It Always Amazes Me...

Valdosta, Georgia
July 28, 2012 10:03am CST
I think its very puzzling how siblings can be born of the same parents, live together for years and years, get raised with the same morals and values and then some turn out COMPLETELY different than the other siblings! It just blows my mind how it seems to happen in most families. I know some things you would have different opinions and such but to have totally different views on everything??? Weird... Have you ever wondered the same thing? Do you find it puzzling too?
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14 responses
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
28 Jul 12
I have three kids and each has differences in many ways. Attitude, likes, dislikes, behavior and everything. The only common thing they have is...they almost look the same (resemblance is very strong) I mean, not all siblings looks the same, but my kids had strong resemblance to each other. but then again, they have differences. Yes, it is really amazing how they grow that way. And I that's I always tell them...why..why Yes, why, when I myself took care of them and no other people not even a nanny ever did.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
28 Jul 12
My younger 2 act very similar but my oldest doesn't. Lol. They do all resemble each other though. Yeah, it makes me wonder the same thing. They have the same parents and upbringing...Strange.
@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
28 Jul 12
Even being born in the same family with all the same morals and values and such they still will have different experiences. I was an only child but I have had some friends with siblings. In my BFFs family they are all pretty much the same. No opposites there. I think brothers and sisters are going to be different anyway. And with different ages there are going to differences. I see opposites alot on tv but not, actually, in real life.
@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
1 Aug 12
Families do have some pretty dynamic differences and similarities. But I think that our experiences are what stir us away from our similarities and make us different.
• Valdosta, Georgia
30 Jul 12
Yeah, our experiences have been different so I guess your right there. The thing is, I would think that on some things we would still agree when it comes to morals and values but no we don't. Lol. It just seems weird to me.
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@derek_a (10873)
28 Jul 12
Well, I guess you are right. Whilst I have similar characteristics to my 3 sisters, I don't share their same enthusiasm for watching sporting events. In fact I would say I find it quite boring. I am the only boy of four kids altogether, and am completely different in all my tastes.. I am a Zen practitioner and practice daily meditation, and they seem to find this quite odd. It's a strange world, but I believe we are all born with different intentions for our life. _Derek
@meumeu25 (913)
• United Arab Emirates
28 Jul 12
I've been wondering about that too when i was a bit younger but now I just ignore it. I'm starting to think that it's just normal. Me and my sis are completely different in so many ways and she's the only sister I have. Even on foods we like, she loves shrimp which I hate because of the smell and she hates liver which I like but not so much, some of our characteristics, she's kind of impulsive while I'm calm, she is more enthusiastic and like to socialise more while I prefer to be in a quite environment and have more privacy, skin complexion, she has a fair skin while mine is light brown. Sometimes people think we are not sisters. But in the end what's important for me is that we get along.
• Valdosta, Georgia
28 Jul 12
Thank you for keeping the discussion in the tone I meant it... Thats what I was saying, its so strange to me when I think about it! My siblings and I are different in many ways even on the deeper things such as spirituality, morals and values... I just wanted to see if others thought about it too...
• United States
28 Jul 12
I often wondered that myself. Could it be that one of the kids has Aunt Martha's genes, and the other one has Uncle Dan's genes, etc.? You know, somewhere down the line in the family and that particular kid just picked up the personality of the relative from long ago. I don't know if I'm explaining myself right, haha. We'll try this, sometimes you'll see a family that has all blonde haired kids for example, and then there is the little bratty red-headed one who just doesn't agree with anyone about anything and doesn't fit in. But they're all from the same family, same mom and same dad, brought up the same, etc. And that little red-headed one is the one kid who decided to rob the bank, while the others wouldn't even think of doing that! I think it might be some sort of hereditary thing.
• United States
30 Jul 12
I know, you would think it would work that way! That's why I have fun reading astrology signs which is kind of an old time thing I guess. I sometimes find it fascinating and how right some of it is. You can teach children the best ethics and morals all their lives over and over again and next thing you know, there is the one daredevil that will defy it all. It's almost as if with all the different personalities in children, maybe they each need to be taught in a different way to match those personalities. I don't know if you know what I mean, lol! Kind of like you can tell one child not to do something, but the other child you need to tell 10 times for it to sink in. Crazy, crazy, crazy!
• Valdosta, Georgia
30 Jul 12
It could be! Lol. Your making perfect sense. I have thought about that too. This made me laugh because my nephew is a red head and his sister has dark blondish hair. Yeah it is so weird to me how it happens. I know we all have our own personalities but even things that are taught all of our lives, those things should generally be the same and their not!
