If Christians Worry about Public Policy, Does That Make Them Disobey Jesus?
@mythociate (21432)
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
July 30, 2012 3:09pm CST
I'm annoyed at a particular Christian who's always ranting against 'Obamacare' ("The Affordable Health-Care Act") ... the main complaint he (and a few of his Bible-buddies) make is that 'it'll mean we're payin` `fer people's abortions.'
I feel like piping-up "Oh! So--now that Obamacare's approved--you're gonna roam the countryside doing abortions? No? Why do you indicate that you are (if you only do as you would have others do)? Isn't that too 'judgmental'?"
I imagine they'll say somethin` like "Well, the Bible says that--in the last days--people'll say right is wrong & -wrong is right!" This is why I HATE a lot of the New Testament (including some of the post-resurrection sections of the Gospels): people quote it as 'the Word of God' when it's as much-'the Word of God' as -I am Lord Jesus Christ!
I don't care what the Bible says if it goes against what God is saying RIGHT NOW! They say, "Well, God never goes against His Word. And that's the Bible, so the Bible must be right."
First of all, where did you hear that 'the Bible is the Word of God.' From the Bible itself? Didn't Jesus say, "If I speak for myself, I am a liar?" So how do you expect the Bible to truthfully 'speak of itself'?
And second; if there is Word-of-God in the Bible, it's thoroughly mixed with word-of-man (e.g. the "account of creation," the predictions of end-times Armageddon)
I can only remember three phrases taken directly from God (not counting the prophets' transcripts): God's command to Adam ("Be fruitful; multiply; fill the Earth; subdue it; hold dominion"), His conversations with Moses (most-notably "Tell the people that 'I Am' has sent you"), and His voice after Jesus' baptism saying "This is my son with whom I am well-pleased."
Everything else in the Bible is just guessing based on things seen in nature & -the stars & -society.
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2 responses
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
31 Jul 12
You are entitled to your own opinion and belief just as the others are so if I were you I would rather just leave them alone just as they leave you alone too. If they are ranting because they have beliefs to protect then that is their choice and they have the liberty to do it. If they have different opinions and beliefs than yours then don't make your life miserable by thinking a lot about them. True Christians believe that they are commissioned by God to share the gospel. They believe that the Bible is the Word of God. They'd do and talk their faith in whatever way possible. If you can't ever believe them that is your prerogative. If you don't believe the Bible is the Word of God then do but leave others who believe otherwise.
What you believe is what you believe and this goes true with others. Just let God judge all of us at end of our life.

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@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
3 Aug 12
Maybe I should ask him, '"Guy," what would Jesus do?'
@hunterdon (17)
• United States
31 Jul 12
What people don't seem to realize is that we're already paying for other people's medical procedures and care. Your insurance payments goes to the insurance company. The insurance company uses those payments to pay for the procedures of their other clients. It doesn't go into a holding account for your own use. It's a pool that is used for all of their customers/clients doctors bills. When someone without insurance has a procedures or receives care and can't pay for it out of pocket, the doctors and hospitals are still going to get paid. The cost gets passes on to everyone else by increases the cost of healthcare.
If your friends are worried about going to hell because of something they can't control, then we're all in trouble.

@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
3 Aug 12
Who needs health-insurance when you've got COFFEE! 

@hunterdon (17)
• United States
31 Jul 12
Oh wow - and please pardon my grammar errors. Either my auto correct is on overdrive, or I need more coffee =)