Do you get nervous when you risk some money online?

@marguicha (221452)
July 19, 2012 6:45pm CST
After I came back from my vacations I still had the tingle of playing a bit at the casino, so I upgraded at neobux, a legit site that has paid me for years as a standard member. I have some direct referrals and I thought that would help me a lot. But I am worried now that some of my referrals are not clicking. In fact, one of them is about to be deleted from the site. What should I do? How would you act if you were me? I´m not usually a person who risks anything. I could offer people some money to join under me, but I don´t even know how to place ads at the tak part of mylot. The site is giving me a lot more ads now though, but referrals are the way to earn.
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12 responses
@sajeevking (5073)
• Mumbai, India
20 Jul 12
Upgraded in neobux is a gamble which i won't play because i would need at hundred of referrals before i upgrade there and also i hate them because the delete our referrals after 90 days of inactivity. so we constantly need to search for new referrals inorder to replace the inactive ones. i do take lots of risk online usually the ones which requires small amount to invest our which sound profitable to invest in. for referrals i would say promote a lot. pm some friend who are not a member there or have gave up neobux in past. for creating refback offers i would suggest emoneyspace forum to try. good luck
@akp100 (13640)
• India
20 Jul 12
Refback offers.. Are you talking about referral exchanging offers..?! Is that forum allow links with referrals links.. if yes, then surely it can bring us good referrals for new sites.
@akp100 (13640)
• India
20 Jul 12
Yup.. Got it. About cash back offer, lol unless we having balance in payza, we can't create any such offer right?! I mean paypal is not good for us in this case.
• Mumbai, India
20 Jul 12
EMS forums allows every thing Referrals Deals :- you offers cash back to your referrals for there activity and yeah if we offer cash back for a new site then we can get many member under us. Also you can do many other things there the site has lots of spammer and cheater too.. so beware before trusting anyone there
@DoctorDidi (7018)
• India
22 Jul 12
I would never get nervous if I need to risk some money online because whatever I would invest, I would invest from my earnings online and never from my bank balance. So if it gets wasted, I need not repent for it. So far what I have earned from mylot has been invested into tagvillage. I am going to cash out very soon from some other sites and that would definitely be invested into some other sites according to my choice and preference.
@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
22 Jul 12
I agree absolutly. Could you please tell me what´s the name of your sieI´m in? After 2 weeks away from it all, I´m sort of mixed up.
• India
23 Jul 12
Sorry to say I cannot realize what you mean by sieI´m.
• United States
20 Jul 12
i HAVE NEVER BEEN A GAMBLER, LOL. Nver played online so i sure couldn't give u any good ideas.
@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
20 Jul 12
I could not imagine you as a gambler, Jo, although you have had a much more varied love life than waht I had. So it´one thing for the other, I suppose I just bought an upgrade at neobux and now I wish I had more referrals. Not that I count on that to get rich, lol. As for gambling, I did go to the casino at St. Maarten, but I played at the 1 cent machines. Not much to lose or win, as you can imagine.
• United States
20 Jul 12
what's my love life got to do w/u gambling, marg. sometimes u can be real tacky. i wasn't looking down on you for gambling just said i couldn't help u w/it but if u need any pointers on love lives let me know.
@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
20 Jul 12
In my country there´s a saying that either you have money or love. Maybe I should have explained myself. It´s so difficult to translate sometimes. The words get translated but not the ideas. I know you weren´t looking me down for gambling
@bhanusb (5709)
• India
20 Jul 12
Hi marguicha, have I any scope to join this site ? Please give details.
@bhanusb (5709)
• India
21 Jul 12
Thanks a lot marguicha for your reply. I shall try to connect.
@sjvg1976 (41247)
• Delhi, India
24 Jul 12
Hello marguicha, There is always a risk involved in investing money offline or online though online is more risky as you never know when some site becomes a scam.I never invested money online and never think of it.
@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
24 Jul 12
I know there´s a risk. Even with neobux, I don´t know if I´ll be able to get enough referrals to make my upgrade worthwhile. I have some, but one of them is not active. Still. I love to gamble a bit sometime if it´s not too much money.
@kaichoukebz (1190)
• Philippines
22 Jul 12
It is too much to upgrade in Neobux. It will be a big amount. Haha. I am quite scared of it considering that I do not have enough referrals in Neobux. Well, on the other hand, I am an upgraded member of Clixsense. Are you a member of it also? Additionally, I joined JustBeenPaid JSS Tripler also and invested few dollars. :)
@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
22 Jul 12
I don`t have Just been paid but I have clixsense and I also upgraded there. It`s worthit, up to now. I have some referrals aneobux, but I wish I had more. Wordlinx and Linkgrand are another sites where it`s worth to upgrade
@savypat (20216)
• United States
20 Jul 12
I have lost some and learned never to pay money over the Internet unless it's for a product. I do buy some CDs and Books and have had no problems with that.
@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
21 Jul 12
I think I came back from my vacations tanned, bold and with a gambling heart. So I risked the $90 for a year upgrade at neobux. I have always liked the site and now that I´m upgraded they are giving me an extra 9 links worth 1 cent. Still, I need referrals, of course.
@Lucky12 (767)
• United States
22 Jul 12
I have not played online.I have played in the casino once. I mean I think that a lot of people would get nervous period when gambling money away. Sometimes you win and sometimes you can lose what you have. I know when I was in Vegas and did slots for the first time I was nervous, but I made 15 bucks from it and I was happy because I was not greedy at all.
@squallming (1775)
• Malaysia
20 Jul 12
I always get nervous if I risk some money online either by high yielding investment program, or online gambling. Because we hope to make more from the internet and we are risking some hard earned money for it. Anyway, I have not upgraded my account in clixsense. I never have joined neobux before as some people claimed that the site delete their account without reason.
• China
20 Jul 12
Actully you can hardly avoid your referrals stopping work or doing some cheat actions, maybe you will get hurt according to this but you need afford it, because you get benifit from their work and also offer guatantee for them. Do you think everything in the wrold has both good and bad sides which achieve a balance situation. I think what you should do is throw up these worries and try your best to absorb more and more referrals to add your earning opportunity. However attempting online gamble is not a good choice only if you know the game rule much clearly, or please do as you are currently doing, it is more safe
21 Jul 12
Hi dear friend, how are you? I´m here! haha just been honest, I rented once 2 referals in neobux, they worked 4 or 5 days, the the rest of the month nothing happeneded, it seemed nothing happened. So since this moment, I prefer to do the "ant job" and make cliks by myself, and not rent refferals anymore. Also, Im not the person who makes personal refferals very easily. I wish you resolved this problem the better you could.
@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
22 Jul 12
I don`t rent referrals. I like to trade links of sites so that I get real active people as referrals for free. That`s why I can earn my $100 a month with few referrals at each site. They are active if I`m active at their sites. Maybe we could exchange some links of sites we don`t have. Send me a PM.
@MrGhost (550)
7 Mar 13
So long I have never invested online. If it is a small amount like $2-$5, I would never feel nervout. But if the amount is huge like more than $100, I would definitely get nervous.