obama’s kenyan birth records discovered in british national archives
By debrakcarey
@debrakcarey (19887)
United States
July 25, 2012 3:49pm CST
Obama’s Kenyan Birth Records Found in U.K. National Archives
by Former White Hat
From The Daily Pen…
WHERE LIES GO TO DIE – Evidence discovered shows British Protectorate of East Africa recorded Obama’s birth records before 1963 and sent returns of those events to Britain’s Public Records Office and the Kew branch of British National Archives. (Editors note: The records alluded to in this story were discovered through a May, 2012 search through BMD Registers, a BNA partner site, using the search term “Obama”.
What will occur? With Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s evidence and now this, with more damning information that could land the O-Clone in prison, the Administration will seek false flags and destruction and fear to distract the public’s attention.
So where do we go from here? I've called my Congressman, how about you? This has gone FAR ENOUGH. It's time to demand accountability.
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8 responses
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
25 Jul 12
I think you need more links to official government websites and it may be a different Obama. AFter all the name may be as common as Smith is. Now if it were true and Obama were illegible to be president of the United States and it was known, you have to ask yourself why? I would compare it to if a native Indian was bon in Alaska and then his parents sneaked him over to a hospital in the Yukon and he claims to be born in that hospital and because he is an originan First Nations, he gets a lot of privileges that you do not get.
I wonder if someone who is of pure European descent and was born in Australia and then sneaked into a Hawaiian hospital and got a Hawaian birth certificate would be allowed to pass this easily. I doubt that person would be allowed to run for President.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
29 Jul 12
I sort of agree wilt that. I did watch a Youtube video and it said it was to allow people llid Rubio to run later as president, but I think the whole rule of having a natural born citizen to only be qualified and those whose parents became Amerilcan citizens even though they were born out of the country was to prevent what happened from happening.
No one would mind if the law was changed to allow someone like Rubio to run for president in the off chance that the president passed if Obama was defeated, because we all know where his loyalties lie. But the original founding fathers were afraid someone whose loyalties were elsewhere - like to the way y Europe is governed, to become president and that is what has happened.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
26 Jul 12
Interesting point of view.
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@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
26 Jul 12
I think this was planned from the get go. The Luba wanted him and didn't bother to verify his birth records. Maybe they didn't want to know.
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@crossbones27 (50178)
• Mojave, California
26 Jul 12
Deb -I can see you are never going to let this go. So let me help your cause. You may get some of your far right buddies believing in stuff like this, but you are never going to get moderate right and middle of the road people with blogs like that. We all know the left is not going to buy it, but if you could find a legitimate source. I am sure the moderate left will take your points into consideration.
It is so blatantly obvious that you are on a witch hunt and that the blog link you posted is on a witch hunt. You might want to find a source that at least tries to make it look like they are just trying to find out the truth instead of trying to plant the truth. In other words don't use a blog that sounds and looks so biased. At least not on conspiracy theories.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
26 Jul 12
I beg to differ with the 'witch hunt' statement. Over half of the American public think there is something fishy about all this. And some of them are professional people with a lot to loose for their troubles.
What I find extremely funny crossbones, is that YOU know so very little about this and yet feel you are qualified in calling me out on it.
As you can tell from the entirety of this discussion, I am willing to take the advice of friends like Mike, Michael, and the others when they approach me with respect. I find it pretty difficult to accept your advice when you accuse me of being on a 'witch hunt' and btw...these 'buddies' are by NO MEANS far right, in fact far far from it. Yet, they can speak to me with respect and I can accept their opinions with the same.
I'd suggest, until YOU spend three years looking at ALL the facts, not just what the MSM barely covers, but ALL of it, until you do that, please refrain from implying that I am some sort of bigoted idiot. My concern is the Constitution and preserving the dignity of the office of President of MY COUNTRY. (as much as it is yours)
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@crossbones27 (50178)
• Mojave, California
26 Jul 12
Deb- All I am going to say is we cannot preserve the dignity of the constitution if people continue to make stuff up. These types of things are actually hurting that cause. Maybe you should take a step back and look at this theory of yours from a new light. Sometimes when we get so involved in something we start seeing what we want to see.
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@crossbones27 (50178)
• Mojave, California
26 Jul 12
That a good point too, to have a secondary source. I even forget to do that sometimes when I am trying to make a point.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
2 Aug 12
What can I say - does anyone REALLY believe the Romney campaign wouldn't be ALL OVER this if there were even the most remote possibility President Obama wasn't "legitimate"? Deb, I'd never want a "fraud" in our White House and I DO value our Constitution; I love my country every bit as much as anyone on the right does. However, there hasn't been a single person with a shred of credibility pushing this "birther" nonsense. As far as I'm concerned Joe Arpaio, Donald Trump, Glenn Beck, Orly Taitz, Jerome Corsi, the dude that runs WND and any of the others pushing this fake conspiracy are all full of canal water, as my grandmother used to say.

