Worst Friday the 13th Ever

@NailTech (6874)
United States
July 13, 2012 2:14pm CST
I'm was never one for being very superstitious with this but I just got the price for what my surgery will cost me and it darn near knocked me off my chair, amoungst others things. Then I just remembered it is Friday the 13th. It sure has been one of those days of hard luck for me. I wish I would not have to get this surgery, it is such a big hassle. This has been the worst year ever in my life for me by far.
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6 responses
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
13 Jul 12
Nail Tech: welcome to mylot. Surgeries are costly. Surgeries done in USA are more costly. That is why people take insurance. If you are a citizen then there will be free insurance, is it not? Sorry that you have to take surgery. What is the nature of surgery and is it urgent? can it not be managed with oral medicines. good day. However Friday is friday and 13th is 13th. Even if you have asked yesterday also same costs would have been quoted. may be there would not have been need for surgery. wish you speedy recovery.
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@GardenGerty (160242)
• United States
13 Jul 12
The US does not have free insurance.
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@ravisivan (14079)
• India
13 Jul 12
yes. I saw this link http://insurekidsnow.gov/state/index.html Even child health programs are not free. it is sad. I thought us citizens get free insurance. then how can the poor manage. treatment is very costly in usa. once I went for a check up --B.P. checking, pulse checking etc. cost $1000 - believe me- it was for emergency - in 2007 I suddenly felt pain in the left chest and I thought it may be due to heart. I was 57 then. thank god there was no problem - I said i do not require further tests and came out. luckily my children had taken medical insurance for visitors.
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@NailTech (6874)
• United States
13 Jul 12
Yea, we don't have free insurance. There is a such thing as charity care but I wasn't qualified, plus the Dr's and anesthesia isn't covered by that at all. It is a shame that things like this take your savings and then you're left with less. However next time I will probably be doing the charity care thing as I can never see myself going through this horror again. But maybe by then things will be different again somehow. It all just makes me more depressed than I was before. I don't know if life is worth the trouble anymore. $1000. is very high for the check up you had, just wrong on so many levels. That is why I never go for check ups here.
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@ajk111 (2495)
14 Jul 12
i met my son's girlfriend for the first time today in the 13th and although i was highly drunk i felt it went swimmingly. She on the otherhand never wants to come to our house again so i guess something stung her behind. not sure what, the only thing i got annoyed about was when i fell over the coffee table twice on to her lap.
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@ajk111 (2495)
14 Jul 12
My son loved your reply. yes, i exagerrated, but he did say "WHAT!!!" i love the fact 'NailTech' has nailed me!
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
14 Jul 12
Too bad about the GF, I would guess your son wasn't toooo happy either? I would have got annoyed too. But I know you, and you probably aren't serious.
@mensab (4200)
• Philippines
13 Jul 12
it has nothing to do with the date i guess. surgeries are really costly. it does not surprise me if they cost much more than we expect. i am not sure what kind of surgery you will undergo, but it sounds like you really need it. i hope that the surgery goes well. at times, it is fine.
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
13 Jul 12
Yes unfortunately I do, it just can't be put off. I hate the fact I was more prepared for this is some ways. I never really expected the problem to be so large so to speak. Thanks for the well wishes, I need all I can get.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
14 Jul 12
oh gosh nailtech do you have any health insurance,are you here in the U SA. I know five years ago I had a bad fall and smashed my left shoulder so had to have a shoulder joint replacement . as a senior I do have hmo United Health well care and after I cam home I got the bill but thank G od my insurance covered it, 76,000 dollars but I did have a co pay of 100 for the ambulance so got off' pretty cheaply. hope you have some health insurance help . do you?\ I am so sorry this day was so awful for you, the cost of surgery now days is outrageous why is it so high? For me I do not know what I would have done if my insurance had not covered it as it was not something I could not have done. the bones were so badly crushed in my shoulder they had to replace my shoulder joint with plastic and steel. If they could have just set the bones it would have been different.hOpe you can find some financial help NailTech.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
14 Jul 12
no dont go ther and worry yourself even more. I hope m y fellow mylotters will join me in sending prayers for your surgery to go splendidly and for you to get financial aid to cover aLL EXPENSES. I know that mylot prayers are strong and have helped others so why not you too. I wish you all the best and to get over your surgery quickly and feel really great again. hugs from hatley
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
14 Jul 12
Wow, the bill for that is expensive. I'm happy for you that your insurance paid for most of it. Even $100 is to high to pay for some people. No I don't have health insurance and the surgery can't be avoided, either. I put it off way to long as it is. If I hadn't noticed one worrisome ordeal back in April I would have still had this problem and it probably would have gotten even worse. It is a possibility it is still something worse but won't go there.
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@samson1 (738)
• Jamaica
13 Jul 12
Hi NailTech, I am not a superstitious guy myself, and I do not worry about Friday the 13th at all. First, I hope that you may get the necessary monetary quickly, so that you may be able to pay for the surgery that you are contemplating at this time. Second, perhaps, I wonder if I could put a smile on your face when I tell you of my situation, to see if this day (Friday the 13th ) has cast a spell on my day. At short notice, I was informed of, and went into a job interview for a 'technical' position in an organisation. I was not only given an assessment test that I was neither aware of nor prepared to sit, but I was required to make a presentation on the subject! Anyway, that came and went- by my standard- not so well. Immediately afterwards, I was interviewed by a 'three person panel' for another two and one half hour. Yikes!! Luckily for me, in my opinion, this outcome went much better than the first. Overall, can you imagine my feelings about the interview, and prospects for landing this job? I guess, I have to accept the verdict, and say to myself, such is life. By the same token, I wish you luck, ok?
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@NailTech (6874)
• United States
14 Jul 12
Hiya samson, thanks for the insight and the story on your day today on the 13th. I hope you get the job, and after all those hours, yikes. It wounds like it was an important and high paying job! I wish you all the luck too and thank you for the well wishes. I need all I can get.
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13 Jul 12
omg i know how you feel today i nearly got hit by a car twice and then i cut my hand open and stud on a plug ahh worst day of my life|!
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@NailTech (6874)
• United States
13 Jul 12
oh no, you really had a bad day today. But I'll take that kind of bad day over the one I had anytime.
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