which is worse , reading more or thinking more

July 30, 2012 7:32pm CST
i have a question, which of the two do you think is the greater evil, reading more and thinking less, or thinking more and reading less, which causes more greater problems. i was in the Royal throne ( Bathroom ) comprehending the secrets of life just a few moments ago and this question just popped into my head. my opinion on this has to be reading more, because basically you start to believe everything you read, you give others the power to influence your thoughts and actions, which to me is a form of intellectual slavery. on the other hand what is the use of freedom if you would waste it, what is the use of thinking and conceiving ideas if you do not read and cultivate and nurture your ability to think, that would be counterproductive in my opinion, but what do you guys think.
2 responses
@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
31 Jul 12
Some of the best ideas come when on the thone, unfortunately we fluch most of them
• Pakistan
31 Jul 12
i'm basically the manager of an IT company, we have this saying here in the office, whenever one of my designers or developers gets stuck i tell them to go visit the royal throne for ideas, i don't know why the hell the bathroom of all places can be the most productive place in a regular day. but that aside what do you think about my question, which do you think is the greater evil of the two, reading more and thinking less or thinking more and reading less.
@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
2 Aug 12
It is a hard one to answer to be honest. I would have to say reading more
@Axai2012 (371)
31 Jul 12
There should always be a balance in everything you do. It all depends on your discretion on what to or what not to believe. If you read more, you learn more, it doesn't necessarily mean you believe it, you still have your own will and choice on what to believe is true.