Christians I need you help once again.

United States
August 1, 2012 11:35pm CST
I'm confused. It seems many Christians seem to take on the task of trying to save us heathens by telling us what we feel and do is wrong and that because of this we are going to hell. That's ok, but what confuses me is that they seem afraid they are going to hell Because us heathens refuse to be just like them. I do not get it. Wouldn't Jesus/G-d be wise enough to take the righteous in and let the rest be damned?! This came to me when I read what the president of Chick Fil A said about us " waving our fist at G-d." He seemed to be afraid he would ge punished. If gay people are defying G-d what does that have to do with him? So I thought I better ask you. I truly want to thank you for all your responses.
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22 responses
@wogibook (75)
• Singapore
2 Aug 12
Bible says in Matthew 7:1 and Luke 6:37 that we shall not do the judging lest we shall be judged. Do not be confused for you shall get the answer from Him as long as you seek His righteousness. Indeed, we are living in the fallen earth, where the greatest battle lies in our mind, thus, there will always be temptations and all other negative things. Always look to the cross no matter what your circumstances are in your life. No pain and suffering is greater than Jesus' sacrifice at the cross to redeem us all. In John 14:6 Jesus Christ says "I'm the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me"
3 people like this
• United States
3 Aug 12
I Don't understand passages. They are just riddles to me. Well if Jesus Loves me He Also Knows me. So He is not waiting for me to come to Him. Sorry I don't want to be " forgiven" for just being me! I am vengeful and that leaves me out Period! I'm straight but not narrow. I believe gay people were born gay. So Unless G-d makes mistakes , there is Suppose to be gay people.
• United States
2 Aug 12
That leaves me out. I can not come to Jesus because I hate my enemies. So I will not waste His time " seeking His Righteousness." So all these people who are saying " You are going to hell." will make it there Before the person they are yelling at! Wow so instead of saying thank you, I could say I'll see you there?
• Singapore
2 Aug 12
Don't be confused and do not condemn yourself for Jesus Christ was crucified and bore your sins and my sins past, present and future at the cross, which means He knows your situation! Let me quote on John 9:1-3 Jesus heals a man born blind As He went along, He saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, 'Rabbi(teacher), who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" Neither this man nor his parents sinned,"said Jesus,"but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him. As long as it is day, we must do the works of Him who sent Me. Night is coming, when no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world." There you have it, the answer to your question. Jesus loves you whether you are gay or not. Do not be despair over things instead, seek Him, rest your heart and soul for you are forgiven :)
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
3 Aug 12
What Mr. Cathy said was, "I think we are inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and say, 'We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage,' and I pray God's mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we have the audacity to try to redefine what marriage is about." Remember what Jesus said in Matthew 5:44,45 - "But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you in order that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous." NAS If God is going to send judgment on our nation, he won't be cherry picking, it will be the whole nation. That has nothing to do with salvation for the righteous. It has to do with our nation being blessed or not being blessed by God.
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• United States
3 Aug 12
"Judgment on our nation?" Well so sorry Our nation belongs to non Christiand And Gay people. so he is wasting his breath. In his eyes , We are Not All Christian so we are already damned , no? "Shaking our fists?" How is a gay person who was born gay shaking their fists at G-d. Should Cathy be upset at G-d for letting the baby live to be gay? "We know better than you what a marriage is." Well yes we do these days. Back in the day All marriages were arranged by the family. By the 19th century adults were choosing Who to marry. And that is all gay people want and born with the right to do, as adults choose whom to marry. and besides not All married couples are christian Or even religious.I can see getting really upset if the Catholic Church was forced to perform a gay marriage but why stop two people of age from going to the justice of the peace and getting hitched? As for loving our enemies. If trying to keep gay people second class citizens is love . I wish Cathy would love less. What makes you think g-d would let the righteous perish with the wicked? Don't you trust Him? Besides I thought after the flood he promised never to do a do over again! It is so sad that Cathy thinks he Has to dictate to all of us , non Christian and Chritian, what to do and feel to Save rthe nation.
