Do you ever think this?

Valdosta, Georgia
July 28, 2012 9:40am CST
Sometimes in a discussion I started I am hopeful that certain people will respond, especially because I know they will have excellent advice for me. Or they are so uplifting and positive it makes me feel better! Some people I want to respond to certain things because I know they have been in my situation before too. On the other hand there are times when I am hopeful that a certain few will not respond because they have a way to make you feel worse about your situation at hand. Or they put you down in a round about way but you know what their doing... Have you ever felt that way? Either wanting certain people to respond or not wanting them to?
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28 responses
@marguicha (225697)
• Chile
28 Jul 12
I know what you mran and that`s how real conversation goes. I have learned a lot about myself and about others here. Last yrar, when I started my chemo, a wonderful friend kept me going. Sometimes though, there are people who only care about what they think. and re rude or uncaring. Fortunatly they are few. Let`s fix our eyes in those posts and people that give us something possitive.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
28 Jul 12
Not the people I associate with in real life. I avoid rude people offline at ALL costs. Why would I want to be upset or put in a bad mood?? I wouldn't. Thats great that you had a good friend to keep you going. People like that can definitely brighten our lives! Yes there are only a few of them, thank goodness.
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@celticeagle (172598)
• Boise, Idaho
28 Jul 12
I have felt this way in the past. I lood forward to hearing from certain ones and not so much others. Some just have an abbrasive way about them regardless of the subject matter. I am pretty straight forward and don't let people put me down but I have gotten in a few goings myself. One put down does diserve another don't you think?
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
29 Jul 12
hi celticEagle and Loving My babies I let this one user get under my skin and gave back as good as I got and know what, I felt stupid as we both had our responses deleted for flaming and rightly so. I knew better as it just made me feel awful. I do not like drama either. I come here to enjoy my friends and let go stress not to get upset. lol
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• Valdosta, Georgia
29 Jul 12
I come here to get AWAY from my stress! Lol. I do not need more of it here. Next time I really think I will just ignore the person because it has been going on for too long now...
• Valdosta, Georgia
28 Jul 12
Yeah there are a couple that I think to myself really? Did you have to respond because I know your just going to be rude! I am more on the easy going side so I don't like adding fuel to the fire kind of thing. There has been a few times that I will not respond back to them if I feel that they have been too rude. I don't have to waste my time on that...Or I kill them with kindness. Lol.
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
29 Jul 12
I still believe that "less talk less mistake" but here it is better that don't respond if you have nothing good to say. It is not bad to dis-agree but in a nice way. We have different opinions in every topic but if I will hurt someone I'll better leave the topic and not respond. Everyone deserve to have respect.
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
29 Jul 12
I agree with you Ms.Hatley, I used the report button to if someone who don't know how to respect.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
29 Jul 12
hi lynboobsy yes I think its imperative that we all respect each other and not say or do something that is hurtful. I try to use the golden rule. treat others as you want to be treated. Sometimes someone will make a dig and I just do not reply but hit the report button and let mylot admins decide. lol my mom used to say " the least said the soonest mended."
• Valdosta, Georgia
29 Jul 12
Lynboobsy, your so right! There is no reason to be mean or disrespectful. We can have a difference of opinion and still act civil! It is silly to put others down for no good reason! I am just going to completely ignore these few people like they are not even there because nobody deserves to be treated badly.
• United States
28 Jul 12
I know what you're talking about and I've seen it over and over again in discussions. And it does seem like the same people tend to bring the conversation down instead of up. I don't make too many discussions so when I do, I'm just happy ANYBODY responds, Just kidding of course...but the last two discussions I made were the first in probably a year or two. I usually just answer them and be on my merry way. I have had some people though as I recall get a bit smart with me and I will not tolerate it. I can get just as smart as they can. To get down to answering your question, yes, there are certain people I just love to talk to on myLot because they do have a nice manner about them and I enjoy it.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
29 Jul 12
hi LMB just thinking when someone is snippy its a lot to me like being in high school and having a bunch of snippy girls make fun of you. its so hurtful and I just always hope those people do not bother to respond to me at all.
• Valdosta, Georgia
29 Jul 12
Yes Hatley! It does feel like High School all over again when this happens. And I HATED High School!! Lol.
