Money Isn't an Issue....would you get Plastic Surgery?

@Jshean20 (14348)
August 2, 2012 1:11pm CST
As with anything else in life, people are held back for financial reasons. So, assuming that money is not an issue would you consider getting plastic surgery? Why or why not? I would have to say that I wouldn't, just because so many people look worse after plastic surgery in my opinion and for that reason it's not worth the risk. What do you think?
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8 responses
@oindy54 (3445)
• India
2 Aug 12
Hi, I might sound ridiculous when I give my reason for not wanting to get plastic surgery even if money is not an issue. The thing is that I am scared of the pain that would come with any surgery. I had a surgery for few years ago and I experienced a lot of pain and it took me time to get full relief from the pain as it stayed internally. The injections they had given in my hip area gave me pain which stayed over a year. I cannot fathom why this would happen but may be because the nurse did not rub the area well after giving those tough injections. Moreover I remember when they were removing the saline bottle from the hand, such a gush of blood came out. Unless it is for some serious cause, I just hope I would never have to face an operation again. I cannot stand blood at all and I also remember how scared I was when they took me to the operation theater. I think you would find all this ridiculous.
@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
2 Aug 12
I don't think this sounds ridiculous at all! We all have our own fears and reasons behind them, no need to try and justify it to others because they will not understand it unless they've experienced it. Thanks for your post.
@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
2 Aug 12
You're welcome, all true words by the way.
@oindy54 (3445)
• India
2 Aug 12
Thank you for your kind words.
2 Aug 12
I wouldnt for vanity reasons, however if say I had a bad scar or burn and they said plastic surgery would help i may think about that. Yes, i would love a slimmer body etc, but i dont tihnk i could take the pain. A lot of people do take it too far and have so much they start to look awfull, they dont seem to knw when to stop with it! I wouldnt want a boob job as such but would love a bit of a lift. I am very curious about botox too, but wouldnt do any of these procedures as i am very overweight and dont see the point trying to look better when I jsut look a but fat mess
@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
2 Aug 12
Don't say things like that about yourself or you'll become your own worst enemy! Look at some of the rich celebrities who have had plastic surgery, some of their faces look so tight. They look shocked all the time!
2 Aug 12
oh i agree, they go too far! THeir smiles frowns laughs and shocked looks are all the same, thier faces dont move and they look awfull. I wouldnt mind a few minor things like i say. I am trying to loose weight and would love the excess skin taken off when I am done, but i wont afford it and wont have it done as i couldnt bear the pain afterwards. the botox is more curiosity as i have alwys wanted plumper lips lol
@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
7 Aug 12
Plump lips are nice but if they are overdone they can look aweful, expressionless.
@youless (112922)
• Guangzhou, China
3 Aug 12
Even if I can have a free plastic surgery, I will not consider it at all. First, it is painful. Second, it is a surgery and therefore it is still risky. If the surgery fails, I will look ugly. It is not worthy to take a risk to have the plastic surgery. Third, I am fine with my look and it is no need to have the plastic surgery to change it. All I want is a facial treatment and that's all. I love China
@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
3 Aug 12
Not only do facial treatments make your skin look great, they are also so relaxing and make my skin tingle. Thanks for your input.
• United States
15 Aug 12
I would certainly get my nose done to get rid of the bump and outward curve that's really obvious in profile pictures, and possibly see what could be done about slimming and defining the tip because mine is pretty round. I've thought off and on about a chin augmentation but I don't like the idea of an implant being left inside my face even though it's said to be pretty safe. Plus, I hope changing my nose so that it was less prominent would make my chin appear stronger anyway, and I wouldn't feel having it done anymore. Now, I obviously disagree with a number of the people who've already posted. Having done research into plastic surgery, I believe that typically when one does their homework and gets a good surgeon then the surgery goes well and the results look great. I think plastic surgery has been demonized by a number of people and by the media and it's been painted as riskier and more likely to look worse than it really is. Not to say it isn't risky, it is. All surgery is risky. But lots of things in life carry a little bit of risk, and I just don't think the risks of plastic surgery deem it an unthinkable option. I've never liked my nose and while I can see myself perhaps coming to terms with it as a flaw I can't change, I can't see myself ever accepting it as a beautiful part of my face. If I have the means to change it, and currently I'm planning on acquiring the means to change it, then I will.
@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
15 Aug 12
I think if having a cosmetic procedure done would help a person feel more confident with themselves, then I would encourage it for sure. A lot of people in life are held back from persuing things because they are so uncomfortable with their appearance, it's sad. Thanks for commenting.
1 person likes this
• United States
17 Aug 12
Most people opt for cosmetic surgery in order to correct something in their appearance that has either made them self-conscious or highly uncomfortable in their own skin, or something they believe is making other people perceive them a way they don't want to be perceived (Such as a woman who gets mistaken for a man having a chin reduction, or a man mistaken for looking angry all the time getting a brow lift for a happier-looking idle expression). I just don't think it's a big deal if someone wants work done to change their appearance. It's expensive... but it's your face. Wouldn't you spend more money on looking better everyday than buying some big TV or car? At least, that's my reasoning. Your body is your vessel, the face you have is the one your present to the world. Why shouldn't you spend money on improving it if you see fit to do so? That's just my view on things.
@myfb2009 (8296)
• Malaysia
7 Aug 12
Shean, i wouldn't be interested to get any plastic surgery either. I would not want to risk my life by getting plastic surgery done in any area of my body. I prefer to have my usual body until the end of my life. I am satisfied with the way how i look now. I had heard the danger of having plastic surgery from many of my ex-colleagues and friends.
@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
7 Aug 12
I'm glad to hear that you are satisfied with how you look, a lot of people aren't happy with their appearance at all.
@natnickeep (2336)
• United States
2 Aug 12
I would much rather have my teeth fixed and health issues dealt with. People who get plastic surgery usually really don't need it. They could spend their money on much better things. I think I would pass on the offer. It's not worth the risk and I love myself the way I am imperfections and all. I would never want my two little girls to think that plastic surgery is going to change the beauty they have. So also because I would want to set a good example. Too many people depend on their image these days, and if all technology and media and everything was gone one day..image wouldn't get you very far.
@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
2 Aug 12
Good call on wanting to set a good example for the kids, your confidence shines through on your comments here so you should be proud. Thanks for commenting natnickeep.
• United States
2 Aug 12
Thank You! :) Beauty can only be truly on the inside.
• Philippines
2 Aug 12
If i have plenty of money i would rather keep it for vacation nor use it for future emergency. I disagree with plastic surgery but only for those special cases like what happened here in my country were there's a maid whose face was flattened by iron and it totally damaged her face so she really in need of plastic surgery, besides if our face is already normal even since birth then we must be thankful and be contented instead as to have a normal face feature and lets just think of the longer side effect of it that might reflect when they got old. Though i understand those model nor celebrities who need for perfect features but so be it at least they might have money to pay if they are getting any side effect.
@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
2 Aug 12
In extreme circumstances I can justify plastic surgery, especially if it makes the persons life better. Thanks for posting homeshoppers.
@paulli3 (312)
• China
3 Aug 12
no, i never get plastic surgery i think it is false and boring. if everyone will get plastic surgery, and everyone is handsome or beauty but everyone seems like one person, they all are good but they don't have own characters, it is terrible, and i think what my parents give me is the best, donfident people don't need any plastic surgery, they can get confidence, i really don't think plastic surgery is good for us
@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
3 Aug 12
All good points you've made here, thanks for your input and sending a positive message to us all!