finishing a dream

July 18, 2012 10:49pm CST
have you ever try going back to sleep right after you woke up because you didnt able to finish your dream and you wanted to see how that dream would end? well im the kind of person that tries to fall back asleep in the morning just to finish a dream especially when its a good one.
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12 responses
• United States
20 Jul 12
I tend to wake up remembering about 90% of my dream, try to go back to sleep, and have a completely different dream that makes me forget the first. It makes me a bit sad when I remember that I really liked the first, but can't remember it.
25 Jul 12
the only dream i can continue is that last dream before i wake up, me myself dont remember most of my dreams. i often wake up in the morning and remember nothing, but theres this moment later that day like you remember a part of your dream earlier and then start thinking about the whole story. its that moment like "oh i think i had this dream" then you try so hard to think about it. that also happens to me . . .
• Philippines
19 Jul 12
Yes. It's frustrating when it's a very good dream. So I end up daydreaming about the ending that I like until I fell back asleep, hoping that the dream will continue but of course they don't.
25 Jul 12
there are times that they dont but they often continue if i try, maybe if you really want it badly to continue you might be able to continue your last dream . . . =)
@uautkarsh (414)
• India
25 Jul 12
Yes.. I have done it several times.. But most of the times i end up in another dream.. :P Its really crazy to go back to sleep just to complete the dream.. :P I live in a hostel.. And here the breakfast is served around 8.. So i generally wake up for breakfast and go for the sleep again.. :)
@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
23 Jul 12
Many times i extended my sleep for dreams but the result is no dream more and i also forget the last dream. I don't think re-sleeping can continue your dream..
• Philippines
19 Jul 12
I know what you mean about finishing what dream you have already started. Sometimes, it happens to us that when our dream is already approaching it's climax, we suddenly wake up. But i have tried a certain technique once. When i woke up from a good dream and i like to finish that dream, when it's still fresh in my mind, i think about it again and fall back to sleep. When i think about it, i think of what is happening and where it would lead. Eventually, i fall asleep and my subconscious is continuing my dream again. I hope you try it sometime and see what happens. Good day! :D
19 Jul 12
we are doing the same thing, i close my eyes and think about that dream untill i fall asleep but there are times when i just couldnt fall back to sleep.
• Philippines
26 Jul 12
YES! Ohmygosh. I totally can relate. Whenever my dream is too good, I want to go back to sleep so that I could continue my dream.I really do this and I get to continue my dream! :)
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
20 Jul 12
I see your point. It seems a very nice idea to sleep again and finish such wonderful dream. I did try it, but never had any experience where I was able to dream the same thing or had my dream continued when I slept again. I think its quite impossible for such to happen as we never had any control of our dreams.
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
20 Jul 12
I have tried to do that in the past. Sometimes I am really curious to find out what happens later in the dream so I try to go back to sleep in order to experience the rest of the dream. Unfortunately it never really seems to work When I manage to fall asleep again I dream something totally different. I am sad that I didn't get the last part of the first dream especially if it is a very interesting or happy dream, but so far I have never been able to continue my dream.
• United States
23 Jul 12
If I've been awake for only about five minutes then I can get back into the dream that I was in before I woke up, but if it's been longer than that then I can't get back into the dream. Sometimes I can get back into the dream, and sometimes it's a different dream. I don't think we ever really get back into the same dream and finish it, we're just kind of thinking about the dream we were having and then our next dream is dreaming about that dream. It's never exactly the same.
@anklesmash (1412)
20 Jul 12
I find it really annoying to wake up and miss the ending of a good dream.If its not too early i usually get up.Even if i have the time to go back to sleep i don't usually bother as i have never gone back to sleep before and seen the end of a dream though i have often wished that i could when the dreams been particularly good.I didn't think many people could go back to sleep and see the end of a dream.
@oindy54 (3445)
• India
20 Jul 12
I jumped to respond to your post because I am exactly the same as you! I do the same thing and I have been doing this since I don't know how many years.I often get very nice dreams which are almost like short stories and it so happens that I am woken up by my mother. Then what I tell her is to let me just finish my dream. So I go off to sleep again and try to see it to its completion. But the thing is that my parents just refuse to believe that dreams can be finished! I could never convince them that yes indeed they can!
• Philippines
19 Jul 12
Oh, I have been doing that a lot of times, especially when its a good dream, I usually close my eyes then wish to continue it. But, I am not sure, If it is a dream or my imagination, Imagination that in a sense I wanted so much to continue the dream that the things I wanted in mind or want I wanted to happen would appear.