luck or blessing

July 29, 2012 7:05pm CST
i've thought of this topic after commenting to one of the responses i got from my post. i do respect that there are people who believe in luck all their lives. luck has been an overused word for many people and it's where they often attribute almost all the good things that happen to them. i would just like to share what i have learned from my religion and what i actually believe in. as for my perception, every good thing that happens in our lives isn't because of luck. each event, for me, happens because they are bound to happen; there must be a cause,a reason and a purpose. whatever it is, that is yet to unfold, until such time we are able to connect it with the other. life is like a puzzle; the events that happen in our lives are the pieces. those pieces are of different sizes, shapes and looks just as how different the events in our lives are. every piece, no matter how distorted it is, has a purpose. same as how a particular event works in our matter how bad it is, still it has a purpose. without it, we may not be able to complete the puzzle and see its entire beauty. For me, everything is a blessing, they aren't just luck.
4 responses
@Daisy_22 (1229)
• Philippines
5 Aug 12
That simply explain the usual phrases i use to tell me friend that everything is happen for a reason. It might be good or bad reason but for sure it will teach yu to become a better person and grows stronger to face the next stage of our lives.
@beamer88 (4259)
• Philippines
30 Jul 12
I also feel that everything that happens isn't random. That there is always a reason behind such events. 'Luck' I think is a word used by a lot to sort of explain an unexplainable occurrence. Religious people attribute it to blessings. I'm one of those who believe in the latter. I'm not what you may call a very religious person, but I believe that what happens to me are blessings of some sort, whether they're good or bad. I view bad things as challenges to overcome and this test my mettle and resolve which thus becomes also a blessing :)
@zaga_cleuth (1407)
• Philippines
30 Jul 12
I agree with you. Everything is a blessing. :) I just hope everyone will see how God really make things perfectly on His way, not in anybody's way.
@Axai2012 (371)
30 Jul 12
Well said. May I just add that sometimes when people believe that all the good things happening to them is purely because of luck and the not-so-good is bad luck they'll have the tendency to blame it on bad luck and they have no control over the situation which is not true. I also believe in the cause and effect of our actions and that there is also a greater force who determines our purpose.