I am turning into quite a napper.

@GardenGerty (162499)
United States
July 18, 2012 11:07am CST
My work hours are very early in the morning or very late at night. I seem to take a nap almost every day now, because I have other activities as well. I honestly think it is good for me to get a short nap daily. Does your work, or lack of work affect your sleep patterns? Is it in a good way for you, or is your work making you sick or sleep deprived?
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30 responses
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
18 Jul 12
I am a morning person. So, I wake up relatively early. The rest of the household are night people. The kids sleep in, specially now that school is out, and then they keep late hours. To try and keep up with them, I take naps during the day. Usually when I get home from work which is about 4 or 5 in the afternoon. Sometimes, I'd get sleepy even at work, that I take 5-minute power naps!
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@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
18 Jul 12
I do not nap that late in the day, but I do not work that late in the day either. I am also not trying to keep up with kids, except for doing VBS nursery this week. That power nap can be helpful
• United States
20 Jul 12
One of my jobs really screwed up my sleep patterns in the last few years. My scheduled starting hour was 8:00 am Monday through Thursday, and most days we worked until 4:00 PM. It wasn't so bad, but when I had a two-hour commute each way, I was out of the house for 12 hours and I'd come home exhausted. Normally it never bothered me, but the longer since my diagnosis (with multiple sclerosis), I found that I'd go to bed almost immediately when I got home. Of course this screwed up my sleeping patterns because Jim works nights and would leave without waking me up! And my last job had me working in the middle of the day-one PM to five PM two days, one day from 12 NOON to six PM and one day one PM to two or two-thirty PM. Made it difficult to get in a doctor's appointment, except on my days off.
@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
20 Jul 12
I do not think I have ever had a job that was important enough or paid enough for me to commute two hours each way. If I could take a train or bus, it would be okay, as I would nap both ways, though.
@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
20 Jul 12
Aha, that explains it perfectly.
• United States
20 Jul 12
It was during my merchandising job. My original supervisor had sent me (with a hotel card) to Maryland to help open up a store. I was fine staying overnight the first week, but at the end of the second week, I got bedbugs and refused to stay the two days the following week, so I drove 2+ hours one way to get there each day. But my third supervisor was sending me on 4-hour jobs that took me two or more hours to get to and after a few weeks of that (and having my hours cut back so severely), I opted to leave. I'd MOVE before driving that much ever again for a job!
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• Canada
18 Jul 12
I've been doing some late-night work for awhile now and I have to admit that it does affect me at times. I get up later, of course, so my days may begin at 10 or 11AM. I then feel like I have no time to accomplish everything I want in the day because, in what seems like the blink of an eye, I'm thinking I need to start dinner! I like what I'm doing but I end up being sleepy because I try to avoid napping. If I nap, I feel like I lose even more time to be productive lol It's a vicious circle, I guess. I do think I'm a bit sleep-deprived and am striving for a better routine... it's just hard to make it work with my daughters' schedules and all, when I'm the only one that's up and working "off hours."
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@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
18 Jul 12
I have always been an early riser, so the early morning hours suit me, except I am doing Bible School this week, so I am staying up later. When I was training they had me doing some late nights until twelve followed by a 6 am shift. I cannot do that. It just really stresses me.
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• Canada
19 Jul 12
I understand the stress, for sure. Sometimes, I'm awake until 3 or 4AM... which doesn't bother me at all... but my problem is that I feel guilty if I sleep too late in the morning. It doesn't seem to matter how late I get to bed, I feel like I have to push myself to stay on the same schedule as "the rest of the world." So, if I get up at 10AM, I've had 6 or 7 hours sleep at the very maximum - no more than what other people get - but I feel like I'm "sleeping in." Truly, I could be getting up at 11AM or later and still only having an "average" night's sleep. But, like you, I get stressed. I wouldn't be able to do a 6AM shift after being up that late either!
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@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
18 Jul 12
I know my 3 year old son affects my sleep. I have insomnia too. So I am usually sleep deprived. I have tried napping. But I end up laying there wishing I could go to sleep instead of actually sleeping.