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• United States
4 Aug 12
No they are saying Now that we see how bigoted you are , we will go elsewhere. I hope Chick Fil A stays where they are. It is Cathy who has made it so his company can not expand. If G-d won't bless this union , it is ok. Just let the state do it. See what you forget is that not every American is a Christian.Their G-d Is not yours obviously. Why? Because their and my G-d Does nt make mistakes or is cruel enough to make a person gay at birth just to call him an abomination. You are free to see your G-d that way. All I can say is I feel sorry for you. They are second class citizens. Why? They can not marry the person they love. It is a human right.And that is how it will get legalized. Remember Good Christians thought slavery was deemed by G-d too and we mortals said No! We Changed things. This is a human rights issue not a religious one.With that said we are Americans and you are free to believe gay people are going to hel. What you do not have the right to do is say you Can not live the way you want to live just because you are gay. Cathy giving money to these groups was saying that. I'm so glad he exercised his right and spoke up. Now we Know his view. I am not for him Not saying anything. Or running his business the way he wants . But I do feel sad for him. He now can't branch out. See In Europe gay marriage is legal. So in Canada. So us mortals Are changing it. So G-d is going to destroy All the Good And the evil over two people who happen to be gay and they get married? Really? Well then get ready to go to hell. Gay people are out and proud. Many of us Non Christians will never convert and this issue is a non religious one.
• United States
4 Aug 12
So would it be better if All the gay people were Not Christians? could they marry then? I mean as non Christians they are damned already. So why can't they get married. since it is in the Bible that says man and woman. What if you do not accept the Bible?
@AmbiePam (96293)
• United States
2 Aug 12
I don't understand your question. You think the president thinks he'll go to hell if he doesn't protest gay rights? I'm a little confused this morning, sorry.
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@AmbiePam (96293)
• United States
5 Aug 12
Oh. I think a lot of times they speak out against it because they want people to change so they can go to Heaven too. But I think more often than not they speak out to condemn, and that bothers me. If one feels the need to speak out against something, I think you'll get more accomplished if you speak out in love rather than derision. Not that anyone wants Christian's love OR derision, because when you believe in something, whatever your opponent thinks about it doesn't seem very relevant.
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• United States
2 Aug 12
No! I asked why some Christians seem to think if there is gay marriage they will be damned along with the gay couple. It seems like they think Everyone Has to believe or Everyone is damned. That confuses me!
• United States
5 Aug 12
Exactly! Judging just to be judgmental is just sad.
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
2 Aug 12
There are Christians and there are Christians! Notice: Matthew 7:21-23 King James Version (KJV) 21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. As Christians we should treat everyone with dignity and respect. We share with everyone what is said in the word of God. Obviously we want everyone to please God. However, each one is accountable to God and not to us.
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• United States
3 Aug 12
Yes. To many G-d's laws do not include gay people or Any non Christian. The laws of man/ countries include Everyone. As for keeping the commandments, most of us will be in hell. Watching Football isn't keep the Sabbath Holy. Drooling over your friends new IPad is coveting. Just say Jesus Christ , breaks a rule. Plus, This thing I'm typing on is so against G-d. Why? There are pictures, graven images No?The Only 2 commandments that All of us , Christian and Non Christian can obey is the Shall not kill Or Steal . So we all are doomed. Then I am correct when I say , gay people Should marry, enjoy theor lives like the rest of us , because No One is going to heaven.
• United States
2 Aug 12
The passage confuses me. It is all riddles! But your last paragraph I can understand expect this. Why wuld you want Everyone to please G-d When if they are athesists or Not Christian Or Gay They are automatically exempt? A person can't please your G-d if they don't even believe in Him. Or if it means they have to cease to exist.That is what confuese me. If Jesus is Your G-d , Great. If you want to spread the word, wonderful . But why would a person sayng No thanks Or I was born gay make any difference to you. You are already saved , right. You are not linked to the quota of souls you convert are you? I sure hope not!
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
2 Aug 12
The passage simply say that Christians are those that do the will of God. What is the will of God? The will of God is that we obey his commandments, which are the best instructions for living. How safe would our life be if there were no laws? God's laws are on a higher level than human laws. Is that hard to understand?
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@shello (964)
• United Arab Emirates
2 Aug 12
Hi dear. Of course God knows who we are and what is inside of our hearts. He will be judging us one by one not by the works of others but by ourselves alone. He will not judge you to be damned because of a friend that you have shared the WORD with did not accept it or simply, he refused to become a believer. I am afraid to be punished too for I know my shortcomings. But it is written that "we are saved not by our good works but by His grace". Our God is god of mercy, all we need is to come to Him. No one is above anyone, so we are equal and no one shall boast. You maybe a Christian or not but we are all equal in the eyes of God and we will be judge equally. God needs nothing from us but only our obedience. God bless!
2 people like this
• United States
2 Aug 12
Ok. can a gay person obey G-d And Still remain gay? Or does he/she have to change? I am glad my no thanks does not damn the Christian that asked!
