Do People of Religion hide who they really are????

@bird123 (10641)
United States
July 27, 2012 3:50pm CST
How many people of religion show you who they really are? With the fear of being judged, don't they put up walls?? Don't they put up a front of what they think you want to see to fit their religious beliefs?? How can we get their true views with walls and defenses up?? If you take away the judging and condemning then replace that with love and kindness, people will open up. They realize you aren't there to hurt or condemn them. You can share experiences and views openly. Does religion really need the judging and condemning??
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8 responses
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
30 Jul 12
To know if a person of religion is being real, if you are judged them by their religion, you would have to know their religion yourself. Usually the one doing the judging has spent little or no time in that religion and therefore judges falsely. People of religion are used to being falsely judged by an unknowing secular world. I can’t speak for all religions, but in the Christian faith, there are denominations that are as ignorant of God’s word as the secular world is. The opinions of society are important to them, but I’d say the majority of Christians show their true selves and are not afraid of the views of those outside the faith as far as their own faith goes. The Christian is not going to change what he knows to be true just because society thinks it (society) has been enlightened. Usually the simplest way to get an answer is to ask the question, except in your case Bird. Love and kindness has to be more than lip service. When you’ve proven you have no love or kindness for the people of religion, your words are hollow. They know you have already judged them, and if they already know you are ignorant of their faith, but are judging them on their faith, they know that you have judged them falsely. They are not fools. They know hurting and condemning them is your goal in spite of any claim you make that you have love and kindness for them. So if you want to know who a person of religion really is, judging them by their religion, learn their faith.
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@urbandekay (18278)
12 Aug 12
Aye, well said bestboy, him that have an ear let him hear! all the best urban
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
31 Jul 12
No Bird, this discussion (yours and mine) isn't about me. It is about you and your false judgment of people of faith. You fear learning the truth of that faith, so you have tried to turn the tables to make it about me. As I said before, if you want to know people of religion by their religion you must learn that religion. That will help you understand why they have place their faith there.
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@bird123 (10641)
• United States
31 Jul 12
As with God, it isn't about religion or beliefs. It's about people. I love all people regardless of their choices. After all, they are special. They are children of God. Granted I do not know everything about every religion or faith. I do know God and I do know the petty things mankind holds onto so dearly. Those petty things get in the way of so much learning. Pride for example. Bestboy19 You make a proud noise. It is a cover for what is really hurting you. Share that truth with me. Perhaps, I can help you after all.
• United States
28 Jul 12
I think a lot of the problem is not with the one who shares his beliefs with others, but with the one who hears condemnation instead of a warning? If I tell you that you must accept Jesus' gift of salvation and make Him the Lord of your life otherwise you'll spend eternity separated from God, would you see that as judging and condemning, or would you understand that I'm telling you this as a word of warning because I don't want you to spend eternity in hell? Does it make a difference if you don't believe what I'm telling you, but I do?
@bird123 (10641)
• United States
28 Jul 12
Everybody wants to rule the world. Don't you see that no matter what you believe you are attempting to make rules, place restrictions and control the lives of others? Everything you do in life returns to you in time. Do you want to be controlled by others?? Do you want others to make conditions and set the rules of your life? Wouldn't you teach more through the example of Love, kindness and your actions in life? You believe so hard in Jesus but can you really say your actions of warnings and threats are the actions Jesus would do? How many do you chase away from God thinking you are converting them? It has never been about how well you know holy books. It's about who you are. Who are you? Are you above those petty things mankind holds so dear? Do you Love Unconditionally??? Do you place people first?? Why is there such a great need to convert others? Doesn't God have that taken care of? Maybe all the preaching people do is just a cover up for who they really are. Funny though. Who we are shows anyway. Lots of Love and Kindness.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
29 Jul 12
Bird, your quote: "If you take away the judging and condemning then replace that with love and kindness, people will open up. They realize you aren't there to hurt or condemn them. You can share experiences and views openly. Does religion really need the judging and condemning??" Your response to Precious just contradicted everything you espoused in your opening for this discussion. It was filled with hateful angry remarks based on your ignorance of God and the Bible. I don't know of anyone worse than you who preaches love and kindness then turns around and shows hate and anger. If it is as you say that actions speak louder than words, you have nothing but hatred for others and your espousing loving and kindness is a lie.
@bird123 (10641)
• United States
28 Jul 12
your quote:If I told you that I'd blow your head off if you put one step onto that field, that would be a threat. My Answer: If you don't believe, God will fry you in Hell. So now,which is the greater threat, blowing your head off or frying in Hell? You are finding an excuse to justify your actions, however you only care about controlling others beliefs. You are not doing this for them. You do this for you. Sure,in a physical universe there must be physical laws in order to make everything work. You miss my point. No one can have a better view of their life than the person living it, yet you want to shape and limit their thinking to your parameters then threaten them with Hell if they do not comply. People learn and grow much more quickly if they are given the freedom to be themselves, to choose for themselves without threats and intimidation. Contrary to what you believe, God does not intimidate others as your religion is doing. God grants that freedom to be. Tap dance around the issues. That won't change the facts. Finally, what about the souls that you chase away from God with your warnings and threats. This has hurt many. It has caused many to run from God based solely on that picture of God that you paint. That god is a monster. It's no wonder people avoid religion. The real crime is that they assume your god is God and do not realize what God is all about. They don't realize that God does not hate. God is Unconditional Love. When you teach the hate, anger, and wrath of God, IT IS A CRIME!! IT IS A LIE!!! You do it only because it is what you want to believe. So, search your soul. What is missing that you choose to value hate, anger, and wrath. Discover this and you will take a step forward toward God. The question remains. Do you really want to walk toward God?? I have my doubts. Maybe one day after you have had a belly full of your hate, anger, and wrath then discover what they really are.
