Preparing for college

@krupar5 (287)
United States
July 15, 2012 1:07am CST
My daughter will be a sophomore this upcoming term (10th grade), and I am already preparing her for college. I have her looking into scholarship opportunities and to think about what universities she may want to attend. I never had my family help me with any college preperation,nor did they encourage higher education. I want her to be successful and get the opportunity that life has to offer.
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6 responses
@bluespygirl (2112)
• Philippines
15 Jul 12
Hello Krupar5! This is like me talking. :) My eldest son is also in bis fourth year highcschool which is equivalent to 1oth grade to your country. As early as now, I am also looking for scholarships. I believe that education is my gift for him. But due to financial constraints that we are facing, I am afraid I'll not be able to send him to college if I'll not be able to get a scholarship grant for him. I hope we can find one as early as now. I am saddened because most scholarships requires a certain average. What if the child don't hit that certain average? Does that mean we can't send our children to college/university?
@krupar5 (287)
• United States
16 Jul 12
Hello bluespygirl, thank you for replying. It is very hard to enter college when finances are difficult. We also have financial troubles so that also is a reason we are looking at other alternatives. I too, believe that supporting her and giving her the opportunity for higher education is a gift I can give her. There are some scholarships which is not based on grades. As long as your child is passing with average grades there are scholarships out there. I found a few that gives only a couple of hundreds,but as I told my daughter every little bit helps. I have done searches for sholarships and I have her try to get as many as she can.I hope you will find many that will help your son. Best Wishes!
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
15 Jul 12
I know how you feel happy when your daughter is enter in college. Really time is going fast and we dont when our child is grown. Give my best luck also for your daughter.
@krupar5 (287)
• United States
16 Jul 12
Thank you so much!
• United States
15 Jul 12
GOOD FOR YOU!!! I wish someone had started me on that path at that age. My parents supported my going to college but they didn't go so helping me plan for it was a little out of their realms. But my school had a very ... I guess, small town mentality about college. I don't know the exact statistics but I'd wager somewhere in the neighborhood of 75-80% of our graduates either went straight into the workforce, into the military or to the local state college. I would guess not even a full 5% of the remaining 20-25% went out of state to college. And unless a student had parents like you, pushing them to think about it earlier, we didn't start talking about or planning for college until our Senior year. Which is pretty much too late to actually plan. At that point it simply becomes, "This is what you've done, so these are the options available to you." So, awesome for you and your daughter for starting now. Awesome for giving her the opportunity to mold her extra curricular activities and elective classes to fit the colleges she wants to go to.
@krupar5 (287)
• United States
16 Jul 12
Thank you! I really want to give her the best that I can. I hope some day she will realize that all my nagging for her to write and fill out forms will be for her benefit:)
@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
15 Jul 12
It is nice for your daughter when she has your support and caring. You are a such good mom!!!
@krupar5 (287)
• United States
16 Jul 12
Thank you!
@wittynet (4421)
• Philippines
15 Jul 12
You should also let her choose the course she wants to take up. I hope she'll be granted an scholarship. That's correct! Every child has the right to education. All parents should do what you're doing. It's true that there are people who can also be successful without a college degree, but it's always better to take up a college course. Good luck!
• India
15 Jul 12
I feel it is the most appropriate discussion to put my words in. I am also entering into a renowned engineering college of my country by the end of this month. I am very excited and greatful to my parents as they have put their all in helping me get admitted their. It is quite costly and we do not have a wealthy background, so I am also looking forward to earn some scholarships to lessen the burdens from my parents shoulders. I will be entering into a well established institute, so I will also look forward to get good grades to make my parents feel proud.
@krupar5 (287)
• United States
16 Jul 12
That is wonderful to hear. I wish you the best of luck. I am sure you will do your parents proud. As parents it is our job to provide the best we can for our kids.