Myself in the Mirror

July 25, 2012 4:38am CST
Hello Lotters, How I wish I could have take the picture of myself every time i look into the mirror. almost every time I go to the Bathroom, can't help look myself. don't know what i should think of when ever i look at the mirror. but I see how far I've grown when ever i look at it. you'd be surprised how other people judge me to have grown so much. maybe i feel the same to them. Unfortunately, i feel sad because i sense that am really not getting any younger so different when i was young so frustrated about growing up
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10 responses
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
25 Jul 12
When we are grown up we feel frustrated that we look so different than when we were younger. But then do you remember how eager you were when you were small wanted grown up faster and wonder how will I look like when I am an adult??? We are always like that. Small kid want to get older faster while the older want to get back to their past time.. Believe it that you are still the same~
• Philippines
27 Jul 12
Hello CTHanum, I should have thought about it when I was a kid which is to fun and enjoy as a kid. unfortunately i got curious too fast and you won't realize how old you are until you have actually went through. well, I know nothing is the same as it used to but at least am still single and can allow myself to make choices unlike if you are committed and married already
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
1 Aug 12
Yeah, we don't realized it until at one time we get the point and surprised for what we have gone through. Anyway, it is not a bad thing of getting older. It something that we should cherish!(^^)
• Calgary, Alberta
26 Jul 12
I have ugly scars after my operation and until now i cant move on and get over on how gross and disgusting they look. It also reminds me that I lost a certain body part of mine. I know appendix is said to be useless but still...It sucks to be reminded over and over again. That is my only insecurity by far. at least there is photoshop and it kinda helps
• Philippines
27 Jul 12
Hello CaptainAlbert, That's sad to have you're appendix removed, we all have insecurities. but you know the best thing about you is that you got a job, a relationship and that's important. unfortunately for me, despite of being full healthy, am kinda into unemployed situation. which really makes you lucky still. besides, were not the same as every body else
@aabuda (1722)
• Philippines
25 Jul 12
I am frustrated also that I am not getting any
• Philippines
27 Jul 12
Hello aabuda, well, we are not meant for immortality and this is something we should get used to. we are all destined to die some day. it's sad that i didn't get to enjoy much of myself, something that i've been planning and wanting to do before i become incapable of doing so
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
25 Jul 12
dear LK, I thought you are growing big as in chubbier everyday -lols I am having problem with weight loss....wahhhhhhhhhhh ask bhaby, just today been to there house and eat a lot...hmppp
• Philippines
27 Jul 12
Helo Jaiho-sis, Nope am trying not to be because it's not easy being chubby. also it's giving a bad effect on my bones, i might end up being too fat for my bones to carry. most specially if am fat. I don't want to eat a lot as I already have but believe if I say am not a strong eater i do start not eating a lot but still it's a lot for me
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
23 Oct 12
hi, from a child going to adult or being teenager have really a big changes in the body and in the way of thinking too,everyone look in the mirror to see their self on how is the look or what are those changes in their body.sometimes even i cry i wanted to see my face in the mirror.
• Philippines
25 Jul 12
aren't you becoming narcissistic?hehe.. well, i know a lot of people doing the same thing including me. i love looking at myself in front of a mirror. :)i wanna see what people see when they look at me.hehe.. i feel you!
• Philippines
27 Jul 12
Hello mylzcantor, well, i know exactly but it's inevitable that even some celebrities use a lot of stuff just to keep them from looking obviously old.
• Mexico
28 Jul 12
Hi Letran Knight: I think it must be great to do this. But it will take some time to know the big difference and be patient to take a picture of yourself every day probably at the same hour to find the difference. I have seen that some people ha done this. I watched a video on youtube and you can see how this person change as the time keeps walking. ALVARO
@thanks1961 (7035)
• India
2 Aug 12
Growth is also our part of life and I think you should enjoy it. Even I used to do it. Unfortunately, I don't have much of my old photos but still having few of them and the funny part is that whenever I happened to see the old photos I will recollect the incidents and everything related to that photo and will remember those olden sweet days, which I never get back, but looking on the photos, I can really slip into those days through my memories.
• Philippines
2 Aug 12
hi LK, I love seeing myself every day and I tell myself Gawwwddd......not everyday they can see a rare face like mine I love myself cause if not how can somebody loves me? Don't worry I gain weight more than you expect can't resist the food hahaha miss yah
@riyauro (6421)
• India
25 Jul 12
Well i love to see myself in the mirror as well but not in the Maybe you are too handsome and you are admiring yourself in the mirror. It is true that we are getting older by the day and it is hard to digest it. I don't remember how my last 10 years passed. I feel sad about it as well. But think too much, and let's just go with the flow of life.