i can't think of better things to do

@hotsummer (13837)
July 31, 2012 9:00am CST
i do play games but not too much. so i don't know what else to do to past times when i am at home. besides what i usually daily. somehow i would like to have something else to do online or offline that i can have some fun or just would keep me involved or interested and not get bored. so for now i just go around the house to check some things i need to do, if there are some things i need to fix or need to put into place. the weather is quite okay now. so i am not bothered with the weather as i love the cold weather. so i hope i can do something while i am enjoying the cold weather.
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5 responses
@Shazooo (296)
• Malaysia
1 Aug 12
Well, if you can drive, why not consider volunteering for something. I know a lot people may think...ugh...volunteering is boring and tedious, but it's actually not. Some people think it's boring and tedious because they may have chosen an unsuitable cause to volunteer for. For example, if you love children but allergic to dogs...then don't go to the animal shelter, go to an orphanage. One place i would recommend you to definitely recommend to volunteer for is the children with cancer. Once you volunteer for them, i swear, you will never be bored ever again.
• Philippines
1 Aug 12
With a weather like this, I also can not think of anything better to do than stay in bed with my two year old, or cook something which the kids would enjoy eating! After this typhoon, it would be all work, like cleaning the house, doing the laundry. :)
@Olonam (870)
• Philippines
31 Jul 12
Why don't you get into a project and work on it. How about making something just for fun. Like me, I made a spider out of paperclips one time when I was very bored. Or you could write a story. Writing stories are fun to do. I like writing stories especially when I already have a story on my mind but I just can't put it on paper (or notepad or somewhere in the computer). Another thing you can do is read. Read a book if you have books nearby. Or if not why don't you read something online. Actually there are very many things to do but you just can't see them. Even just staying here at Mylot is something to do. :)
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
31 Jul 12
I hope that you are able to find something to do that you find interesting. Perhaps you can do a hobby that you like or something of that sort. I often have so many things to do that I don't know what I would do with a spare 30 minutes to myself. I most of the time just try and find other things to do to earn more income.
• Philippines
31 Jul 12
I love to sleep during rainy days I also love to curl up with a good book and a hot mug of coffee or chocolate! When it rains, I prefer to be at home. It makes me feel safer. For things to do, usually when I ran out of ideas, I would surf the net and read blogs. I love learning new things and reading about what other people do with their lives!