, milk is good for health and milk will good for health. Use milk without any fear.
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@anil02 (24688)
• India
15 Jul 12
topffer may be thousands web pages telling about the side effects of milk but you must be read news in papers and internet about the diet of raslers and athelites. Some companies are suggesting to drink soya milk. Milk is dangerous is propgands of these companies. Some person have allergic to milk but it is rare. Lassi which is made from curd is call Mattha. Lassi is called butter milk. It is remaining part of curd after separating butter from curd.
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@topffer (42155)
• France
14 Jul 12
I was allergic to milk when I was a child, but I drink milk moderately today and I like it. It is very difficult to find raw milk today, and the best way here is to buy it directly to a producer. It has definitely not the same taste than the milk I buy in my supermarket, but I think that raw milk is too fat and that skimmed milk is better for people drinking a lot of it, like oldchem said in the box above yours. I drink it without fear, but I am not sure that there are only nonsense in the link I give and that everything there should be rejected. Like I wrote "there is no smoke without fire", and if you check online you will find thousands of web pages telling that milk is dangerous... and many more telling like you that it is good

@topffer (42155)
• France
16 Jul 12
LOL. I have tried various milks, and I would not drink soy milk, though it is good to replace normal milk in cooking. The only milk over than true milk that I like is oat milk. When I was born these artificial milks were not sold, and I have been fed with mixed food due to my allergy.
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
13 Jul 12
My milk consumption has decreased as I age although that does not include dairy products like ice cream and cheese, no more of that "drink your glass of milk" thing when I was a child and I would admit I drunk a lot but I don't think any of it affected me at least to date. Could it be that it's not really milk per se but quality of milk suffers as our environment deteriorates? Dioxin for example is caused by burning plastic, I'm just postulating but milk as well as meat is a good avenue for transferring something good or bad to humans, nutrients as well as diseases ( remember the danger before pasteurization), my opinion is just let it be and leave individuals to make a choice, besides bodily needs is always subjective from person to person.
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@topffer (42155)
• France
13 Jul 12
Hello friend,
It is another discussion, but I think that not only milk but a lot of other foods are suffering due to our environment. Well, it is possible to buy organic milk/veggies with less toxic products in them, but they are expensive and they cannot be produced in enough quantity to feed everybody on Earth
. Speaking of pasteurization, even if Pasteur was French, I am sure that it is not good for everything. Many cheeses here are made with non pasteurized milk, and a pasteurized version of the same cheese has definitely not the same taste. Intoxication with cheese is so rare that I don't see the interest of pasteurization in this case, and people living in countries where everything is pasteurized don't know what they miss
. I know that the taste can evolve, but maybe not in the good way : I was surprised to see the 7 years old son of a couple of friends telling them after a drink of raw milk for the first time that it was not good

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@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
13 Jul 12
And we were suppose to be milk men
(from another discussion),I remember when I was a kid, I had an aunt who worked in our government's bureau of agriculture and animal industries, for a time i lived with her when i was a student together with my grand parents, she did not have a family of her own, she brought home loads of fresh carabao ( water buffalo)milk that was being sold and promoted at her office for a peso for like one big wax coated cup, nobody drunk it in their house except me, tons of it
, Carabao fresh cheese is also one of the best, it's being peddled on the streets wrapped in banana leaves and never heard of anybody getting sick from it although it's getting quite scarce now and hard to find. I can't tell my children that milk is not good for them cause it's not i was taught or grew up with but I would only buy brands that I have trusted for years and know where it comes from 

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@topffer (42155)
• France
13 Jul 12
Finding fresh raw milk is not easy here, if you don't know a producer. I never had carabao milk or cheese, but I suppose that if it is scarce it is because a carabao does not produce a lot of milk and is not profitable. Traditionally, Italian mozzarella is produced with buffalo milk, but there is not enough buffalo milk and we see more and more mozzarella made with cow milk today ; it has not the same taste and even the same color
. We are losing the taste of traditional products
. Traditional cheeses are not made with pasteurized milk, but industrial cheeses are, and trying to impose pasteurized milk for cheese is due to the lobbying of the milk industry. The true reason behind is that a cheese made with pasteurized milk can be kept -- and then sold -- longer. It is a matter of money and profit, not of health.

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@subhojit10 (7375)
• India
13 Jul 12
yeah i have often read about both the merits and demerits of milk. But i strongly feel that milk has more merits than its demerits if consumed in proper amount and is if skimmed milk is being consumed.
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@ElicBxn (63793)
• United States
17 Jul 12
I am allergic to milk.
I didn't know it before 1976, but I had pretty much stopped drinking milk by the mid-1960's because it made me sick.
Until the mid-1980's I could drink chocolate milk, but that started making me sick.
Now I can only drink a little egg nog before my stomach starts acting up.
However, having said I was allergic, its not my stomach or gut that is my reaction actually, I get congested.
So, I still use butter (fewer chemicals than margarine) and eat cheese, sour cream and stuff.
I don't know why drinking milk makes my stomach sick since that's not my reaction, and I am not lactose intolerant, I digest the stuff just FINE - if it stays down that is...
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@topffer (42155)
• France
17 Jul 12
I am also allergic to milk, but it is just the opposite of you : I could not drink milk when I was a baby, and I can drink a cup of milk now without any problem... Have you tried to drink organic milk and is the allergy still present ? Cows are no more eating meat since a few years, but God knows what sort of food they can eat today when the industry breeds them for milk
. Personally I buy milk coming from mountain areas : it is not organic, so it does not mean that the cows have not had antibiotics if they needed it, but at least they are supposed to eat a grass growing with no chemical fertilizers...

