what is the success formula to get success

July 17, 2012 9:03am CST
How to get success beyond hardwork.
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9 responses
• Philippines
18 Jul 12
I firmly believe that success always requires hard work and determination. And the will to never give up especially when life throws a monkey wrench on your way.
• Davao, Philippines
18 Jul 12
Of course those resources like hard work, determination and decisiveness should come with some form of intelligence in order to be able for you to know that you've successfully reached your goal. You need to have some sort of a plan in order to move from point A to point B in your life. Without that you'll just be moving around in circles like most people today.
• India
18 Jul 12
When we made hardwork the money will satisfy our mind and it gives us more pleasure to work further in a superior manner.
• Philippines
18 Jul 12
Making plans on how to succeed is already a given fact. A person who wants to be successful sets goals and in order to achieve those goals, he/she makes plans. And then he works hard and sets his plans in motion.
@SinfulRose (3527)
• Davao, Philippines
17 Jul 12
Ah...work smartly, I guess. I mean, hardwork now, relax later. Work hard now to earn the money that you need to invest on different investment vehicles so that later you'll be receiving the fruits of your labor and have the option whether you want to work hard again or not...
• Ireland
17 Jul 12
I think the same. Just fast money coming in crime way!!
• Malaysia
17 Jul 12
Even fast money or any type of crime requires hard work. To rob a bank, you need planning, accomplice and even tools. Isn't preparing those things need hardwork?
• Davao, Philippines
18 Jul 12
Thinking and planning is not hardwork unless if thinking for one is hard. And who said one needs to commit a crime in order to earn/make lots of money? Success is something you can say that you are once you've finally achieve your goal. My goal is to be financially free without getting myself into a hospital every now and then because I work too hard and almost kill my own butt off with fatigue. And from what I know, being smart with one's finances, being financially literate and gutsy are just some parts of the formula to become rich--which is my goal as well after I achieve financial freedom. And I think I can do that without robbing anyone of anything and just play with the rules and my resources. The society is my biggest game board. The law is my game rules and the objective of the game is to get out of life's rat race by using my resources--just like in monopoly.
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
17 Jul 12
It depends on the individual. But one thing is the same no matter who the person is.. HARD WORK. No effort,no results.
• India
18 Jul 12
No loss no gain. Some people do hardwork but they are not appreciated by the peoples and some other will sit quitely and never they do any task but people love them very much. What to do. That's life.
@hsofyan (3446)
• Jakarta, Indonesia
18 Jul 12
There is no success without hard work (not a workaholic). In order to successfully achieve the goal, you have to get up, act and perform.
• India
18 Jul 12
Goal is important to do any task. You should always think about your goals and to achieve that you make hardwork and if luck favours you the work will be completed easily.
@smilemoon (766)
• United Arab Emirates
18 Jul 12
I think by planning and knowing what exactly do we need and want. Also, determination.
• India
18 Jul 12
Determination and benefits after the work completes gives the result to us.
• Malaysia
17 Jul 12
There's no such thing as getting success beyond hardwork. Even for someone who was born with a silver spoon, he or she still needs some hardwork to maintain that the spoon remain silver. Anything in this life requires hardwork to be successful. You can ask anyone, the richest man, the best write, inventor, lover, cook and even a school principle. They will tell you, their success comes WITH hardwork.
• India
18 Jul 12
I know success comes with hardwork.Some people say that we are not hard worker we are the lucky persons. In the world lot of people beliving their luck and did not care about their hardwork. That's why i asked beyond hard work how much success will come.
20 Jul 12
Hardwork only gets you so far you need to believe in what you do and have the confidence to keep moving forward and upwards. Striving for more success comes from within no matter how many times you get knocked back or down pick yourself up and just get on with it.
18 Jul 12
Hard working leads to success. The truth remains that success does not come cheap, it takes hard work to be an achiever.to work hard does'nt mean working from morning till night without observing rest but being a smart worker. I mean about investing your time and energy productively.investment is the only source that determines your rapid growth in the financial aspect in life. As person,any money that comes your way should not be misused. Try to use it and create assets that will enable your income to increase in the future.
• Lithuania
19 Jul 12
Never fell comfortable and search for other ways!