What Computer Specification?

July 25, 2012 12:20am CST
I'm planning to buy myself a desktop computer and I'm wondering what specs/parts I should focus on. The computer is going to be used mainly for 3d modeling and rendering, computer graphics production, gaming, and video editing. What part should I put my attention to? Processor? RAM? Graphics card? If you can give me a minimum specification, that'll be much appreciated.
6 responses
• San Leandro, California
25 Jul 12
If you do end up getting more than 3GB of RAM, be sure to install a 64-bit OS on your system so that it utilizes every bit of it. 32-bit systems are limited to using 3GB of RAM and it can really effect your computer.
• Philippines
25 Jul 12
I heard 64-bit programs are different from 32-bit. Won't I have any problems getting versions of applications compatible with 64-bit?
• Philippines
25 Jul 12
I heard 64-bit programs are different from 32-bit. Won't I have any problems getting versions of applications compatible with 64-bit?
• San Leandro, California
25 Jul 12
Not necessarily, there are separate programs for 64-bit and 32-bit but you shouldn't have a problem getting the 64-bit versions. If you're buying software there either will be a 64-bit installation included or it may be compatible to begin with. I'm not entirely sure but I think you can run 32-bit programs on 64-bit regardless but it just acts as 32-bit and it installs into a different Program Files folder.
• India
25 Jul 12
You will be need of high memory graphics for 3d modelling and gaming as you mentioned. Apart from that RAM of minimum 3-4 GB will be helpful. And yes i5 processor is that what you will really like. Creative speakers will be a good choice if you are into music. Kindly ask for further help if needed.
• Philippines
25 Jul 12
Thanks for your reply, bro. I kinda find i5 a bit too expensive already. Do you think an i3, or at least a core duo @ 3.0ghz each can do the job for 3d stuff? I already have a speaker so I'm fixed on that. What about graphics card specs? Is 1gb enough?
• India
25 Jul 12
To my knowledge, I know that a high memory graphic card would be good. I will provide you the exact details in my subsequent posts. And yes i5 is definitely a costly investment. so plan carefully for the same depending upon the usage of yours'
• Philippines
25 Jul 12
You have an i7? Nice. I don't have the money to get myself an i5 at the moment. I guess I'll have to settle for an i3 for now and upgrade later when I already have the money.
@owlwings (43914)
• Cambridge, England
25 Jul 12
At least dual-core processor, 64-bit OS, the best graphics card you can afford and the most RAM you can install. Most 3D rendering programs can use dual-core processing (otherwise there is no advantage) and absolutely need a good graphics processor (preferably with its own dedicated memory) and the maximum RAM with a fast bus. Look at the minimum specs of the programs you want to use and be guided by them, increasing on them if possible. Then design your system accordingly. If you want a capable system, you CANNOT cut corners.
• Philippines
25 Jul 12
I see. So I can get, let's say, a dual core both @ 2.5 ghz each for my processor. Then I can go all out with both the graphics card and RAM? Processors are pretty expensive these days, so are graphics cards. I can afford a 4gb RAM but as for the other two, I'll have to save up for upgrade. I'll take your advice and check the program's requirements and use 'em as reference. That's actually a great idea.
@slovenc1 (2089)
• Slovenia
26 Jul 12
Computer is like a chain as strong as the weakest link. Based on what you said you'd do I'd say at least i5, 4 gigs of ram, good motherboard. Of course i7 and 8 giga ram would be better and you'd do things faster but it would also be more expensive. Graphic card and cooling is also important. Than it also depends if you're prepared to overclock or not. I have i3 overclocked and works better than any i5 that isn't but you must change stock coolers and same goes for graphic card and other components. One thinks you buy 8 gigs of ram and you'll have fast computer but the truth is processor speed decides ram speed and so on. You end up with 8 gigs of ram that you think runns at 1800 mhz but in fact it runs at stoch 1600 mhz until you set it otherwise and also cpu. Also if you have 32 version of windows you can have maximum of 4 gigs so other 4 are never used and there's a million things I didn't mention and even more you find out when optimizing your pc. Don't know your budget and seriousness of your work but ssd would also be a good idea no ordinary hard drive can match it's speed. Good luck
• Philippines
27 Jul 12
I didn't quite get some of your response. What if I get myself a 2.5ghz core 2 duo processor and 4gb of ram? Are you saying not all 4gb will be used considering my processor capacity?
@slovenc1 (2089)
• Slovenia
27 Jul 12
No, you will have 4 gigs. It's just that if you have 32 version of windows system and not 64 one you can have max 4 gigs of ram. What changes in relation to processor is the frequency it runs at. So if you leave your cpu and ram and graphic card as it is (you don't overclock) you'll run everything at stock frequency. But if you change processor frequency (overclock) you must also change ram frequency. Average Joe buys 8gigs of ram and on the box it says it runs at 1800 mhz. But that's the highest frequency it's safe to run that ram. In fact when average Joe puts that ram in it runs at stock speed of 1400 if he doesn't tell him othervise (overclocks it). Hope I made it any clearer.
25 Jul 12
Hi frontvision101, You are asking a lot from the computer. I would say there is nothing else you could ask for it and so you need to pay attention to all the specifications. 3D modelling/rendering, gaming and video editing are the hardest things for computers to deal with and so let's say that you will need to put the money where your needs are. As a simple answer I can say, buy a Mac. If you have loads of money to spare just get a Mac pro tower and you can complete it with a massive screen you can get from Mac or any other brand if you want to save some money on the screen. (But This computer with the Mac suggested screen is for me the top set up. (but it is very expensive) http://www.apple.com/uk/macpro/ If you want to go for Mac but don't have that kind of money then you can go for a lower range iMac or a nice Macbook pro Laptop. They will be able to deal with your needs. If you are not happy to get a Mac then do not expect to spend a lot less on a PC as you will need a very good one. First of all stay away from the Ultrabooks (if you are looking for a laptop) as they seem to have amazing specification but the processors are not the same as the same one on a "Normal" Laptop. They are less powerful. So, ideally you should look for an Intel i7 processor with at least 4Gb RAM and the more disk you can get, I would say at least 500Gb. (ideally you would have 8GB Ram and 1 or 2 TB hard drive). Look for a graphic card with at least 1GB of exclusive RAM. This won't come cheap but you are asking for a lot here. Good Luck.
• Philippines
25 Jul 12
I'm not comfortable with Mac. I like Windows more since I'm used to it. Plus, I don't have the money to get high quality parts for now. I'm eyeing for parts that can improve a regular pc's performance but I'm not really gonna use it for hardcore 3d rendering and stuff. I can deal with a bit long render times when doing 3d animation. I guess what I'm looking for is an "above normal" specs to make my hobby a bit easier.
@bloodmask (590)
• India
26 Jul 12
64-bit hardware, i7 black edition processors, 8GB RAM, 1TB HDD, 64bit Operating System, 2GB Graphics card, a HD sound card. That's the best specification that I can specify. More powerful, you can use it for coming decade without any problem if you use it properly and it will give you best performance for your development work without any hiccups.
• Philippines
26 Jul 12
I don't think I'll be needing 1tb worth of HDD. Although this is one cool specs to have in a cpu. I'll be focusing on buying enough graphics card and RAM for now.