CashGopher: Any Feedback?

United States
July 28, 2012 12:21am CST
So, I'm sure all of you have gotten the advertisement for cashgopher. Has anyone signed up for it and installed it yet? Has anyone made any money off it? I'd love to hear feedback.
2 responses
• United States
29 Jul 12
I used to use it, but earning was so slow I uninstalled it because I found easier ways to earn extra money online.
• United States
29 Jul 12
Now I've tried to install it, but it says I have an authentication issue. Any tips?
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
28 Jul 12
When it first came out, I did have cash gopher installed. I didn't earn very much and the program seemed really glitchy so I uninstalled it. I hope you can get more information from current users.