• Valdosta, Georgia
28 Jul 12
Yes they do bring a discussion down. Lol, I do make some but I like when the nice responders come to respond. Sometimes I wish the others would just not respond at all, how hard would that be? If you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all. I think I learned that in Kindergarten, maybe before that! Lol. There are people I LOVE talking to on MyLot and that is why I am still here and don't let the other ones take me away from where I love to be! =)
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@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
28 Jul 12
I understand :) This remind one point in time when I started a discussion sharing my feelings and I receive a comment that is not totally rude but sarcastic. And once again that same person came to my other topic still sounds the same tone. I am not sure if that person is so bitter about life or just want to annoy me. I still wrote a comment back to that person- but I never wrote a single bad words. Thanks, that person never came back to my other topics. Maybe that person feel he/she cannot annoy or make me irate.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
29 Jul 12
jaiho your mentor was so right.I have only met a very few and learned not to stopp to their level too.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
28 Jul 12
I wonder why some people act that way, as if they know you in person (lols) But as I was always thought by my grandpa, never go down to their level. And my mentor always tells me those kind of people are "bitter" and their hearts are full of bitterness that no matter how we will explain them thing- they will never understand unless they will change, remove all the hatred inside their hearts.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
28 Jul 12
That is exactly what I am talking about! I go by if you have nothing nice to say dont say anything at all. Thats what I live by. There is no reason for rudeness here! Difference of opinion sure but being down right rude...No. I think that person moved on to me!!! Lol. Just kidding. I am so super grateful for the positive and uplifting people here. I am also glad for the people who have been in my shoes before, they have helped sooo much!
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• Philippines
28 Jul 12
The moment you started a discussion, it opens up all the possibilities of either inviting positive or negative responses in. Much like life in general. Since we were given life, we should also be prepared to deal with it. Life is a package deal of positive, neutral and negative things. Like discussions, it can be filled up with positivity and negativity and also neutrality. That is part of it. That is why I never care about if responses that I will get is either positive or negative. It is so general to still worry about as there are always both the positive and the negative.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
28 Jul 12
Yes but there is no excuse for being rude in my opinion. Just my thoughts of course. All I was saying is I wish the rude responders would just pass my discussions by instead of feeling the need to be rude...
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
2 Aug 12
Bravo! Well said AgentG. MyLot is not a perfect world but it IS an interesting one. If everyone was super, sickly sweet all the time (as some are and the worst ones brag about how wonderful they are - constantly) it would be a very boring place. We all come from different cultures and different walks of life, we are all different people who think our own thoughts. Some people here just tell the truth and that's considered rude or offensive by some. If you don't like what someone says, if they hit a nerve, if they make you upset, just ignore them and move on. If someone has made a downright nasty comment, don't react or respond else you let them know they got the better of you, or upset you. Just ignore them. Some people respond sarcastically or abrasively..ever thought that maybe your post annoyed them??? None of us is a mind reader, I think it's just wrong to claim you know what someone is thinking or doing when they post something.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
29 Jul 12
hi Loving MyBabies I don't think there is ever any excuse for being rude. If someone insults me in a response I just do not reply but if its really mean I just hit the report button.
@GardenGerty (162761)
• United States
29 Jul 12
I would say I have felt something similar, but not quite the same. I just know that when I am in a discussion and I see responses by certain people they may come across as negative and hurt other people's feelings. I do not even think they mean to, but some people are really quick to answer in a blunt or negative way. If I am in a discussion and I feel that has happened I try to smooth things out because it is easy to hurt feelings when you are on the internet.
• Valdosta, Georgia
29 Jul 12
Yes there are certain people that will say something negative or in my opinion rude every time they respond. That is different than not meaning to in my opinion. If they are doing it EVERY time they respond, there comes a time where it is no longer an accident! Don't you think? Or do you think it is excusable every single time they do it?
@AmbiePam (96712)
• United States
29 Jul 12
I've thought I hope certain people respond to this, but I don't think I've ever hoped someone in particular wouldn't respond. But I've been on here awhile. Perhaps back in the beginning I felt that way. There are certain people that have a way of being negative in every stinkin' discussion they answer. It's like they search for a way to insert e-bile in the midst of a perfectly fine discussion.
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@GardenGerty (162761)
• United States
29 Jul 12
If a person seems subtly negative all the time and they are from a different culture I think that either they have not understood, or they are not as skilled as they seem in English. If they are from the US, I wonder about their upbringing. Some people are taught that it is improper to be too positive. If they are finding me through my friend list and I dislike how they respond I make certain to disconnect.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
29 Jul 12
I have hoped for both because of what you said, they are NEGATIVE or rude in every single time they respond!! Is there reason to be that way? I don't think so, no. I appreciate the uplifting, nicer comments or even the ones that disagree with me but do so in a polite way. There is nothing wrong with a different opinion, but there is something VERY wrong with being disrespectful...
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• Valdosta, Georgia
29 Jul 12
The ones from a different country if they seem to be rude I don't pay it any mind because I know they probably meant it in a different way. No big deal. Too bad these are Americans I am referring to. Lol. They know what they are doing...I did delete one of them off my friends list so that is not how they are finding my discussions, wish it were that easy! Lol.
