childhood memories

@roshigo58 (4859)
Pune, India
July 21, 2012 10:35am CST
Today it is heavily raining here. Yesterday only i was going out for a rain walk, when i saw some little children are making papers boats and sailing them in the little little ponds and flowing water made by rain. I was very much delighted by seeing it, i remembered my childhood. Myself and friends too used to do the same in childhood. Do you have any childhood memories.
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7 responses
@Raine38 (12250)
• United States
21 Jul 12
I have lots, but my favorite is during the time when me and my playmates will play hide and seek, as we all have very creative ways to hide and we always have laughs. Like for example, a playmate who's got dark skin just hid right beside the containers of tar by taking off his shirt and hunching in between the containers. The "it" never saw him there :).
• Philippines
22 Jul 12
you remind me of that game. we have a friend which is we don't really like. what we did is when its getting late and he is the one who need to look for us, we just go home. we just let him find us until he realize that all of us went home already. another time is we left him and we went to other place leaving him looking for us :)
@tweetyfe (191)
• Philippines
23 Jul 12
you are a blessed people, because your chilhood gonna missed for the good memories, but for me my chilhood cannot experience like your experienced, because at the age of 10 i'll work to own to survived.
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
21 Jul 12
Hello roshigo and welcome to myLot. You have some nice memories. I remember living near a big field that filled up pretty good when it rained very long. I remember I and my brother and some of the other neighborhood kids tried to build a raft so we could float on that big puddle. We also had a nice soft pile of dirt in the corner of our apartment house. We would dig tunnels and make roads in that dirt.
@suzzy3 (8341)
21 Jul 12
It does bring back wonderful memories from childhood.I remember going for long walks with my mother on sunny days.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
23 Jul 12
I have all kinds of memories from my childhood. One of my favorite memories from my childhood was in elementary school. Every year at the end of the school year we would take a trip to a local park and have a picnic. The park was about two blocks away from the school, but it was always so much fun because we were able to have time away from school and we were able to play. This was one of the best bonding times that we ever got to share with our classmates.
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
21 Jul 12
Rain brings back a lot of childhood memories, the only thing now is the environment is not as clean as before and it makes me sad, even rain seems to be dirty because of pollution and a lot of water borne diseases we could get by playing in the rain. I miss those days when you could just freely bathe and play in the rain without worry after a long hot summer and yes play paper boat ( I still know how to make them even today)
• Philippines
21 Jul 12
Hi roshigo58. Yep I do have a childhood memory. What I often do is burn small plastic toys using a magnifying glass. I also did it to one of my friend. I point the lens straight to his neck while he is busy playing on ground. letting the sun focus, he jump and ran away screaming. Honestly I was terrified to what I did.