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Jul 12
okay topffer once more something stole my whle response gggrrrrrrrrrrrrr. copy paste to clipboard. I a m not impressed or con vinced by that self serving article that any of it is really
true, I have drank one percent milk for years and am 85 no cancer none of the stuff in the article happened to me at all.I drink
two glasses of one percent daily for the calcium in it and the health benefits.The vegan people also have a p owerful force and who is to say that they do not blow things out of proportion to make
a dramatic look to their anti everything campaign and p eople swallow all of it believing it for gospel truth. I do not. I will continue drinking my two glasses of milk daily and being quite healthy too. 

@topffer (42155)
• France
16 Jul 12
Hello Ms Hatley,
I also think that, as it is from a vegan site, things can have been exaggerated, but I cannot believe that there is not a bit of truth in this article. Personally I am drinking milk times to times, and I will not change my habits after this reading. Two glasses a day is not a lot, I don't see why you would change too at 85 years old. I wish you to stay healthy for a long time.
@myfb2009 (8296)
• Malaysia
24 Jul 12
Top, i never thought that drinking lots of milk can be very dangerous to our body. Drinking milk is one of my favorite and i drink a few cups daily. Seems like, it is time to set a limit to my milk drinking. I really don't want to fall ill because of too much drinking milk in the long run. Thanks for sharing this useful articles in here.
@Vick77 (488)
• Mexico
13 Jul 12
Well I drink a very low quantities of milk, I'm allergic to lactose, so i can not drink milk, at least not so much, so my life is secure... jaja.
I think there is so much wrong information in the internet, I don't know if we can believe this info, or if the sources are real and serious (and I don't have time to verify them). As somebody told, all food has some disadvantages and even danger substances on it, if we start not eating all the food that has some little danger in any way, we would finish not eating nothing...
We are not the only species that drink milk, i know people they feed their cats with milk and they love it, and I have never heard about a cat killed by the milk :)
Maybe the risks are there, and are real, but maybe the probability is too low to get into consideration.
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@topffer (42155)
• France
13 Jul 12
Hello Vick,
I am a bit like you : I had a bad allergy to milk when I was a baby, and even if I can drink some milk now, I rarely do.
I agree also for what you say about the internet where we can find everything and its contrary
But I disagree about cats and milk, even if I see you are joking. Feeding a cat with milk is not very good as they have also often a problem with the digestion of lactose. It is why there are special milks for cats, for people wanting absolutely to feed their pet cat with something not very good for its health -- milk does not kill cats, but it gives them digestive disorders --. I remember to have also seen powder milk for... baby goats
: a goat is an animal difficult to please, and the milk was flavored with vanilla

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@oldchem1 (8132)
14 Jul 12
If we all took notice of the 'dangers' of various foodstuffs that we read in the newspapers and on the TV we would never eat or drink anything!!
Generally milk is a normal and important part of our diet. There are different types of milk which include different kinds of nutrients. Milk is important in our diet as it provides us with minerals, protein, fat, carbohydrate, and vitamins. Because of this, milk is often classed as the 'complete diet'.
As with all foodstuffs everything in moderation is the key; if you are watching your weight you can drink skimmed milk and still get the nutrients without the fat.
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@topffer (42155)
• France
14 Jul 12
I don't drink a lot of milk. I was allergic to milk when I was a child. I have learned to live without it, but I eat cheese, butter and other dairy foods, and I am lucky enough to not have to watch my weight, which has not really changed since I was 15. I have read about a milk only diet to take weight in another box, and I think it is careful to drink skimmed milk because there is too much fat in raw cow milk. But, like you write it, "moderation is the key"
. Though I am not against a little food excess times to times

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@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
16 Jul 12
Mithridatization---developing an immunity to poison by self-administering non-lethal doses of the poison. It's kind of like Duck Soup (in which you place a duck in lukewarm water and slowly heat it up ... or is that Frog Soup with frogs?), except the duck (frog) doesn't die.
Milk is good as part of a balanced diet (that supports the good parts and balances-out the bad). As my diet is reflective of my income, I don't eat enough to "balance."
@topffer (42155)
• France
17 Jul 12
Your image showing how mithridatization works is good, you just forgot to tell that the person trying it is the duck or the frog in the soup
I think that nutritionism is a too young science to be completely credible. I would like to know what was a "balanced diet" at cave age, when our ancestors were not breeding cows and were not drinking milk

@KOSTAS499 (1624)
• Greece
30 Aug 12
This is the first time I hear milk is bad. I still drink a hot cup of milk each morning, bad or not.
@vidhyaprakash_2 (7116)
• India
16 Jul 12
Hi friend, I am not a great fan of milk, but i will consume it in my day to day life, i am shocked to know it is having some risk factors. As you mentioned even a small quantity of milk is also not good, do you find any alternate for milk?
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@topffer (42155)
• France
17 Jul 12
Personally I am not looking for an alternate for milk. I had an allergy to milk when I was a baby and milk has been a forbidden drink for me during years. I drink it moderately today, but I know I can live completely without milk, and I have no health problem. The vegan argument saying that we are the only animal in nature drinking milking during all our life, and this only since a few thousands years, is not bad to show that only babies need really milk. There are some alternate milks -- soy, rice, oat, almond milk, etc -- : their main use is for cooking, and they are not so good to drink than real milk.