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• United States
29 Jul 12
To tell the truth , these days I am usually ranting about something. So the writing of the post is what makes me feel better. When I want to feel better I talk to my guy. He makes me feel so much better.
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• United States
29 Jul 12
If they are just being stupid, give them a - and move one. But... if they are mean And rude , report them. My Lot isn't for bullies!
• Valdosta, Georgia
29 Jul 12
Yeah sometimes I think my husband doesn't listen fully so its more like talking to the wall! So I come here to talk and get my problems heard and get some advice. The last thing I need or want is rude people commenting though! I mostly get really nice people responding. Mainly it's just a couple I could do without... There is no reason for them to be rude to me. They don't know me or any of my situations!!
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@ElicBxn (63831)
• United States
29 Jul 12
I am honestly happy if any of my friends respond to my discussions... the ones who's responses I don't care for are often not friends at all... makes me wonder where they found my discussion...
@ElicBxn (63831)
• United States
29 Jul 12
most of my new friends are non-friends who respond too - and I like their answers so I don't care if non-friends respond, but I wish the dumb ones would not bother! (and the Lamb can stalk me to his heart's content!)
• Valdosta, Georgia
29 Jul 12
I totally agree with you. Even the Lamb part!
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• Valdosta, Georgia
29 Jul 12
Yes my friends I am always happy to see on my discussions! It is the non friends part that bugs me. I wish they would skip my discussions all together. Yeah I wonder where they see mine too!
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
29 Jul 12
Oh yes, except really I look forward to all my friends replies, but there is one, (who isn't a friend) who I haven't seen in a while. But whenever I see the "CITY" GUY had responded to my post, I tense up knowing it will be packed full of derogatory comments. Then of course there are ones who are new, so I don't know what to expect, but usually it is not too bad..
• United States
29 Jul 12
The option to block people is one of a few things that bother me about Mylot and sometimes the reply is so subtle, it doesn't look like a derogatory remark. That is why I will NEVER bring my sister here, she is great about making comments where I know she is being mean, but it doesn't look like it to an outsider.
• Valdosta, Georgia
29 Jul 12
I look forward to all of my FRIENDS replies too! =) It is the few others that I have the problem with. Most of the people here I cannot wait to see what they had to say. The other few...well, I cringe too!! Lol. There is especially 2 people I can think of that just know how to bring my mood down. I am trying now to ignore it, let it go and not let them do that to me...They are not worth my energy...
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• United States
28 Jul 12
Yes I do wonder if the mylotters who have the best advice usually will post. Even better if they respond back to your responses. I don't mind the majority of responses, sometimes there's a few that maybe have a different opinion than you.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
28 Jul 12
I am absolutely NOT talking about difference of opinion here. Thats not what I said at all. I am talking about some who purposelly hurt someone elses feelings for one reason or another. They go out of their way to put somebody down for NO good reason! That is what I was referring to. The majority are great people here but not all are... just saying.
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@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
26 Aug 12
I understand where you're coming from. But, here in MyLot, thats what we do. We do try to help one another and others do ask for advice sometimes. I see nothing wrong with that. And I have never felt bad about anything anyone has responded to one of my discussions.
@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
16 Sep 12
I understand. They can view their opinion in a proper manner. but like you said, those people are probably abrasive in their real lives. But if I see anything like that on my discussions I mainly ignore them. I am not her to fight with people.
• Valdosta, Georgia
20 Sep 12
Yeah, some people do not know how to express their opinions in a respectful manner and that is where the problem comes in... I choose to ignore them too now. Rude people were the reason I left this site a couple years ago but now I ignore them so they don't get to me so bad...
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• Valdosta, Georgia
26 Aug 12
Some people just cross the line of being rude and that is who I dread coming to my discussions. Anyone can agree or disagree with me if it is done in a tasteful, respectful manner. There is no need to be rude here. It is supposed to be a discussion site, not meant for wars! Lol. I welcome most anyone to comment on my discussions except for the few people who always have a way of making a rude comment. To me that is uncalled for and that is probably the way they act in real life too.
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@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
29 Jul 12
I completely understand what you are saying. I have felt that way numerous times. There are a lot of people on mylot who give great advice. And like you mentioned their are other individuals who I wish wouldn't respond to any of my discussions. But thankfully there aren't many that I do this to me. I try to be upbuilding and positive when I talk with others about their life. I don't think it's helpful to be so negative or blunt when talking with others.
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• United States
7 Aug 12
I completely agree with you. We should be able to have normal discussions without being rude to one another. But sometimes it seems like no matter where we go there are people who choose to be that way. Or that they feel they "have to be heard" . But the majority of people hear on mylot are really nice. We just have to not even look at the responses from those who just try to be rude. It's really not worth our precious time. We've got better things to do.