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@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
18 Jul 12
Yes, small children really do affect your sleep schedule. I have young grandchildren and I know what my daughter is going through. If you do not fall asleep easily, then you should not lie there, as you are training your body to not sleep when it should.
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19 Jul 12
I have also often need to take a nap, because I often work late into the night. it is necessary to restore the missing hours of sleep,for us not to get mad!
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@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
18 Jul 12
I have heard these naps called power naps. It really does the body good. I think my lack of work does affect my sleep habits. If I exercised or did something I would probably do better. I dont do much of anything except work on here. Such an exciting life I live, huh?
@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
18 Jul 12
Even just getting out into the sunshine a little every day helps. I will set a kitchen timer for my nap, and usually sleep thirty minutes or less. I feel fortunate, the work I am doing is not physically stressful, and is pretty relaxed at this time. I get the morning sun as well.
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@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
20 Jul 12
Early morning would be nice. I haven't been going out much because of the smoke and the fear of getting bronchitis. Now there's a new fire up by Horseshoe Bend which isn't far from Boise. One up by Donnelly and several down in the northern part of the stare. I guess they got the one in the foothills contained recently. We hit 103 today!
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@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
5 Aug 12
I no longer work but for the 32 years that I did, many a times I would take a nap. During my lunch break I would go into a private office and eat my lunch then take a 15 to 20 minute nap. It would give me a boost to get me through the afternoon hours. There were many times to that I would work through my lunch break and not take a nap and then that night on my trip home I would nap on the train or bus. When you are working long hours you need to do whatever you can to get through the day. Especially if you are going home to your second job of being a mom and wife.
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@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
5 Aug 12
I am positive that if I had a long commute of more than 30 minutes and was on a bus or train I would nap. I do it often if we are going someplace and hubby is driving. I had a job where I would from time to time nap during my lunch break but that was many years ago.
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
20 Jul 12
I find I sleep a lot more now because I am on anti-depressants which tire me out, great for depression however LOL! I also find that going to the gym 3 times a week I need extra naps throughout the day. Usually 90 minutes. My pattern is that I come home from the gym have something to eat then nap. I have heard it is good for your muscles to rest them after a workout. The weather also tires me out, I hate the heat, its so draining, especially the humidity.
@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
20 Jul 12
I would love to have a membership again at the Y, but it is too expensive right now. I would go do water exercise and some weights and probably sleep. I hear you about the heat and it is giving me lots of grief this year.
@AmbiePam (96484)
• United States
23 Jul 12
I have developed a napping habit that I cannot seem to overcome. Every day about 2pm I get so sleep/fatigued that I have to lie down. I may sleep for five minutes, never more than fifteen minutes, but when it's over all the sleepiness is gone. And at night I have a horribly hard time getting to sleep. I don't know that the nap makes a difference, but when I'm that overcome with fatigue, I have to try to get rid of it.
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@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
23 Jul 12
I have heard and read that our bodies have a natural rhythm that makes us want a rest at about that time of day. That is the time frame when I often nod off at the computer if I do not lay down. Think about the people of Mexico and other warm countries who traditionally had an afternoon siesta and closed all the shops. I hear that does not happen anymore. I doubt that your little short nap keeps you from sleeping at night. Most experts talk about establishing a routine and good sleep hygeine in order to overcome those problems. I have not really had them so I cannot say for sure that it works.
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@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
18 Jul 12
I had spent a couple of months taking naps, but that was because of my medical problem. When I was working I would take a nap during the day. It was a great way to recharge my batteries and to be able to have the energy to do things around the house. Needing to take a nap is our body's way of telling us to slow down a bit. Also with working the hours you do, it does your body good to take a nap during the day.
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@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
18 Jul 12
I remember one year when I had had a lot of work related and family related stress. I worked in the school district at that time. When summer came I took really long naps every day for a couple of months before I felt I was caught up.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
18 Jul 12
Naps are so good for productivity that many big companies are even providing "nap rooms" for their employees. I'd love to be able to nap but if I nap when I get sleepy I'll sleep for hours, whereas a healthy nap is only about 30 minutes. Then I can't sleep at night! I tried experimenting with my sleep a few years ago and ended up sleeping at very odd times with no consistency. So now I don't nap. I have trouble falling asleep most nights, too, whether I nap or not. I fell asleep after dinner last night as I watched the news and slept for about 20 minutes. I usually go to bed around 11 and asleep by midnight. But last night I wasn't sleepy at all and ended up falling asleep about 2AM and sleeping way past when I like to wake up. That little nap cost me sleep and work time! But I'm glad you can nap and benefit from it. I guess I'm just weird.