@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
4 Aug 12
Fear? Afraid? Of What?!? As long as we are under the light of truth of God we should not be afraid of darkness under the lies of evilness . . . . (Psalm 91) It is not only ourselves or the others who are keeping judging and condemning us but this whole world around us. You know what, even we still doing very, very good of anything we are still be judged or condemned so badly or the worst we can have. Let this whole world judge me or even condemn me as long as I live. Me as a sinner or whatever I may be in the eyes of God, God still loves me forever and ever. My God is bigger than this whole damn wonderful wild world. I always trust my God, my Creator, the Father of my Master Jesus Christ.
@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
13 Aug 12
You are so blessed by the truths of God. You know what people of religion are hiding or not. By God revealing what they are hiding to you. You can see what's on the other side of the wall. You have a driven purpose for everyone of us. Keep it up buddy and also with the rest of our friends here. Cheers!
@bird123 (10641)
• United States
11 Aug 12
Your quote: God still loves me forever and ever. My answer; Yes, you do understand. People do put up walls and do not always reveal who they are because people can be hurt by judging people. Further, how many judging people actually see others as better than themselves. For many it is easier to place others lower using holy books you justify their claims.
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• Mexico
28 Jul 12
Hi bird: I think this generally happens with people who use their religion and points of views as a weapon. They are always judgemental to other people and the paradox is that they fear to be judged as hard as they do with others so they are not real. ALVARO
@bird123 (10641)
• United States
29 Jul 12
Yes, you are right. Those that judge the most are hiding the most. It's so sad when people choose to value those petty things like blame. Seems like all people do is get hurt. Look how much better the world would be if everyone cared only for the results thereby helping rather than blaming. This world could be a much better place and all it takes is a simple choice.
@jennyze (7028)
• Indonesia
13 Aug 12
When do people ever show 100% love and tolerance on other's view on religion? They said: I see but they did not really see. They said: Oh' that's good but they would mule thing over when they were alone... Nah, I don't think it is hiding who they are, they are just being careful...
@bird123 (10641)
• United States
14 Aug 12
When you have the truth and not just beliefs, what is there to hide? If you see people for who they really are,children of God, how can you not show them love and understanding regardless of their beliefs? After all everyone is learning. No one carries all the answers. There is too much left for us all to learn. If we are at least open to the view of others,we might see a piece of the puzzle we haven't seen before. Still, I think there are more people of religion defense, even to their own people. People often hide their true self even in society for the fear others won't accept them. On the other hand, letting the world see who we really are, provides the best learning possibilities. If people would follow God's example of Unconditional Love, people might get hurt when they hear the truth, but there would never be the need for walls. There is goodness in everyone. We can see if we only look.
@jennyze (7028)
• Indonesia
14 Aug 12
Yeah, normal people would hide themselves behind those clothes and petticoats...
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
27 Jul 12
About myself I didn't hide anything , the truth must be said .. Islam forbids lying, ,said Mohammed peace be upon him : the believer does not lie .
@bird123 (10641)
• United States
28 Jul 12
But isn't there something you are hiding?? Haven't you lied at some point in the past?? Further, isn't it a lie when one represents beliefs as truth? No matter how hard one believes in something, one can never be sure it is the truth until the facts are known. That is why people should never place so much value on mere beliefs.
@urbandekay (18278)
12 Aug 12
But Bird... time and time again in these discussions you are attacking believers with your own views which you represent as being true. Can you not see you are a prime example of exactly that, which in believers you attack! all the best urban
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
28 Jul 12
I trust in my God , and in my beliefs ,
• Bangladesh
27 Jul 12
I have seen a true believer in religion serves the most for humanity. But the number of true believer are few. And the rest modern people are going on cheating on general people. They some times misexplain to people or tell people stick to religion(but they are not religious themselves) so that they can succeed to cheat on them with out being caught. I have seen the people who achieved university education misexplaining people to raise their bribes so nakedly. And I have seen these so called educated people raising their voices against fanaticism. My view is that fanaticism is good if fanaticism does make any clash with other fanaticism.
@bird123 (10641)
• United States
28 Jul 12
Fanaticism? Doesn't truth and knowledge breed moderation, calmness, and intelligence? Which is missing in fanatics??
@Alesma (167)
• Czech Republic
27 Jul 12
I divide people of religion into 3 groups. First group contains people who play to be somebody else in order to fit in a particular religion. In other words, these are not genuine religious people. Second group comprises those who are so obsessed with their religion that their behaviour and viewpoints are distorted. In other words, these can be regarded as religious fanatics. Third group contains for me the genuine person of religion. Such a person will live 'quietly' according to religion and will never impose his or her opinions on you. What follows is that religion will always be judged and it will always be denounced, as there always be people who will just exploit religion to their advantage.
@bird123 (10641)
• United States
28 Jul 12
Mankind does have a controlling nature. Some will not stop until everyone is alike. Diversity is important though religion would want us all the same. You are right. It's never been about religion. It's about people. Those quietly teaching through their example in life, truly are teaching the right lessons.