how do i verify a us paypal using philippine's local bank or debit/credit card..

August 1, 2012 6:28pm CST
how do i verify a us paypal account using Philippine's bank account or debit/credit card? anybody..? i have some dollars in my paypal that i cannot hold on to. i need help guys..
1 response
@silverfox09 (4708)
• United States
1 Aug 12
Try using a major debit/credit card issue by the bank you join . I am also experiencing the same thing . I am from the Caribbean and I think we used the same kinda verification means . I contact PayPal and thats the only way I can verify mine , I am not really sure about the Philippines .
• Philippines
2 Aug 12
Did Paypal answer your query? What did Paypal say? I cannot use the debit/credit card of my bank account since its US base, im here in the Philippines.
• United States
2 Aug 12
Yes they did they say i need master card , visa , but unfortunately the bank I am currently a member of dont issues those card . I have others bank in my country that offer those card so ill have to join one of them . You should try calling other bank in your country not the local one but the ones that is also located in the US and join them .
• Philippines
2 Aug 12
That's the best way I guess, the only problem is that I'm here in the Philippines.. If i signed up another bank account that offers debit/credit card, it will ask for the address. And of course the address it's going to look for is the one in the US. I guess there's no way i can encash my funds. :(