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@shello (964)
• United Arab Emirates
2 Aug 12
Honestly, that gay person has to change. If we are going to base it from God's word, yes, he really has to. But that transformation would not happen too soon. Everything will undergo through a process. As it is said, we are change from glory to glory by the grace of God. The truth of His word is truly difficult to obey. It would ask for too much for each one of us. It's not easy. But at the end of the day, it is only God who can judge those people. Not me, not you and not anyone else.
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• United States
2 Aug 12
Ok. So if a gay person does not change, shouldn't he/she be able to be happy here since accordingly to your G-d they are got going to heaven? I have been told that since I don't follow Jesus I'm going to hell and I say thank you. I'm happy now so if I do go to hell it will be worth it.I see the loving my enemies a deal breaker.I can't and Will not do it!
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@Rick1950 (1575)
• Lima, Peru
2 Aug 12
Well, I think that not only Christians tell what is evil and what is good. The Bible also tell us what is evil and what is good, actually who tells us that is God, because the Bible is the word of God -the old and the new testament. I think that other religions tell us also about this stuff. And there are coincidences in several points of view. However the sin and the evil will be always there and we all can fall in them. You surely know the story of King Salomon, of King David and of Sanson. They were great men, like as saints, but they commited also sin. Then nobody is free von evil, but we should avoid it and escape from it. The Lord says we must go on His way.
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• United States
2 Aug 12
But does this mean the good must teach whom they see as evil How to be good or they will be damned Just like the evil?
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• United States
10 Aug 12
Violann, does this mean if a person deemed me a liar , they will be judge harshly?
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@violann (436)
• United States
9 Aug 12
There is no one that is good, only God is good, Christians are saved by grace not of works lest any man should boast. Also we are to judge no man lest we be judge with like manner that we judge.
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
2 Aug 12
G-d WILL do the judging and odds are the people who are telling us we are doing it all wrong, reading what they want into their Bible, going to Church & cursing on the same day, ect are the ones who will not be allowed ot enter. Here is my 2 cents: Dan Cathy - the CEO who ran his mouth - is the idiot in this case. He is trying to make this whole issue about free speech, when he is just an intolerant boob. I do not understand that in one breath he proclaims that the company was not built on Christian values but one that was founded on the Bible.....what? that makes NO sense! Just come out and say you belong to the Fundamentalist Christian Church that a lot of folks don't like and you have a Christian business. I don't eat at Chick Fil-A and it has nothing to do with this issue. However, if this was an issue of free speech I would be on their side. It isn't - at least for me. He is using a company to help fund narrow minded views and clinic that swear they can change gay people to straight ones (you know the same places that want you to believe being gay is a choice). How messed up is saying "I support Chick Fil-A for their free speech and their donating company funds to convert gay people" and then being a friend or a loved one to someone who is gay. He is catching flack - supposedly - for standing up for his beliefs. I think he is catching flack for being a narrow minded fool! /rant over
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• United States
2 Aug 12
I am glad he exercised his freedom of speech. Now we All know what to do. If you believe what he believes keep going to chick Fil A. But ... if you see gay people as full citizens with the Same rights , boycott the place. The one thing this has done is made Chick Fil A not welcome in many cities.They will have to stay where they are. This was a great rant!
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• Canada
3 Aug 12
A very warped definition of Christianity. These converters are trying to suck up to God, much in the same way someone might achieve a higher mark by sleeping with the professor. As far as I'm concerned, your spiritual life is none of my business, unless you choose to share it with me.
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• United States
3 Aug 12
Wow! I never looked at it that way. The sad part is it isn't going to work.Is a person a tre Christian if they are bullied into it? No!
• United States
2 Aug 12
New International Version (©1984) "The soul who sins is the one who will die. The son will not share the guilt of the father, nor will the father share the guilt of the son. The righteousness of the righteous man will be credited to him, and the wickedness of the wicked will be charged against him." - Ezekiel 18:20 As a Christian I wish I could convince everyone to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior; but no matter how convincing one's argument might be, there are many who will reject it. There is no reason for anyone to feel their salvation is in jeopardy just because they're unable to win others to Christ. It's not our works that save us, but our acceptance of God's gift of salvation that comes through Jesus Christ.
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• United States
3 Aug 12
Thank you! i thought so. So all these Christians who act as if having gay people on the planet will damn Their soul to hell are sooo wrong! Thanks.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
4 Aug 12
Now this does not apply to all, but there are some people that think their mission in life is to bring people to God. I can not tell you the people that knock on my door in a 6 month span. They have no idea if you are a member of a church or not, but they come anyway.