• Valdosta, Georgia
29 Jul 12
Yes, you know exactly how I am feeling! You said it better than I did! Wait, who's discussion is this anyway? I'm just kidding. =) You explained it awesome. There is no reason to be rude here. We should be able to have normal discussions and difference of opinions without being so rude. No there are only a couple that do this to me. I just know they are going to be rude before I even read their response!
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@ladygator (3465)
• United States
30 Jul 12
Good morning LovingMyBabies, I have not thought about this before. I guess now that Im thinking about this there are certain people that I guess I like to hear from. Because I am always happy to see them commenting on my discussion. I hope that I am one that you would look forward to or at least not wish I wouldnt comment.
• Valdosta, Georgia
30 Jul 12
I think about it only for that fact that I have had a few people that keep commenting and are not very nice when they do! Then there are those people that I LOVE when they respond because they give really good advice, they are uplifting, or they are just so sweet. =) I do look forward to your comments ladygator! Your one of the nice ones here!
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
30 Jul 12
I had a stalker here on Mylot about two years ago. She told me I could not write a discussion! She made feel like I was no good and couldn't do anything right! She made me cry! She acted like she was perfect and could do no wrong! I didn't do enough to report her and if I get another stalker I will not give up on reporting it to Mylot! She finally left me alone like after 6 months. I have not seen her on Mylot in along time which is nice!
• Valdosta, Georgia
30 Jul 12
Oh my goodness! That is terrible. I wish the ones that have been rude to me would leave or at least not bother to respond to me anymore!! I have had it with them. They make me feel less than them. No one should make us feel that way, you know? We are all people and no one is better than another. I had this one person that always hogged up the parenting discussions here and told all of the other mothers basically that they were bad parents that didn't know what we were talking about if we disagreed with her at all. I am soooo glad she is not here anymore! Lol. That is one of my favorite topics here so it was annoying.
@oindy54 (3445)
• India
1 Aug 12
Hi friend! I understand your feeling perfectly. You have been here for sometime and when you open certain discussions related to your life, you would want certain friends to respond who can really help you feel optimistic. I am not too much into starting discussions but I am more into responding to discussions started by other members. Therefore, when I do start a new discussion, I do not have any thoughts as to who would respond. All are welcome to share their thoughts. However, it is true that if someone is rude, I do feel bad but I try to avoid those responses from having a bad impact on my mind by just saying something humorously instead. It is not right to make someone feel worse specially when that person is here hoping to get a boost and mental support from others. I really hope you would get responses from those who can help you in their own small way. I will always try from my side though we are new friends here.
• Valdosta, Georgia
1 Aug 12
Yes the certain people that at least understand or try too instead of putting me down. There is no reason to be rude here. There is a big difference between having a different opinion and being straight up rude about it! Thank God there are only a few people like that here that try to bring people down to make themselves feel better. I am trying now to just ignore the rude responses. That way it does not bring me down at all. Yeah I appreciate all of my responses, except the rude ones!
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
27 Aug 12
There was some time here, specifically when I was just starting out here in myLot where I've gone through some difficult times in my personal life. And myLot was an outlet where I could air out some of my problems. There was a handful of my myLot friends that I was keen on reading their responses. In a way, they've helped me out a lot. Of course there are also trolls here, which I just choose to ignore.
• Valdosta, Georgia
27 Aug 12
That's exactly what I am talking about. The ones where you know they are going to be helpful and give good advice. =) And the ones that are rude I ignore them too!
• India
30 Jul 12
Hi friend, my discussions are open to every one and any one whoever knows the reply can participate in my topic, i don't have any do's and don'ts list. Mostly i expect the replies from my good friends and very much happy while reading their replies.
• Valdosta, Georgia
30 Jul 12
Well thats good. I don't mind people who are nice responding to my discussions. There are a few people however that intend to be rude and they do it on a regular basis... I have better things to do than to waste my time on rude people!
• United States
31 Jul 12
Absolutely. I was on a mom's discussion site and the amount of negativity and judgment drove me away from the site. That's sad because there were also very helpful and positive people there. I just let the negativity get to me. Those kinds of people exist everywhere. You just have to learn to ignore them (I now feel a little sorry for them), and concentrate on the posts that give you what you need.
• Valdosta, Georgia
1 Aug 12
Oh I'm sorry. I let it happen here 2 years ago when I let small things bother me more than I do now. No one will take me away from here again though. They can try all they want. I have learned it is better to ignore these kinds of people. There is no point in letting them hurt me because they don't really know me... Your right it is everywhere you go unfortunately, but most people here are so nice! I am so grateful for my friends here. =) I hope you come to love MyLot as much as I do! And don't let anyone bring you down, they are NOT worth it trust me... Welcome to MyLot!
• United States
1 Aug 12
Thank you =) It's nice to be welcomed =)