Do you ever purposely start a fight with your partner?

@krupar5 (287)
United States
July 15, 2012 7:59pm CST
Hello Lotters, I have a wonderful husband and we have a good marriage. We seem to only fight when it comes to my family. I enjoy arguing so I sometimes start a fight just so we can argue. My husband knows I usually will start one just because and he will engage in the disgreement. Do any of you do this?
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7 responses
@bradzuo (24)
• China
16 Jul 12
with all due respect, it's kinda crazy for me and why?lol i dont like arguement ,let alone fight . all i wanna do is just hold my honey and kiss her,by the way , u got a good
@krupar5 (287)
• United States
17 Jul 12
Sorry all!LOL I should not say fight,it was a terrible choice of words. I should say disagree or more like debate. I love my husband and he is wonderful. To clarify that. I would purposely start discussions that I know he is passionate about as well as I am knowing we disagree. The best part is making up :)
@ShyBear88 (59304)
• Sterling, Virginia
16 Jul 12
No never, I don't start fights with my husband because I can or I know it hits his hot button. I don't like fighting with my husband although we can agree to disagree on things and leave it as is. I prefer things to be with out fighting over silly things if there is something to be talked about then we will. I don't need my children seeing us fight or hear us fight.
@krupar5 (287)
• United States
17 Jul 12
Sorry All! I should clarify as to what I mean. I should not say fight as in screaming or hitting. I should have said debate. I agree with not allowing children to see parents fighting. I avoid my children seeing us argue as much as possible. It was a very bad choice of words. I guess I like to start debates knowing that we share different views. I guess for me , it is a great way for us to have some fun and interesting adult conversation. As I have said before we really only argue about my family and how I always help them and that we discuss only in our room at night.
@sonusd (1547)
• India
16 Jul 12
As may be you both have very good mutual understanding so when ever you start fighting ( just for fun) you managed after that or else generally the single fire can burn the whole life. so I never try to fight but unknowingly I always fight with my partner and which result hurting both of us emotionally.
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
16 Jul 12
No I don't like to fight or disagree about things with my husband. I think that it would get us nowhere if we each were to try and start a fight with each other. I want things to be peaceful between me and my husband and doing that would not accomplish that.
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
16 Jul 12
No I don't like to fight or disagree about things with my husband. I think that it would get us nowhere if we each were to try and start a fight with each other. I want things to be peaceful between me and my husband and doing that would not accomplish that.
@squallming (1775)
• Malaysia
16 Jul 12
well, I never really start a fight without proper reason. Most of the time I would invite her to have a discussion by starting with expressing my feeling of dislike about an issue. She would then starts to wonder what I was really talking about and I would explain further and let her know what is really going on. we would then suggest a way to reduce the bad feeling or make us both happy.
@shylade (3132)
• Philippines
16 Jul 12
No, as much as possible I want a peaceful home. I don't want my son see his parents are arguing on petty things. I hate fight so I don't want to start it anyway.