Would there be much of a difference?

United States
July 26, 2012 3:12pm CST
If Hillary would have been President do you think she would have been at fault as Obama is today? Would she have been the blame for everything from your toast burning in the morning to the standing shape the economy is in, and everything between? Would this Country have been so cruel if Hillary Clinton was our Leader?
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7 responses
@Kowgirl (3489)
• United States
27 Jul 12
No one can answer that question... no one can know what Hillary Clinton would have done nor how she would have gone about doing it. As for being cruel, the citizens of this country (who voted for Obama)put their trust in him and he has done nothing but try to tear it down. The lies he has lived with (birth certificate?)(social security #?)(military service#) and the ones he has stood behind speaks for themselves. We would have been better off with someone (Black, White, Mulatto, male ,female) who knows how to control the spending in Washington DC not one who gives it out freely to crooks and others and put our nation in such a huge debt it will never get paid. Then again he is only there to be used as a way for the owners of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank to take over our country. It's sad to see he is so into himself he doesn't realize what he is acutally there for. A puppet who does what the string masters want....any fool could take his place.
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@petersum (4522)
• United States
26 Jul 12
Some people, who like being in lynch mobs, wouldn't have spent so much time on mylot asking about birth certificates! But it could be worse - tampon wars!
• United States
26 Jul 12
This response has gone completely over my head!
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
27 Jul 12
Pete Hillary is past that I'm sure
@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
26 Jul 12
Yes, to the first. It is a default fault for the economy. This means that who ever gets the Presidency gets the blame regardless of party affiliation. Those who are claiming discrimination based on race are going to claim discrimination based on the fact that she is a woman. Trick question really. Yes, again if she was President, she wouldn't be any more immune to criticism than any other President is. But she has one fundamental difference. She would have kicked Congress in the butt and played the tough guy instead of letting them go down the road they currently are on with the President basically ignoring them. So, her Congress would have been a far less impotent one than President Obama's.
• United States
26 Jul 12
I really love your answer!
@oneidmnster (1384)
• United States
28 Jul 12
While I can't stand Hillary Clinton I don't think she would have gotten away with a lot of the things Obama has gotten away with. She also would have had the advice of a former President to fall back on. Obama is to blame for a lot of problems today. In fact,I smelled toast burning in me kitchen this morning. When I went downstairs Obama was running out the back door.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
28 Jul 12
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
28 Jul 12
I think people who think President Obama is at fault are plain stupid. If it was President Obama or Clinton in office none would have been able to clean it up in 4 years. We are in this mess due to eight years of GMBush. He put us where we are today and President Obama is trying his best to clean it up. However, it will take another 4 years for him to do it. I hope and pray that he will be President for another 4 years because if they elect Mitt Romney then society has no chance of surviving. We think things are bad now with no jobs, housing problems and medical heathcare; look out with Romney in office. He only cares about the rich not a bit about the poor because to him the poor have a safety net. He is the worse of the worse and people voting for him will be in for a rude awakening. I just hope people realize what "good" President Obama has done and keep him for another 4 years. I'm praying.
• United States
28 Jul 12
Obama has done nothing right. He wishes that he could make the U.S. his own communist country. If he gets reelected we might be a communist country,but,it will be run by China. We can't keep borrowing money and not expect to be asked for the money to be returned with interest. Do you actually think that Obama did this to help the country? Bailing out big companies that were and still are irresponsible didn't help this country. How long are you Democrats going to blame Bush for the problems a Dem congress helped created? The fact is that our problems started a long time ago.They were created by Democrats and Republicans. Until we elect someone that actually care about the country things are only going to get worse. Is Romney the answer? We want know unless he gets elected. Obama is definitely not the answer. He's proven time and time again he doesn't care about the country or the people.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
27 Jul 12
http://www.newenglishreview.org/custpage.cfm/frm/53923/sec_id/53923 Hillary is of the same mind set as Obama. Both have little regard for the Constitution and feel they know best what direction the country should take toward socialism. She accused his campaign of election fraud in 2008 and she also was the fist to bring up his birth certificate. Why then is she serving in his administration? I believe she was told by those pulling the strings to sit down and shut up. http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/Articles/Who%20Was%20Saul%20Alinsky2.html
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
27 Jul 12
Forgot to answer you question. I would have been MORE critical of her as president as she most likely would have done MORE to shred the Constitution of the US, she is not the bumbling idiot he is and would have been more effective in bringing CHANGE to America. It is, for me, not about his skin color or her gender, it is that BOTH are socialists and mean to do away with our Constitutional Republic. Her support of the Muslim Brotherhood is reprehensible. Her aide (Anthony Weiner's wife) is related to a man within that group. She has sent billions in tax dollars to the Muslim Brotherhood enabling them to take the elections in Egypt, and thereby is responsible for the killing of the Coptic Christians in Egypt. http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2011/02/hillary_and_the_muslim_brother.html History of the Muslim Brotherhood: http://www.tellthechildrenthetruth.com/mbhood_en.html
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
28 Jul 12
I would wager not likely. Hilliary was one of the most corrupt politicians of our life time. Some people either forgot, or never knew about the Hilliary loan scandal. Hilliary's law firm was involved with a company who created home loans for people who bought houses in Florida. The loan contracts were setup in such a way that if the borrower was late by even one day, on one payment, they would foreclose and take the house back, and resell it. Hundreds of people were duped by this, making the company, and the law firm (Hilliary) millions of dollars. And that's just one of the dozens of scandals that Hilliary was involved in. Now *IF* Hilliary wasn't not a corrupt scandal ridden politician, then the answer to your question would be whether she screwed up the country the way Obama has. If Hilliary passed the same bad laws that sunk the country trillions of dollars in debt, that your children, and your children's children will be paying for.... then yes, we'd be blaming her just as much as Obama. If she didn't, then no we would not.