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• United States
4 Aug 12
How sad. Many of us will Never be Christians , We weren't suppose to be! And to feel we Have to be so They can get to heaven is just sad.
@pals101 (2003)
• Philippines
2 Aug 12
The life of a Christian is challenging one. We need to follow the ways our Lord Jesus Christ show us, but because we are only human being we get tempted so easily. Our world is full of temptation which can consumes us if we don't have trust and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. We must continue to be strong and have faith that Lord will always guide us and protect us in everything that we do.
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• United States
2 Aug 12
Ok. This means a person who wants Everyone to believe what he believes is wasting his energy.
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@marguicha (225137)
• Chile
2 Aug 12
I suppose that this Chick whatever is yet another fastfood chain in the US with a president who has a very special reading of the Bible so that it suits his purposes. It´s amazin the amount of nuts that are loose in the world! Yet, when they have positions of power, they can be very dangerous. I would pray, if I knew how (I´m an agnostic, that he can only say those things when he´s in his shower at home. That´s where I sing, because I´m aware that I don´t sing well
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• United States
3 Aug 12
The great thing is that they open their mouths and tell us what they are after! If this idiot didn't say a thing , many gay people would be paying for him to suppress their rights. I find it odd that they think having gay people as full citizens will damn them to hell. Really?
• China
3 Aug 12
I am glad to know that you are a heathen.I wonder if you sometimes find yourself in an isolated position due to the fact that most people there believe in God.Perhaps the reason why they are afraid they would be punished is that God would blame on them for them failing to get heathens around.
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• United States
3 Aug 12
I believe in G-d But I don't take Jesus as my personal Savoir so to the believers I must be seen as a heathen. I started calling myself a Happy Heathen when I found myself free to think what I want and free what I want because I am not Christian.
• United States
4 Aug 12
It is simple. I'm Jewish. I believe in G-d, The Father Jesus talks about. All this means is I have a religion but it isn't Christianity.The Last thing I want to do is confuse a good friend.
• China
4 Aug 12
Sorry,I am none the wiser after you explained it.It is beyond me that you aren't Christian but believe in G-D. I am not sure if it has to do with religious sect.Anyway no matter what you believe in,what is important the most is that you feel happy.
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• United States
2 Aug 12
A percentage of people are opinionated, out spoken and judgemental. Relax and feel peace knowing that everyone is entitled to their point of view, including you.
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• United States
2 Aug 12
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
3 Aug 12
They are not afraid to go to hell if you or me not being a christian. That is an obligation for them to tell the good news. Because if we read the bible, our lord jesus christ tells to the apostle that they may go and preach the words of God.
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• United States
3 Aug 12
Preach , not bully right? I mean A Christian tells the non Christian about Jesus but isn't suppose to try to scare a person into joining. Or make it so you are a second class citizen if you are not a Christian?
@Sandra1952 (6047)
• Spain
20 Sep 12
I am a Christian myself, of the Methodist denomination, and we're a bit more pragmatic and a lot less judgemental than some Christians - who I have to say make me ashamed. If everyone concentrated on living a good life themselves, and leaving others to follow their hearts and their consciences, the world would be a much happeir place.
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• United States
22 Sep 12
I agree. It seems like many Christians seem to focus on the differences. And they Need to make others change so they are like them. It is so sad. You answered a question I have had for a while. I wondered how open-minded Christians felt about Bigoted Christians. I'm so sorry. To each his own. Thanks for your response.
@inertia4 (27961)
• United States
3 Aug 12
Well, I think that all these yahoo's are just kidding themselves. They are the evil ones if they want everyone to be just like them. That means to me that they hate everyone else. I find this to be sad in the 21st century. I cannot believe that these kinds of people still exist. Religion is a cult, an organized group. That equals danger. Religion is also corrupt. I am not a fan of these people. Whatever that statement means is all bull anyway. I bet it means nothing at all. It seems to be meant to confuse. They hate everyone that is not like them. Thats a fact. They definitely hate gay people, and thats sad. I live by my rules. No one has the right to influence me.
• United States
3 Aug 12
The Full Brooklyn effect! Hey Now!
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• United States
3 Aug 12
Wouldn't want you any other way!
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@inertia4 (27961)
• United States
3 Aug 12
Thats correct. Brooklyn has it's own language and thought process. Brooklyn in the house!!!