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
15 Aug 12
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Mine and yours differ. 

@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
26 Jul 12
IN reading all the comments here...each side represented! But...so what. If he is voted out in November...will it even be pursued? And if so...so what again? Are they going to "cancel" every law, exec order etc, that he signed? Of course not. Will he be put in jail or anything like that? Of course not. And if he wins in November...again...so what? They didn't do anything about it the first time, by the time they get the courts and judges and prosecuters and evidence and all together....he'll be on his last couple months nad out long before they get to the bottom of it and again..so what. He can't run a third term and the country will be ruined if we get "four more"..so why don't everyone just vote him out in November and end the madness and at least have a little hope for a better future! Look at how they did Clinton...and that was just over a s*x scandee or whatever it was...
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
28 Jul 12
My "so what?" point was pointing that the people find the problem and the governement is supposed to fix their mistake and the government won't. THey never do. Look at the fiasco with Clinton? All they did was bat it around till he was out anyway..so what if he did something wrong? He didn't have to pay for his crime.
IN this case...there you said it yourself...it has been proved forged. So what? Is anyone in government going to do anything about it? Of course not. They have got away with it for 4 years, they think they can get away with it for 4 more.
In cases like this...what they should do is put it out to the people of this country and say...."here's the issue...please vote and tell us what you want." Then have a national vote on "Impeach Obama" or "let Obama remain"...and let us people decide. THose up there on the hill...they'd be out of a job if that is the way it worked so of course they aren't going to do that either! Ergo my..."so what?". The only time the people of this country are allowed to say anything or try to make something happen is at voting time. Come November..VOTE.
And don't say... "I don't want Obama but I don't want Romney either so I'm not going to vote". A no vote for Romney means a vote for Obama. And a vote for Obama means another 4 years of what we have just come through. So think about it and go vote!!!
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
26 Jul 12
Congress made eight different attempts to alter our U.S. Constitution concerning the Natural Born Citizenship Clause according to the apocalyptic video documentary done with research by Senior Pastor Carl Gallups proving they knew Barack Obama lacked presidential eligibility prior to the 2008 election! If there was no problem for Obama why would these people do this? There had never been a question of Natural Born Citizenship in our lifetimes! Why fix what wasn’t broken?
The youtube video goes on to reveal a secret, closed door meeting was held with eight Supreme Court Justices just prior to the January 2009 Inauguration that sent our other courts an unspoken message to don’t go there. Plaintiff attorneys with cases were pending at the time were not allowed into this meeting! Only Justice Samuel Allito declined to attend this secret meeting.
EXPERTS say with 100% certainty that the long form birth certificate is FORGED.
Yea, it seems like all three of our branches of government have said...so what.
And here we sit at our computers keyboarding all about it. So what.
Just don't know how any of us can sleep at night knowing all we can muster to the fall of our Republic, is...so what.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
26 Jul 12
Interesting article.

@albto_568 (1268)
• Costa Rica
27 Jul 12
I don´t know what to think about it, if it proofs to be true, it should end Obama´s presidency, isn´t it?, but, one might think that such issue would have had much more media covering so far, but it is not, if not for your discussion, I wouldn´t have even know about this. I ahve read in some responses here, serious doubts about the sourse, that sounds very reasonable to me, I passed the link to a local TV show, of research reports, I hope they can broadcast this.