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@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
18 Jul 12
It may be that I am weird. As long as I have not had too much caffeine, I go to sleep easily. If I have had too much caffeine I may or may not go to sleep with my eyes, but my brain stays awake. I did not nap when I was younger.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
19 Jul 12
i do the same because i think the kids have caused me to get in the pattern of staying up to late and wakeing early to get things done even tho they stopped with all the noise for a while at least so ive been ending up taking short naps if its quiet here in the day. even if i dont want to get sleepy. there are times it makes me feel worse.
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@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
19 Jul 12
I did the short night thing when I was younger and I think it gets stressful. Waking up early has always been natural for me, but I have a hard time making myself go to bed early as I should.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
19 Jul 12
Hi GG! I don't work and it's a good thing. I have Chronic Insomnia. I have had it since I was a kid. I've always had trouble falling asleep. I remember when I was working that there were nights when I watched the clock and never slept and had to make it through a day of work. And then I still didn't sleep or slept only briefly. I now stay up until the early morning hours and sleep until the afternoon. Unless I have doctors appointments or something else to do I can barely function. I have Fibromyalgia and Sacarilitus which makes things even more difficult.
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@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
19 Jul 12
Hi, Opal, we have not seen you much lately and some people have commented that they have been missing you. I have trimmed this job down to the five mornings a week at this time. I would like more hours, but I want them on my own terms. As it is, having a job interrupts my vacations.
• United States
18 Jul 12
I am an insomniac so I guess I am always sleep deprived, but I am used to it and function just fine. I wish I could take naps, though! I have never been a napper. I think a nap would help take the edge off but I just can't fall asleep for a nap. I take a nap maybe two or three times a year. And then, I end up sleeping for 4 hours or so and wake up tired and useless, ha!
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@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
18 Jul 12
Those long naps tend to be killers. I only do that if I am ill. Or seriously stressed. As a young person I thought sleep was overrated, but I tended to be an early riser, not a night owl. I feel happy about the fact that I fall asleep easily.
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@shahamed (92)
• Singapore
20 Jul 12
I am currently on a shift work, which totally disrupts my sleep patterns. Sometimes i go more than a day without sleep as my rest day falls on a weekend and i do not like to waste my weekend away on sleeping. Its best if you have a job that allows you to maintain a consistent sleep patter eg 8 - 5 job There has been much debated on which sleep patten is beneficial to the human body. Some researchers argue that an afternoon nap is vital to the body as it restores your energy midday. Some others however say that only 7 hours of sleep, neither less nor more, is needed for the body in a day. I think it is best for you to have a good sleep during the night so that you wake up fresh and ready for work the next day
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@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
20 Jul 12
There are some people that definitely need more than seven hours. My nights are such that I usually get seven hours, and the naps I take, most of the time, are only 20-30 minutes. Most research supports this type of rest as being good for the heart and for maintaining proper weight and regulating your blood sugar.
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
19 Jul 12
I think it is wonderful to be able to take a nap. I am not in the habit of doing it, but if I were feeling tired and had time I would certainly nap. If I were tired and had nothing necessary to do later, I might even sleep until the next day, but that does not happen very often.
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@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
19 Jul 12
I could not sleep that long. I find that a short nap gives me a lot more energy for all the other things I want to get done.
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
19 Jul 12
You are lucky that way. A short nap just makes me sleepier.
@shaggin (74023)
• United States
5 Aug 12
When I used to work I would get up at about 5:30 and shower and get ready to be at work at 8. I would be so tired that I would be in bed by 9pm. I hated it because it didnt give me time to do anything. I take two medicines to treat my depression and both of them make me drowsy so I take a lot of naps. It bothers me because its time I could spend with my kids or getting things done. I have to struggle so much to stay awake.
