Have you ever been surprised to receive money?

United States
July 18, 2012 7:29am CST
This morning I was so excited. I was checking my email and I had a message from paypal saying I had received payment for $59 for something. At first I was thinking oh no someone paid the wrong person. Then I checked into and realized that my book had sold. I was so excited because I'm trying to get more money to help with our move in September. It is great to be able to actually sell something. Share your experience.
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4 responses
@succeednow (1633)
• Singapore
18 Jul 12
I'm sure you are excited to receive money from Paypal. By the way how did you sell your book? Was it a physical book or an ebook?
1 person likes this
• Singapore
24 Jul 12
You did not mention how you sold your book but I guess from your response you sold it through ebay, right? Many people have experienced difficulties in selling their stuff through ebay. How did you manage it? Perhaps you could let us know of any tips and techniques that you employed. Thanks.
• United States
19 Jul 12
It was a physical book.It was a reference book for essential oils which are selling really high right now for some reason. I have two of them. Not exactly the same but I don't really care for the one I sold. So I'm glad I was able to sell it. I'm going to try and go shopping around today at second hand stores and see if I can find any good items to sell. I'm just starting into the ebay selling. People say to keep at it and not get discouraged. So I'm hoping to keep at it to be able to supplement my income.
@Suggar (3606)
• Bulgaria
18 Jul 12
Oh, that is a great news for you then. Congratulations! I have such friends who also send me money late for a job I have done time ago. It is great. I mostly think for such payments like gifts, because I haven't done anything new for sale. But it is great to realize that someone sent you something.
• United States
19 Jul 12
Thanks. I'm glad to hear that your friends sent you money for work you did. It is nice to get money when we have expected it for sometime. I usually don't have a lot of success putting things online but I'm happy that I had success this time. I was very excited.
@Zhizho (1350)
• Indonesia
18 Jul 12
Yes. I have. Someday, my husband back from work and told me that his boss (the directur of company) call his into his room and said that he appriciate my husbands job and give him an envelop. The directur said and leave a messege for me (his wife) wish I am happy to accept the envelope. Yes my husband know that it is money surely. He did not open it but he give and told that it is for me from the directur. I really surprise because we never think that he will give much money and I said, maybe he make mistake when give my husband, it is big number for us and never happened before. surely, we are so happy, not only because the money, but the reason behind it that my husband working good.
1 person likes this
• United States
22 Jul 12
Wow that would have been great. As your husband's boss really did respect and appreciate all that your husband did at his job. I'm sure that it also motivated your husband to keep working hard. It would motivate me if my employer did that.
@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
18 Jul 12
No, it hasn't happened to me yet! I usually receive money from payments that I have requested so I am usually waiting for them! It must feel great to get money when you're not expecting them. Like a nice unexpected gift!! :)
• United States
19 Jul 12
Yeah it was exactly like an unexpected gift. Especially since we will be moving in September and we have to pay two deposits (security and pet) we definitely could use the extra money. So I'm trying to see if I can sell anymore items. I understand waiting for payments as well. I hope that you will be able to get surprised some day from a payment.