@albto_568 (1268)
• Costa Rica
27 Jul 12
I have been reading in other comments you have for this discussion, and found that of a british man, that gave you a link of the GB national archives, I will try to look for it myself, because I find this very interesting, even exhiting, is like being immerse in the watergate case, first hand.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
27 Jul 12
I tried and couldn't make it work. Hope you have better luck. I've sent this link to those who are investigating this in the US, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Trump, and others. We'll see if they run with it and have better luck. Thanks for your interest albto.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
27 Jul 12
My thinking is that this particular source saying that his records exist in the British archives for colonial Kenya's records may be the only site saying so. THAT makes verifying it more difficult, but does NOT necessarily mean their info is untrue.

@topffer (42155)
• France
25 Jul 12
Maybe I should better not give a response here, but as I spend a lot of time to do researches in public archives, I am interested -- but not passionate like you are -- by this discussion. I think that before concluding, you should control a bit this article. And first, where are the records
"Not surprisingly, when researchers specifically requested access to the relevant microfilm for the Obama birth registrations, they were told that the records were currently held under an outdated “privileged access” status, meaning researchers were denied access under Chapter 52, Sections 3 and 5 of the British Public Records Act of 1958."
If I am not wrong, as you can see by following this official UK link, there was no sections 3 and 5 under this chapter 52 which is a "costs of leases act"
: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/Eliz2/6-7/52
So this source does not seem to be good, though I would not be surprised that a birth certificate of somebody alive cannot be communicated to everyone, for privacy reasons and to protect against impersonation.
"Several sources show that Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton made a sudden visit to the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the British agency which oversees Public Records Archives from colonial protectorates, to speak with the Chief Executive of the Archives in early August of 2009."
I have desperately tried to find ONE 2009 source saying that Mrs Clinton has met the "Chief Executive of the (UK) Archives" and I have found nothing. Maybe have you been more lucky ? Without this "sudden visit", this new "conspiracy theory" cannot work and I have stopped my investigations here.

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
26 Jul 12
@topffer, IT WAS available until after this though? The law changed and it was no longer avialable to public?
I am not so sure the MSM in the US is all that interested in finding out if their darling is a crook and a sham or not. lol
It is so obvious that the media is biased to the left here that even the left jokes about it.
Could I, an American citizen make that request for records in the UK?
I'm not so good at reading law, I will copy the link to my nephew who is a lawyer. See what he says.
Thanks guys. And a special hug for not blasting me with insults for the request. 

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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
26 Jul 12
You guys are awesome for helping me out here. I tried with the link Mike gave to the records search- to enter his name, came back 'no records found'. Don't know what I may be doing differently.
I do believe the records are there. When we first were shown the Certified Live Birth form online in 2009, Hawaiian officials said the Long Form did not exist, BUT here we now have one (that experts say is 100% forged). I find it interesting that in his book Obama says he found his birth certificate in his grandmother's attic, but for over a year we were told that there was NO WAY to get the long form from Hawaii, (that was why we had to 'settle' for the short form, that it did not exist (There is a young man who worked for state of HA who signed an affidavit affirming he was told that by HA officials too)THEN after Trump started his campaign to get Obama to release the long form suddenly HA has a long form birth certificate available? To many inconsistencies for me to say OH WELL...
So, I've sent the link to guess who? Trump via twitter, Romney vis twitter, and of course the guys over at WND who can investigate it as well.

@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
26 Jul 12
Are you sure it is not another fraudulent document like the long-form of birth certificate we saw months ago?
Instead of checking birth certificate records of US and Kenya, why are opponents not checking the most obvious?
What obvious? I first demand good check in amount of fifty million US dollars ($50,000,000) for my hint.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
26 Jul 12

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
26 Jul 12
an I'm thinking that what the UK archives may have is on microfilm. It is not a document per se.
@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
26 Jul 12
Hi Deb. The liberals don't care about that. They wanted a black man for president and as far as I know he was the only one running. As much as the Luba say it's nit racial, it is. Anyone against or finding fault with Obama is considered racist. They will just say this birth thing is just more tea party propaganda. That's my thoughts on the subject. The powers that be wanted him on office. They bent every rule to get him there. Everyone that brought suit against him for wrongful election of Obama for president was shot down by the Supreme Court. So where does the accountability belong? I think it belongs on the left wind government.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
26 Jul 12
I've got some thoughts on that, similar to yours. I'll just say where there is smoke, there is fire.