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@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
5 Aug 12
Pretty much I get up at 4:45, and go to bed by 9:30. Unless I am also working the 3-midnight shift. If that is happening I lay down around one until two. I only do those shifts occasionally. When my aunt found herself sleepy from her anti depressants the doctor helped her adjust them to a different time of day. For me a short nap tends to make me more productive and motivated.
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@shaggin (74023)
• United States
6 Aug 12
My doctor wanted me to take the celexa at night and the lamictal during the day. They both cause drowsiness but taking one at bedtime was supposed to help me sleep and not make me so tired during the day. I dont have any trouble sleeping but the tiredness is terrible. When I tried taking it at night I didnt feel as well during the day the depression meds wore off a lot by morning I think so its better if I take them during the day even if I'm tired it helps ease the depression.
• United States
18 Jul 12
Hi GG, Naps are suppose to be really good for you so go for it! I remember when I worked a couple of years ago and they were 12 hour days..pretty tiring. I wish I could have taken a small nap in the afternoon to keep me more productive. I have trouble sleeping though so I don't know if I could even take a nap in the afternoons, but sometimes I do lay down and just relax for a while if I'm up really early.
@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
18 Jul 12
Even just relaxing for a while is good for you. My sleep patterns are pretty consistent all the time, so I wake up at the same time a lot and go to bed or get sleepy at the same time as well.
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• United States
18 Jul 12
Oh you are pretty lucky then if your sleep patterns are consistent. Mine are all abnormal, hahaha! Sometimes I'm up until midnight, and sometimes I fall asleep at 9:00 in the evening. Sometimes I wake up at 4:00 and I'm up for good, and sometimes I sleep until 7:00. It's all weird. Just keep doing what you're doing GG as it seems to work for you! I wish I was still doing some kind of physical work but that's out of the question now. I do miss it though.
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@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
19 Jul 12
My job is not really very physical, but it does require me to get up and get dressed and go somewhere. I feel more productive, even when I am home because I have done that. It has forced me to plan for sleep.
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
18 Jul 12
I won't ever let work decide my sleep schedule again. I used to work for hotels and I would literally get maybe two or three hours of sleep sometimes, sometimes even less then that. Partially the "less then that" was because my bf (now ex husband) at the time would stay up and when I got in I'd get online and he would IM me. We'd chat for an hour or three, and then I'd have an hour to sleep. Though a lot of times I'd only have three or four hours inbetween having to wake up and get ready for another day anyway. Now I only work twice a week and I can pretty much make my own sleep schedule. I like to slepe until noon and go to bed anywhere from midnight to three am. I don't nap anymore, though when I had a regular schedule sometimes I'd come home and nap after work.
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@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
18 Jul 12
This is why I told this company early on that I would not do continuous work until midnight and be back at 6 a.m. I am okay with six in the morning, but this week I have some evening stuff going on and it is making me tired. I really have to have at least a half hour of a nap.
• China
19 Jul 12
The irregular working hours may upset your biological clock so that you can't have enough sleep.I think you surely feel absent-minded in the daytime.Getting a nap does your health good, which can catch up on your lost sleep.
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@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
19 Jul 12
I am making a great effort to have work that happens at the same time every day. It is much healthier. Yes, I feel that my naps are good for me.
@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
20 Jul 12
I am trying to do that more as I get older. I enjoy my life a lot better, that is for sure.
• China
20 Jul 12
You should strike a proper balance between work and rest otherwise you will burn yourself out.
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@bjc66bjc (6730)
• United States
18 Jul 12
Hi Gerty, I have a sleeping pattern, however I do wish it would include a nap during the day, becuse I stay up so late til the wee wee hours of the morning on this darn computer, emailing, games or/and mylotting.. It seems that once I am up in the mornings I can not go back to sleep during the day, but it just will not happen unless I am sick...but other than that I can't go back to sleep. I've had my blinds closed, TV off, computer off, still not happening...
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@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
18 Jul 12
staying up on the computer will mess me up big time, and it is addictive. Almost as bad as chocolate. I have to train myself to nap and it is usually only a half hour. If it is much more than that you can figure I am sick.
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