Gods Existence

July 29, 2012 11:24am CST
Do you all believe in Gods existence?Then how do you acknowledge Him,in what way..what do you feel about Him?How do you view Him?For me, YES HE DO EXIST!^___^
4 responses
@lizzyt2007 (1312)
• Craig, Alaska
30 Jul 12
yes I do believe God exists. I teach my son about him also. I pray to him daily. I read about him and the future in the bible. I know he's my heavenly father and smarter than the worlds governments. All I have to do is look at his creation in the details. Also Governments still haven't brought world peace nor can they since they are sinful humans. I know God will bring world peace it says in many scriptures. I know he has a name. Its Jehovah God. His Son is Jesus Christ. Did you know that no where in the bible does it say that the Trinity is real? Jesus said when he was on the earth that what he did was from his father in heaven.
@rubyroy (824)
• India
10 Aug 12
I believe in Jesus that he is a savior born to take away the sins of the world.He has promised a helper to all of us and that is the holy spirit who helps us in our limitations.The father ,the son (Jesus)and holy spirit are all one.Please do not try to understand God with our intelligence.He is beyond our thoughts and intelligence.I have felt the help of the holy spirit in tough situation,where I found difficulty to overcome with my human thinking and intelligence.When a good marriage with no external problems,breakup it is because they do not bring the spirit of God into their marriage to guide and help them.Any human partnership without God's help will be a failure,with all the material benefits of the world. hen our children become hypersensitive,it is because we do not ask the help of the holy spirit to guide them.So let us not define God and his existence with our limited intelligence.
• Philippines
31 Jul 12
Exactly right my dear.We have same belief.I trusted Jehovah God and do serve Him my whole life.And this is one of my ways of making known His Promises to people..^____^ (Matthew 24:14)
• Philippines
3 Sep 12
Its good that you do have that faith to God coz indeed He exist.But still i insist that We SHOULD understand God,but NOT in our own intelligence, but through His word the Bible.Its the word of God and from it we learned many things about Him.Bible in the first place is designed to help us study EVERYTHING... particularly the TRUTH about God,the Truth about Jesus and of The Holy Spirit.They are clearly not one.John 17:3 says:This means everlasting life. their taking knowledge of YOU, the only TRUE GOD and of the one whom you sent forth Jesus Christ.In John 3:16,17 it also says: For God loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.."Even Jesus Christ taught us how to pray to His father in Heaven, in his model prayer recorded at Matthew 6:9,10..if you have the bible plsss.try to understand it..^___^ About Holy spirit its an active force that God uses to accomplish His will.(Isaiah 40:26)..^__^ when we ask wisdom, God grants us through His Holy spirit.It enables us to understand and deceived everything..=)It guides us in our everyday lives...even when we're endangered..^___^
@Alesma (167)
• Czech Republic
29 Jul 12
In my opinion, if you ask a question of whether someone believes in God, it is even more important to ask what idea you get or what comes into your mind on hearing the word God. I consider myself an atheist to the intent that I refuse to believe in the existence of God in its personalized form. I think that lots of people imagine God like somebody who is able to influence your life. For me God is the whole universe and all the natural forces that make the world go round. This being said, I refuse to believe that your good or bad deeds will be duly assessed by Him. Thus,when it comes to God's impact on your life, it will make no difference if you lead a life of a true believer or a life of an atheist. My conclusion is that if God exists, he is just a watchmaker who just lets the world tick by without interfering in our lives.
@Alesma (167)
• Czech Republic
30 Jul 12
I don't take away anyone's right to believe, but please try to answer the following question. Where was God when thousands of innocent people ended up in gas chambers in WW2?
• Philippines
31 Jul 12
You as well ask for where is God when all those distresses came over..ofcourse God is just there,watching us,He's carefully scrutinizing who among the people is a true and loyal worshiper despite obstacles and problems(Jeremiah 11:20)...He feels pain of course..Consider the Israelite people.(Exodus 3:1-22) They were tortured by the Egyptian people.They became slave to them.God feels pity and therefore make ways to get them out from Egypt...There are many biblical examples how God showed mercy.But for you to be able to understand..please take time to study the Bible itself...^____^ (Hebrew 5:12-14)
• Indonesia
30 Jul 12
Whatever others name it,, yes GOD DO EXIST. He is evrywhere, in evry condition. He is around nomatter what. I can not see, touch, or hear him but I know he always around cos I always feel save whenever I thought of him.
• Philippines
30 Jul 12
Thats right, but may i ask you a question,you said you believe in God that He really exist,may i know How do you call on Him?How do you address Him in your prayer?^___^
@subhojit10 (7375)
• India
29 Jul 12
I do not know about others but God do exist for me. Had he not exist, then sun would never had risen on time and Moon would never have come daily at night. He is there within each and every thing on this earth. Without him, not even a rain drop will fall on this earth. It is due to his blessings that we are able to breathe and exist on this earth. What say?
• Philippines
30 Jul 12
Definitely right,even the creation itself magnifies HIS existence,it even glorifies HIS extreme power and might by its wonderful and countless creations in heaven and on earth...^__^ and HE even made everything beautiful in its time...(Romans 1:20)