By AijeffClynt
@AijeffClynt (50)
July 25, 2012 10:48am CST
There are numbers of religion or lets say 'belief' worldwide...and everybody do stand with our own belief or religion..the question now is how do we know that we are in the truth?What are some features to distinguish the true worship...just want to know everyone's idea...^___^
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5 responses
@mangtony7451 (479)
23 Sep 12
Hello AijeffClynt, greetings. It really is very important to know that we are in the truth. In other words, you probably meant, the one (and only) true church. It is just logical that if you belong to this one true Church, then you know you are in the truth. And since you are looking for some features ( or signs perhaps), I can give you two, Exodus 31:13 and Mark 14:16. If you find one Church that has these signs, please let me know, I will forsake all for the sake of it. Right AijeffClynt, correct me if I am wrong.

@AijeffClynt (50)
• Philippines
28 Apr 13
Hello Mang Tony..YES....your exactly right...=)Greetings!^___^
@mangtony7451 (479)
28 Apr 13
So then AijeffClynt do you know of any Church that has these 2 signs? PLEASE I beg beg, tell me or if possible lead me to them. If you only knew, this has been my persistent prayer over the years.
God bless...

@chentunacao (309)
• Philippines
28 Aug 12
We will know that we're on the right path when we know that what we believe doesn't contradict with what the Bible says. When you are following the 10 Commandments of God. It is a "command" and not an option. If it is "10" then it should be "10". Especially the 4th one ( Exodus 20:8 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy") because God said Sabbath is the sign between me and my people.
@mangtony7451 (479)
28 Sep 12
If I may add chentunacao, "For whosoever shall keep the whole law , and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all" (James 2:10 KJV).
@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
21 Sep 12
There are many ways how we can find out what the truth is. Jesus gave us the following advice:
"15-20 “Be on your guard against false religious teachers, who come to you dressed up as sheep but are really greedy wolves. You can tell them by their fruit. Do you pick a bunch of grapes from a thorn-bush or figs from a clump of thistles? Every good tree produces good fruit, but a bad tree produces bad fruit. A good tree is incapable of producing bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot produce good fruit. The tree that fails to produce good fruit is cut down and burnt. So you may know men by their fruit.”"
Matthew 7 (J.B. Phillips New Testament)
Even Jesus kept asking God's help and guidance, so we need to pray for guidance every day.
Great discussion..

@DrGuruindia (83)
• India
25 Jul 12
Religion is created for better life and to keep a good socity and make good peoples.
@AijeffClynt (50)
• Philippines
31 Jul 12
Thank you for the response,but according to Gods word, there are only two kinds of it,one true,one false;one right, one wrong;one that's lead to life and one that leads to,how is it then?^___^
@sunshine007 (100)
• United States
31 Jul 12
What a boring life would be if we only saw black and white. The ten commandments was changed. Did you know that the Roman Catholic Church changed the day of rest from Saturday which is the last day of the week to Sunday like in the 19th Century? How can that be. If God wants us to rest and Christians believe it to be Sunday when it clearly is not it is Saturday then how can you honor that request if you're not resting on Saturday but on Sunday? The Jews have it right they rest from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. So if the Jews have it right then what about Christianity? They are all right there and were basically created by Henry the Great who built the Jewish their 2nd temple. They liked Henry the Great and so honored him by including heaven and hell as well as angels and the like. This also is shown in Muslim as well as Christianity -- pagans had them all along -- so what is religion? Is there any one true religion? We are all one and are all connected and so our souls are all connected and the divine dwells within each of us. That is truth as I speak it so be it.
@AijeffClynt (50)
• Philippines
1 Aug 12
Yes, there is only one true religion...take note of the Bible text below,How do you understand them?
2 Corinthian 6:14-17:" Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers,For what sharing does light have with darkness?Further,what harmony is there between Christ and Belial?Or what portion does a faithful person have with an unbeliever?And what agreement does God's temple have with idols?Therefore,get out from among them and separate yourselves,' says JEHOVAH,'and quit touching the unclean things, and I will take you in."
Revelation 18:4,5:"Get out of her(Babylon the Great),my people,if you do not want to share with her sins,and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues..For her sins have massed together clear up to heaven, and God called her acts of injustice to mind."
Babylon the Great - The world empire of false religion whose teachings and practices do not conform to the true worshiper of God,Jehovah,.Following the floods of Noah's day, false religion had its beginning at Babel(later known as Babylon)(Genesis 10:8-10;11:4-9)In time babylonish religious belief and practices spread to many lands.So Babylon the Great became a fitting name for false religion as a whole.
Nowadays,many factors have contributed to the development of new religious group. And the Bible then indicates its causes,that people themselves obey and listens to men and not to God.Who, then is the instigator of these?The Bible book of 2 Corinthians 4:4 identifies Satan the Devil " as the god of this system of things".How vital is it therefore to make sure that we are really worshiping the true God, the creator of the universe, and that our worship becomes pleasing and acceptable to Him....^___^
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