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@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
2 Aug 12
I don't remember any of the exact Scripture-citations; but it seems like G-d told all the prophets, 'If you don't save all the unsaved you come into contact with, you are condemned right-alongside them.' Granted, G-D probably only meant 'if you do not deliver to them the way of salvation (by open-invitation) ...'; but people only consider this message "received" when the heathen changes her life in accord with it.
• United States
3 Aug 12
oh My G-d! No wonder he is in a tither.He isn't going to convert everyone . He must feel doomed!
• United States
3 Aug 12
Sorry.I was talking about Cathy, the guy who thinks if he can fund more anti gay groups , everyone will be straight. So he is so busy trying to make Everyone his version of Christian when there are more than Just Christians in America. The only way he will be saved is if he moved to a remote island and only has Christians live with him. it is so sad that some think they Have to have another believe Exactly what they believe for it to be true! I have Never thought like that! I was a stubborn child . You say Black, I say white. I wouldn't argue too long , but I wouldn't change my mind either. I thought Cathy thought it was ok to be this homophobic but now he is seeing many , many people disagree. How does that saying go? " We Are Queer, We Are Here , Get Used to it." If I were gay , I think that is what I would wear on my shirt if I ever went to a chick Fil A! Thanks. I think I Finally understand why straight Christians are so upset by a gay non religious wedding! It is so sad, By being this rigid they are the ones who will disappear quicker than gay people!
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
3 Aug 12
Who is in a 'lather' (I assume that--or something like it ... a`twitter, maybe?)? Not G-d! He's just the same whether you're 'lounging in the clouds' or 'burning in the far-away land of fire-&-pointy-things!' Or are we talking about your friend again?... yeah, that's the boat ALL 'Evangelical Christians' are in (I'm not saying he 'goes to an Evangelical church,' but I think "Evangelism" is one of the practices of every church ... combing more livestock into the herd ); we're the cast-aways on a tiny island in the great big sea that's swarming with people floating on their leaky rafts (that are about the same size-&-shape-&-steadiness of our little island). What we don't wanna tell anyone is that our islands aren't really any sturdier than any other island, except our islands are each anchored to another island (that we think is anchored to another island, which is anchored to another island, to another island, to another island & so-on until the island which we're pretty sure is anchored to something steady like the outer core of the Earth or something ... I guess ) That's another reason we think we have to 'change your mind'---because the truth of faith-or-whatever isn't truth that's true whether you believe it or not; the truth I tell you is only truly true to me IF it's truly true to you ... which I only know if you work it into your life and/or -pass it on to others as 'truly true to you.'
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• Valdosta, Georgia
2 Aug 12
Honestly, I love God but I do not push it down anyone's throat either. If they don't have the same beliefs as I do, that's okay with me. They are still people with their own thoughts and opinions. What anyone else does is not affecting me personally. No we don't have to make people believe what we believe. It does not say that we will be punished if we don't. I have my beliefs, you have yours. I don't see the problem with this at all. Some people in my opinion just want everyone to be like them. People have to talk about other people and see their faults because that is easier than looking in the mirror at our own faults... Like I said in another discussion it's like an overweight person telling a smoker that is unhealthy for them...Um hello? Being overweight is not healthy either! You know? When we have no fault of our own that is when we can judge others, which won't ever happen so no one should be forcing anyone to believe what they want them to or judging anyone else for what they do.
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• United States
3 Aug 12
Thanks! that is what it is. He is so insecure , he needs Everyone to believe what he believes. He, the president of Chick Fil A, has the money to try to buy the power to make this happen. But... it isn't going to happen. that's makes sense! Thanks.
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
2 Aug 12
Ok, from your discussion I get that people IN GENERAL, not ALL people tend to think of God, the Source, Higher Power, Holy Spirit or whatever your name for it is, as a punishing God. Personally I believe that the Higher Power is a LOVING GOD and is not just waiting for us imperfect humans to do something "wrong" or against him so that we can all be punished or banished to hell. My belief is that God is not an ego-driven being who plays favourites, has temper tantrums, is filled with rage, punishing those who do not do his bidding. I believe that God is Love, Pure Love. Pure Love is not capable of any of the aforementioned actions. If you believe that God is a mean, rage-filled God who demands that we perform up to certain standards while on our human journey here on this earth, then you must beileve that ALL humans are going to hell as ALL humans are imperfect.
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• United States
3 Aug 12
I'm not going to say all , just me! If G-d is pure love then I'm definitely going to hell. In fact I have a first class ticket. See I like the idea of G-d having a temper and is vengeful. That way we have something in common. If He is All Loving Being , Sure He will love me but I will be worthless.Simply worthless in heaven!