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@nangisha (3495)
• Indonesia
28 Jul 12
I think we had our own character when we born. I had completely different personality with my sibling. I am a calm person and I love nature thing like gardening. I hate to go to mall just to enter one store after another. I find its quite stressing especially when I don't need anything particular there. Something we had in common is we all love tasty food.
@nangisha (3495)
• Indonesia
5 Aug 12
I think they way we grew give certain living value in our life but its won't change who we are. At least we will respect family value and keep us from becoming criminal. But its not soften your character just giving hint of the right path, if your parent teach you good living example.
• Valdosta, Georgia
28 Jul 12
Okay so you do not think our upbringing had anything to do with our personalities? Hmm. Interesting.
@alaskanray (4636)
• United States
28 Jul 12
I was asked once, "Are you sure you and your sister have the same parents?" I said yes and the reply was, "But you're so NICE!!!" I busted out laughing! The thing is that no matter what our parents teach us and no matter how much time we spend with siblings, we all have our own personalities and will process things differently. My sister is very much an A personality and she insists on controlling her environment, which has helped her accomplish much. I, on the other hand, are very much a B personality and I would rather not offend others than worry about being offended. Hence, no matter what our parents taught us or how much time we spent together, we will never be the same. I have never wondered about that. Being from a large family I have always understood the family dynamics and never expect siblings to be alike in the way they live their lives.
• Valdosta, Georgia
30 Jul 12
I have had that said to me about my younger sister. She gives off more of an attitude than I do. Lol. Yes we do all have our own personalities. It is just weird that morals and values can be so different mainly when your parents are the ones that teach you those... It is the same way with my sister and I too. I am more of a B personality, she is more A personality for sure.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
29 Jul 12
no I don't wonder because I am therapist/psychologist, so I know the answer lol. Even though siblings are born of the same parents, they are exposed to other people, like teachers, their school friends and so on. All these people have an influence on the way they think. For example, a good kid raised in a good family, feels alienated in school, nobody likes this kid, so he or she gets into the rowdy group, after awhile of hanging out with the wrong kids, his or her personality changes and that kid because rowdy as well. This is just one example, there are many many others.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
2 Aug 12
Hi LMB, I'm not so amazed. Even though the environment is the same and people are raised theme the messages received regarding morals and values will be received differently by different people because in spite of everything, we are each distinct individuals and different to anyone else. What amazes me is that 3 out of 4 children can be extremely intelligent and go on to lead successful lives while the 4th struggles pretty much constantly.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
30 Jul 12
That is so true. In out family there are four older sister is so different from the rest of us it's unbelievable! The rest of us are responsible with money....she isn't.....we all played guitar...she doesn't and the list goes on and on! LOL
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
30 Jul 12
I think it depends on the way every child is raised. Not all children are raised the same way in a family. Like in my family my younger brother was spoiled becasue he was the youngest and the only boy my parent had together. My old brother is my half brother. Same mom different fathers. I was not nurtured the way I should of been. I grew up immature,childess and clinky with some people! So I was backward for awhile in my life when i got on my own! Another example is a former boss. He was spoiled rotten because his parents he would be their only child! He wasn't! A few years later a sister arrived. My ex boss grew up not just spoiled but ever arrogant! With his arrogance he was not a good boss must of the time! So I can say is this is not a real puzzle to me!
28 Jul 12
I do not wonder why these things occur. There are many factors behind this and one of these is the influence of friends, televisions, music, internet and the like. So, in time even siblings grew up in the same house and got the same moral values from parents they do change their views.
• Valdosta, Georgia
28 Jul 12
Yes thats true but the funny thing is all growing up we all had to share the same tv so we watched the same shows together!! Yes they do change as they get older I suppose...
• India
30 Jul 12
Hi friend, siblings have a lot of love and affection with each other before their marriage, after getting marriage, most of the persons are interested in living separately and worry a lot about their hubby/wife, kids and their own family and don't worry a lot about the siblings
31 Jul 12
yes, for me its because we have had different personality although we raised with the same family but our personality differs.
@tetris15 (539)
• Philippines
5 Aug 12
I think I can truly relate to what you're saying coz I for one is experiencing it. I sometimes ask myself if I'm too good compared to my brother who is really a pain in the a**. I wonder if my mother's way of raising us got to do with how he ended up to be like that. But if I were to view my eldest brother's perspective in life, I can say that both of us were heading in the right direction unlike this brother of mine who I think has lost his way somewhere out there. It pains me to see him like that to think that he's older than me. But I don't have any other choice but to make up for whatever shortcomings he may have to his children.